Publications by Year: 2017

Fatiha S. Caractérisation structurale et comortement magnétique des multicouches FM/AFM en fonction de la température. 2017.
Abdelhamid B. Cellules photovoltaïques : De la couche active au panneau solaire photovoltaïque. Journées portes ouvertes sur la Faculté des Sciences Exactes (JFSE 2017) [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Dans le présent document, nous nous intéressons aux cellules photovoltaïques en présentant un tour d'horizon sur ces dispositifs électroniques depuis la couche active, constituant le milieu absorbeur, jusqu'à leur association dans des modules pour fournir l'énergie requise par une installation. En premier lieu, nous donnons un bref survol des aspects généraux et du vocabulaire de base utilisés dans ce domaine, puis nous abordons le volet concernant les matériaux et la conversion photovoltaïques ainsi que les technologies retenues pour réaliser ces cellules. En second lieu, nous présentons les techniques de caractérisation utilisées pour contrôler la qualité des cellules réalisées ainsi que leur association en modules pour pouvoir générer des tensions et des courants utilisables en pratique. Pour finir, nous donnons quelques résultats récents et les prévisions d'une feuille de route proposée dans ce domaine

Chelgham M. ON CERTAIN INVARIANTS OF TRIVECTORS. Communications in Applied AnalysisCommunications in Applied Analysis. 2017;21 :595-606.Abstract
Let E be a n-dimensional vector space over a field k and ω a trivector of Λ3E. We can associate to the trivector ω several invariants either algebraic, arithmetic or geometric. In this paper we consider the following three invariants, the commutant C(ω), the complexity c(ω) and the automorphisms group Aut(ω). We show that there exists a vector space E and a trivector ω of Λ3E for which C(ω) is not a Frobenius algebra. We also show that the complexity c(ω) and the length l(ω) are equal. Finally, we prove the existence of a trivector ω such that Aut(ω) is not a FC-group.
Bouzekri A, BENMESSAOUD H. Change detection and spatial dynamics of forest degradation in the South East Aures, Algeria. BIOSCIENCE RESEARCHBIOSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2017;14 :214-223.
Chermime B, Abboudi A, Djebaili H, Brioua M. Characterisation of Mo–V–N Coatings Deposited on XC100 Substrate by Sputtering Cathodic Magnetron. Металлофизика и новейшие технологииМеталлофизика и новейшие технологии. 2017.
Chermime B, Abboudi A, Djebaili H, Brioua M. Characterisation of Mo–V–N Coatings Deposited on XC100 Substrate by Sputtering Cathodic Magnetron. Металлофизика и новейшие технологииМеталлофизика и новейшие технологии. 2017.
Abboudi A, Chermime B, Djebaili H, Brioua M. Characterization of the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of MoZrN Coating. Journal of Nano-and Electronic PhysicsJournal of Nano-and Electronic Physics. 2017;9 :1014-1.
Naima G, Bauza D, Mahamdi R. Characterizing Slow state Near Si-SiO2 in MOS structure. Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements [Internet]. 2017;193 (2). Publisher's VersionAbstract


Graphical abstract

The Equilibrium Voltage Step (EVS) technique has been used for extraction of depth and energy concentration profile of traps situated in the oxide of a lightly stressed metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure. This has been achieved up to the very near Si-SiO2 interface. The results are discussed and compared with those obtained using charge pumping (CP) technique. A good agreement is achieved between the trap densities extracted using the two methods even though differences in the shape of the profiles can be observed. The results also very well agree with those published previously using current deep level transient spectroscopy (C-DLTS).

Tilbi D, Seddik-Ameur N. Chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests for the generalized Rayleigh distribution. Journal of Statistical Theory and PracticeJournal of Statistical Theory and Practice. 2017;11 :594-603.
Ameghchouche A, Belkhir A, Tebbal S. Coinfections cryptosporidiose et candidose digestive. 3ème Journée nationale de Guelma sur le SIDA . 2017.
MENNOUNI ABDELAZIZ, Ramdani NE. Collocation method to solve second order Cauchy integro-differential equations. International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications. 2017 :307-312.
BOUDOUH A. Commande DTC de la GADA. 2017.
BICHA H. Commande vectorielle d’une machine asynchrone double étoile. 2017.
Sonia B. Comparaison des infections urinaires communautaires selon l’âge : étiologies et résistances aux antibiotiques. Première conférence Internationale d’Infectiologie d’Annaba (CIAA). 2017.
Retima F, BENHARZALLAH S, KAHLOUL L, KAZAR O. A Comparative Analysis of Context-Management Approaches for the Internet of Things. International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT). 2017;14.
AOUDIA I, BENHARZALLAH S, KAHLOUL L, Kazar O. A comparative analysis of IoT service composition approaches. The international arab conference on information Technology yassmine hammamet. 2017 :1-7.
Aziez M, BENHARZALLAH S, Bennoui H. A comparative analysis of service discovery approaches for the Internet of Things. International Research Journal of Electronics and Computer EngineeringInternational Research Journal of Electronics and Computer Engineering. 2017;3 :17-22.
Abdelghani D, Slimane O. Comparative Analysis of Two Op-Amp Topologies for a 40MS/s 8-bitPipelined ADC in 0.18μm CMOS Technology, ISSN / e-ISSN 1790-5052 / 2224-3488. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSINGWSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. 2017;Volume 13 :pp 83-89.Abstract
The performances of two full differential operational amplifiers (Op-Amps) telescopic and folded-cascode are evaluated to satisfy the stringent requirements on the amplifier to be used in a Multiplying Digital-to-Analog Converter (MDAC) stage of a pipelined ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter). The paper shows the solutions found to reach high gain, wide bandwidth and short settling time without degrading too much the output swing. The Op-Amp specifications are extracted according to the ADC requirements, then the two Op-Amp topologies are designed, tested and their performances are compared. Simulation results show that the Op-Amp folded-cascode topology is more suitable architecture for pipelined ADC than the telescopic one. Moreover, the use of this type of Op-Amp generates an Integral Non-Linearity (INL) error less than that of the telescopic one. The analyses and simulation results are obtained using 0.18 µm AMS (Austria Mikro System) CMOS process parameters with a power supply voltage of 1.8V. The predicted performance is verified by analysis and simulations using Cadence EDA simulator.
Hafdaoui H, Djamel B. Comparative Between (LiNbO3) and (LiTaO3) in Detecting Acoustics Microwaves (BAW) Using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). International Conference on Electronics and New Technologies. 2017.
Benmachiche AH, Tahrour F, Aissaoui F, Aksas M, Bougriou C. Comparison of thermal and hydraulic performances of eccentric and concentric annular-fins of heat exchanger tubes. Heat and Mass TransferHeat and Mass Transfer. 2017;53 :2461-2471.
