
Lemnouar N. Security limitations of Shamir’s secret sharing. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography [Internet]. 2022 :1-13. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The security is so important for both storing and transmitting the digital data, the choice of parameters is critical for a security system, that is, a weak parameter will make the scheme very vulnerable to attacks, for example the use of supersingular curves or anomalous curves leads to weaknesses in elliptic curve cryptosystems, for RSA cryptosystem there are some attacks for low public exponent or small private exponent. In certain circumstances the secret sharing scheme is required to decentralize the risk. In the context of the security of secret sharing schemes, it is known that for the scheme of Shamir, an unqualified set of shares cannot leak any information about the secret. This paper aims to show that the well-known Shamir’s secret sharing is not always perfect and that the uniform randomization before sharing is insufficient to obtain a secure scheme. The second purpose of this paper is to give an explicit construction of weak polynomials for which the Shamir’s (kn) threshold scheme is insecure in the sense that there exist a fewer than k shares which can reconstruct the secret. Particular attention is given to the scheme whose threshold is less than or equal to 6. It also showed that for certain threshold k, the secret can be calculated by a pair of shares with the probability of 1/2. Finally, in order to address the mentioned vulnerabilities, several classes of polynomials should be avoided.

Benreguia B, Moumen H. Some Consistency Rules for Graph Matching. SN Computer Science [Internet]. 2022;3 :1-16. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Graph matching is a comparison process of two objects represented as graphs through finding a correspondence between vertices and edges. This process allows defining a similarity degree (or dissimilarity) between the graphs. Generally, graph matching is used for extracting, finding and retrieving any information or sub-information that can be represented by graphs. In this paper, a new consistency rule is proposed to tackle with various problems of graph matching. After, using the proposed rule as a necessary and sufficient condition for the graph isomorphism, we generalize it for subgraph isomorphism, homomorphism and for an example of inexact graph matching. To determine whether there is a matching or not, a backtracking algorithm called CRGI2 is presented who checks the consistency rule by exploring the overall search space. The tree-search is consolidated with a tree pruning technique that eliminates the unfruitful branches as early as possible. Experimental results show that our algorithm is efficient and applicable for a real case application in the information retrieval field. On the efficiency side, due to the ability of the proposed rule to eliminate as early as possible the incorrect solutions, our algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in the literature. For the application side, the algorithm has been successfully tested for querying a real dataset that contains a large set of e-mail messages.

Belbach A, Naït-Saïd M-S, Naït-Saïd N. System reconfiguration under open phase fault in a three-phase induction motor field-oriented controlled. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management [Internet]. 2022 :1-11. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The purpose of this paper is to present a system reconfiguration for a three-phase induction motor (IM) in the event of an open-phase (OP) fault. After the occurrence of the fault, the challenge is how to ensure a safe operation when the IM is only supplied by two phases. The star point of stator is used to reconfigure the IM supply, and a fault tolerant rotor field-oriented control (FT-RFOC) is implemented. Consequently, an equivalent mathematical two-phase model is firstly calculated based on the two available currents. Modifications on the conventional space vector modulation (SVM) algorithm are also introduced in order to control the reconfigured inverter. This system reconfiguration is applied to achieve a safe post-operating after the occurrence of the OP fault. The implemented tests confirm the proposal and prove its effectiveness to compensate for the fault effect.

Chebbah H, MENNOUNI ABDELAZIZ, Zennir K. Three methods to solve two classes of integral equations of the second kind. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática [Internet]. 2022;40 :1-8. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Three methods to solve two classes of integral equations of the second kind are introduced in

this paper. Firstly, two Kantorovich methods are proposed and examined to numerically solving an integral

equation appearing from mathematical modeling in biology. We use a sequence of orthogonal finite rank

projections. The first method is based on general grid projections. The second one is established by using

the shifted Legendre polynomials. We present a new convergence analysis results and we prove the associated

theorems. Secondly, a new Nystr¨om method is introduced for solving Fredholm integral equation of the second kind.

KADRI O, Benyahia A, Abdelhadi A. Tifinagh Handwriting Character Recognition Using a CNN Provided as a Web Service. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) [Internet]. 2022;12 :1-17. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Many cloud providers offer very high precision services to exploit Optical Character Recognition (OCR). However, there is no provider offers Tifinagh Optical Character Recognition (OCR) as Web Services. Several works have been proposed to build powerful Tifinagh OCR. Unfortunately, there is no one developed as a Web Service. In this paper, we present a new architecture of Tifinagh Handwriting Recognition as a web service based on a deep learning model via Google Colab. For the implementation of our proposal, we used the new version of the TensorFlow library and a very large database of Tifinagh characters composed of 60,000 images from the Mohammed Vth University in Rabat. Experimental results show that the TensorFlow library based on a Tensor processing unit constitutes a very promising framework for developing fast and very precise Tifinagh OCR web services. The results show that our method based on convolutional neural network outperforms existing methods based on support vector machines and extreme learning machine.

Hayi MY, Chouiref Z, Moumen H. Towards Intelligent Road Traffic Management Over a Weighted Large Graphs Hybrid Meta-Heuristic-Based Approach. Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT)Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT) [Internet]. 2022;24 (3) :1-18. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper introduces a new approach of hybrid meta-heuristics based optimization technique for decreasing the computation time of the shortest paths algorithm. The problem of finding the shortest paths is a combinatorial optimization problem which has been well studied from various fields. The number of vehicles on the road has increased incredibly. Therefore, traffic management has become a major problem. We study the traffic network in large scale routing problems as a field of application. The meta-heuristic we propose introduces new hybrid genetic algorithm named IOGA. The problem consists of finding the k optimal paths that minimizes a metric such as distance, time, etc. Testing was performed using an exact algorithm and meta-heuristic algorithm on random generated network instances. Experimental analyses demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed approach in terms of runtime and quality of the result. Empirical results obtained show that the proposed algorithm outperforms some of the existing technique in term of the optimal solution in every generation.

Boudra S, Yahiaoui I, Behloul A. Tree trunk texture classification using multi-scale statistical macro binary patterns and CNN. Applied Soft Computing [Internet]. 2022;118 :108473. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Automated plant classification using tree trunk has attracted increasing interest in the computer vision community as a contributed solution for the management of biodiversity. It is based on the description of the texture information of the bark surface. The multi-scale variants of the local binary patterns have achieved prominent performance in bark texture description. However, these approaches encode the scale levels of the macrostructure separately from each other. In this paper, a novel handcrafted texture descriptor termed multi-scale Statistical Macro Binary Patterns (ms-SMBP) is proposed to encode the characterizing macro pattern of different bark species. The proposed approach consists of defining a sampling scheme at high scale levels and summarizing the intensity distribution using statistical measures. The characterizing macro pattern is encoded by an in-depth gradient that describes the relationship between the scale levels and their adaptive statistical prototype. Besides this handcrafted feature descriptor, a learning-based description is performed with the ResNet34 model for bark classification. Extensive and comprehensive experiments on challenging and large-scale bark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of ms-SMBP to identify bark species and outperforming different multi-scale LBP approaches. The tree trunk classification with ResNet34 shows interesting results on a very large-scale dataset.

Hassen FS, KALLA M, DRIDI H. Using agent-based model and Game Theory to monitor and curb informal houses: A case study of Hassi Bahbah city in Algeria. Cities [Internet]. 2022;125 :103617. Publisher's VersionAbstract

According to a United Nations report, the proportion of the urban population living in informal houses worldwide had reached 23.5% in 2018, which means over 1 billion people have been living in slums, and an estimated 3 billion people will be requiring affordable housing by 2030. Slums are often linked to developing countries, where weak governance and misled socio-economic choices aggravate the situation and lead to continual conflict with the authorities. This research aims to model this conflict through Game Theory and shed the light on the different parameters that influence the decision-making process and finally propose a management model to limit the spread of this phenomenon as much as possible. This model will be applied in the city of Hassi Bahbah using ABM, the results of the game modeling allowed us to extract the delta threshold which will allow decision-makers to know when they have to make decisions. Our study aims to offer decision-makers a tool based on our model, allowing them to better manage and thus monitor the evolution of informal houses. The authors hope that the findings could provide means and insights for policies and strategic directions in land uses and planning systems.

Benaicha AC, Fourar A, Mansouri T, Fawaz M. Valorization of sediment extracted from the dam in construction works. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment [Internet]. 2022 :1-10. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Sedimentation of dam reservoirs is a complex problem with several dimensions, including filling rates and characteristics of accumulated sediments. Sediment supply from river basins is particularly high in this region because of its semi-arid climate and especially because of poor vegetation protection. The amount of silt accumulated annually since the construction of this dam is estimated at 330000 m3. This silt accumulation strongly limits its storage capacity and consequently its operating duration. The consequences of this serious problem have been catastrophic, including a considerable reduction of 43–84% of the storage capacity of the dams and a clear degradation of water quality that can cause the degradation of the ecosystem functioning and can lead to irreversible changes. The silt present in abundance in the Algerian dams can, thus, constitute a potential resource to be judiciously exploited towards the increase of the performances of the construction materials. The extraction of sediments accumulated in the dam reservoir is, therefore, imperative. These sediments have a great geotechnical value. The objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of the recovery of mud by studying the knowledge of the sediments of the dam of Koudiat Medouar. The results of the tests carried out in laboratory allowed us to identify the various sediments from a physical and geotechnical point of view. These materials must of course meet certain rigorous criteria in terms of mechanical strength and durability and environmental impact. The experimental approach that we adopted allowed us to determine the characteristics of the materials necessary for the realization of compressed earth bricks (BTC) in conformity with the recommendations of the technical guides of construction.

Amieur O, Zidani F. A Robust Voltage H∞ Controller in DG-Connected Inverter Based on Auto-Calibration of Adjustable Fractional Weights. PRZEGL ˛ AD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper a H∞ control technique addresses the voltage regulation in distributed generation (DG) system connected to power converter under harmonic disturbances. The DG control technique combines a discrete sliding mode control (DSMC) in the current control and a Robust Servomechanism Problem (RSP) in the voltage control. Besides, a fractional Order Proportional-Integral-Derivative (FOPID) controller synthesized with an automatic calibration of adjustable fractional weights is formulated in this work. For performance and high robustness requirements, the parameters of FOPID are optimized through solving a multiobjective optimization problematic based on the automatic calibration of the weighted-mixed sensitivity problem. Furthermore, for ensuring an adequate calibration of parameters, the Integral of Time Weighted Absolute Error (ITAE) criterion with Genetic Algorithm (GA) are used to achieve better voltage regulation. The simulation results show that it can achieve trade-off between nominal performance (NP) and robust stability (RS) margins for the constrained uncertain plants in the large range frequencies. Also, the results validate the effectiveness of the proposed control at which both low total harmonic distortion (THD) and low tracking error.

Baziz A, Chaib R, Aberkane S, Bougofa M, Djebabra MEBAREK, Mennai I. SARS-CoV-2 delta variant: A literature review. Baziz A et al. Batna J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022;9 :8-12 . Publisher's VersionAbstract

The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 is causing more health, economic and social issues worldwide. As of July 5, 2021, the world registered more than 184 million cases across 222 countries; more than 4 million have died from the deadly infection. The SARSCoV-2 continues spreading globally; new variants emerge randomly due to errors in the virus' gRNAs replication process. The present paper treats the new delta variant of concern, also known as B.1.617.2 lineage. The study highlights transmissibility, vaccine effectiveness, pathogenicity, and the likelihood of hospital admission related to delta variant infection based on a literature review of 10 indexed databases. The findings indicate high transmissibility of the B.1.617.2 lineage, approving it to be the dominant strain worldwide. Also, reduced vaccine effectiveness is confirmed. However, approved vaccines for emergency use remain valuable against COVID-19's delta variant. Finally, the risk of hospitalization seems to be twice in the case of delta variant infection. A combined approach of vaccination and nonpharmaceutical interventions is the leading way to contain the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19

Soltani O, BENABDELKADER SOUAD. Euclidean Distance Versus Manhattan Distance for New Representative SFA Skin Samples for Human Skin Segmentation. Traitement du Signal. 2021.Abstract

The human color skin image database called SFA, specifically designed to assist research in the area of face recognition, constitutes a very important means particularly for the challenging task of skin detection. It has showed high performances comparing to other existing databases. SFA database provides multiple skin and non-skin samples, which in various combinations with each other allow creating new samples that could be useful and more effective. This particular aspect will be investigated, in the present paper, by creating four new representative skin samples according to the four rules of minimum, maximum, mean and median. The obtained samples will be exploited for the purpose of skin segmentation on the basis of the well-known Euclidean and Manhattan distance metrics. Thereafter, performances of the new representative skin samples versus performances of those skin samples, originally provided by SFA, will be illustrated. Simulation results in both SFA and UTD (University of Texas at Dallas) color face databases indicate that detection rates higher than 92% can be achieved with either measure.

Tamma S, Kaouli N, Naoua M. Challenges Faced by Visually Impaired Students in Writing with Lack of Assistive Technology. The Journal of AsiaTEFL [Internet]. 2021;181 (1) :1-389. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This study highlights the significance of using AT to enhance the writing skills. Then, this accommodation would help SVI to meet their educational needs. Besides, this study shows the major barriers that hinder VI learners in writing when they lack AT devices.

Mohamadi A, Demdoum A, Bouaicha F, MENANI M-R. Evaluation of the quality of groundwater for its appropriateness for irrigation purposes using Water Quality Index (WQI), Mchira-Teleghma aquifer case study, northeastern Algeria. Sustainable Water Resources Management [Internet]. 2021;7. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The Mio-Plio-Quaternary groundwater of Mchira-Teleghma suffers from an increasing rate of salinity especially in the northwestern part. To identify the reason for the water’s salinity and its aptitude for irrigation, physico-chemical analyses of 20 water samples, which were based on the different physical and chemical parameters (electric conductivity EC, pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3, Cl, SO42−, NO3 and Sr2+), were carried out during the period of October 2015. This study showed disquieting anomalies of electric conductivity that reached the value of 4376.14 µS cm−1. The statistical analyses, the multivariate statistics: the principal component analysis, Q-mode cluster analyses, Sr2+/Ca2+ ratio and water type showed that the hydrochemistry of Mchira-Teleghma groundwater is controlled by the dissolution of carbonate rocks and the leaching of evaporite processes, which proved that these anomalies of the MPQ groundwater’s salinity of Mchira-Teleghma are mainly determined by the leaching of Triassic gypsum formations process. This hydrogeochemical process generates an unsuitable quality of water based on Wilcox’s and Water Quality Index’s methods, whereas Richard’s method classifies all water samples to C3S1 and C4S1 classes as they are recommended to be used with salt-tolerant species in well-drained and leached soils.

Seddik M-T, KADRI O, Bouarouguene C, Brahimi H. Detection of Flooding Attack on OBS Network Using Ant Colony Optimization and Machine Learning. Computación y Sistemas [Internet]. 2021;25 (2). Publisher's VersionAbstract

Optical burst switching (OBS) has become one of the best and widely used optical networking techniques. It offers more efficient bandwidth usage than optical packet switching (OPS) and optical circuit switching (OCS).However, it undergoes more attacks than other techniques and the Classical security approach cannot solve its security problem. Therefore, a new security approach based on machine learning and cloud computing is proposed in this article. We used the Google Colab platform to apply Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)to Burst Header Packet (BHP) flooding attack on Optical Burst Switching (OBS) Network Data Set.


This paper deals with the integration of a photovoltaic energy conversion system (PVECS) into a distribution network and cater for the energy needs of buildings. The main goals of this work are the reduction of the grid dependence, minimization of the energy cost and increasing the autonomy of the building’s energy. Two stages converters are used to ensure the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and to control the power flow. A fuzzy MPPT control is proposed to maintain the power of the Photovoltaic panel at its optimal value despite climatic condition variations and building’s load changes. The grid side inverter is controlled by hysteresis regulators to transfer the total produced energy, with the aim to partially or completely replace energy provided from the Grid. The DC link voltage is also stabilized in order to improve the energy quality. The complete PVECS system is modelled and simulated in Matlab/Simulink, the controllers used are simple to implement and the simulation results show that the building’s energy demand can be satisfied, and the energy exceed is injected into the grid. The results confirm the good effectiveness of the proposed control.

Fourar Y-O, Djebabra M, Benhassine W, Boubaker L. Contribution of PCA/K-means methods to the mixed assessment of patient safety culture. International Journal of Health Governance [Internet]. 2021;26 (2) :150-164. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Purpose The assessment of patient safety culture (PSC) is a major priority for healthcare providers. It is often realized using quantitative approaches (questionnaires) separately from qualitative ones (patient safety culture maturity model (PSCMM)). These approaches suffer from certain major limits. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to overcome these limits and to propose a novel approach to PSC assessment. Design/methodology/approach The proposed approach consists of evaluating PSC in a set of healthcare establishments (HEs) using the HSOPSC questionnaire. After that, principal component analysis (PCA) and K-means algorithm were applied on PSC dimensional scores in order to aggregate them into macro dimensions. The latter were used to overcome the limits of PSC dimensional assessment and to propose a quantitative PSCMM. Findings PSC dimensions are grouped into three macro dimensions. Their capitalization permits their association with safety actors related to PSC promotion. Consequently, a quantitative PSC maturity matrix was proposed. Problematic PSC dimensions for the studied HEs are “Non-punitive response to error”, “Staffing”, “Communication openness”. Their PSC maturity level was found underdeveloped due to a managerial style that favors a “blame culture”. Originality/value A combined quali-quantitative assessment framework for PSC was proposed in the present study as recommended by a number of researchers but, to the best of our knowledge, few or no studies were devoted to it. The results can be projected for improvement and accreditation purposes, where different PSC stakeholders can be implicated as suggested by international standards.
Boulagouas W, Garc{\'ıa-Herrero S, Chaib R, Herrera Garc{\'ıa S. On the contribution to the alignment during an organizational change: Measurement of job satisfaction with working conditions. Journal of Safety Research [Internet]. 2021;76. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Introduction: Modern approaches to Occupational Health and Safety have acknowledged the important contribution that continuous improvements to working conditions can make to the motivation of employees, their subsequent performance, and therefore to the competitiveness of the company. Despite this fact, organizational change initiatives represent a path less traveled by employees. Specialized literature has drawn on the fact that employees’ satisfaction presents both the foundation and catalyst for effective implementation of improvements to working conditions. Method: This paper conceptualizes the alignment of employees through measurement of job satisfaction and uses the Bayesian Network to assess the influence of human factors, particularly the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects. Toward this aim, the Bayesian Network is evaluated through a cross-validation process, and a sensitivity analysis is then conducted for each influential dimension: emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. Results: The results reveal that these three dimensions are interrelated and have a direct influence on job satisfaction and employees’ alignment during the organization change. Further, they suggest that the best strategy for enhanced alignment and smooth conduct of organizational changes is simultaneous enhancement of the three dimensions. Practical applications: This study shows the influence of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions on job satisfaction and employees’ alignment during the organizational change. Furthermore, it elaborates the way to develop efficient and effective strategies for a successful change implementation and sustained alignment.
Mohammed AS, Smail R. A decision loop for situation risk assessment under uncertainty: A case study of a gas facility. Petroleum [Internet]. 2021;7 (3) :343-348. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper presents a decision-making support system for situation risk assessment associated with critical alarms conditions in a gas facility. The system provides a human operator with advice on the confirmation and classification of occurred alarm. The input of the system comprises uncertain and incomplete information. In the light of uncertain and incomplete information, different uncertainties laws have been associated with the probabilistic assessment of the system loops which combine data of several sources to reach the ultimate classification. The implemented model used Observe-Orient-Decide-Act loop (OODA) combined with Bayesian networks. Results show that the system can classify the alarms system.
Chebira S, Bourmada N, Boughaba A, Djebabra M. Fault diagnosis of blowout preventer system using artificial neural networks: a comparative study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management [Internet]. 2021;38 (6) :1409-1424. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Purpose The increasing complexity of industrial systems is at the heart of the development of many fault diagnosis methods. The artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are part of these methods, are widely used in fault diagnosis due to their flexibility and diversification which makes them one of the most appropriate fault diagnosis methods. The purpose of this paper is to detect and locate in real time any parameter deviations that can affect the operation of the blowout preventer (BOP) system using ANNs. Design/methodology/approach The starting data are extracted from the tables of the HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability) method where the deviations of the parameters of normal BOP operating (pressure, flow, level and temperature) are associated with an initial rule base for establishing cause and effect of relationships between the causes of deviations and their consequences; these data are used as a database for the neural network. Three ANNs were used, the multi-layer perceptron network (MLPN), radial basis functions network (RBFN) and generalized regression neural networks (GRNN). These models were trained and tested, then, their comparative performances were presented. The respective performances of these models are highlighted following their application to the BOP system. Findings The performances of the models are evaluated using determination coefficient (R2), root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) statistics and time execution. The results of this study show that the RMSE, MAE and R2 values of the GRNN model are better than those corresponding to the RBFN and MLPN models. The GRNN model can be applied with better performance, to establish a diagnostic model that can detect and to identify the different causes of deviations in the parameters of the BOP system. Originality/value The performance of the trained network is found to be satisfactory for the real-time fault diagnosis. Therefore, future studies on modeling the BOP system with soft computing techniques can be concentrated on the ANNs. Consequently, with the use of these techniques, the performance of the BOP system can be ensured performing only a limited number of monitoring operations, thus saving engineering effort, time and funds.
