Publications by Year: 2021

Mansouri S, Klaa E. Épreuve de qualification des soudeurs selon la norme 9606-1-2013 Soudage par fusion des aciers. 1ères Journées Nationales des Sciences des Matériaux (JNSM2021), les 17 et 18 Novembre. 2021.
Ameddah H, Lounansa S, Mazouz H. Fatigue behavior study of the biodegradabe cardiovascular stent. 5th Tunisian Congress on Mechanics  COTUME 2020  Hammamet 22 au 24 Mars [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In recent years the development of health science to improve people’s lives and reduce the death rate from cardiovascular disease, researchers have invested in the solution of stents to treat cardiovascular disease. Usually a permanent implant (metal stent) is used to treat a temporary disease, effective on elastic recoil and negative remodeling, but promoting intimate proliferation. This is combated by an active stent, which nevertheless induces chronic inflammation and delayed healing (because of active drugs), with the risk of late thrombosis. The idea of resolution leads to the study of the behavior of temporary stent biodegradable and bioresorbable, once the healing process is completed. The purpose of this study is to reduce the disadvantages of metal stents, to do this; a biodegradable material (polylactic acid) is used. The fatigue behavior of a stent after its placement using geometric parameters selected from clinical cases (diastole and systole). A finite element numerical study in the field of biomaterial fatigue is proposed in order to investigate and understand the biodegradable behavior of the stent. The results of the numerical study show the predicted lifetime of the biodegradable fragrance.

Ameddah H, Selloum R, Brioua M. Inspection on a Three-Dimensional Measuring Machine for a Virtual Model for Additive Manufacturing, in International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Mechanics ; 2021 :138–143. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Today, and to quickly meet the high demands of variability, supply chain efficiency and energy optimization, business markets are looking for modern manufacturing technologies and as a solution, industry 4.0 is using the benefits of integrating modern manufacturing technologies and information systems to promote production capabilities. In this context, intelligent industry represents a new generation of automatic production systems based on the concepts of intelligent industry, intelligent manufacturing, control and intelligent inspection, such as inspection on coordinate measuring machines (CMMs). This technology allows many machines to be integrated into a plant and controlled online using the MBD (Model Based Design) quality system. The problem of conformity of parts with complex geometry is becoming more and more important. The objective of this work is to present a 3D inspection technique on a virtual model (MBD: Model Based Design), using a coordinate measuring machine equipped with a “POWER INSPECT” measurement and inspection software. The interest of this technique is to show the impact of the dimensional inspection and geometric tolerance process of the CAD model for the CAI (Computer aided Inspection) approach on the fidelity of the finished product for additive manufacturing (AM) including intelligent industry.
Ameddah H. Integrated Kinematic Machining Error Compensation for Impeller Rough Tool Paths Programming in a Step-Nc Format Using Neural Network Approach Prediction. In: Artificial Neural Network Applications in Business and Engineering. Vol. 7. ; 2021. pp. 144-170.Abstract
The most important components used in aerospace, ships, and automobiles are designed with free form surfaces. An impeller is one of the most important components that are difficult to machine because of its twisted blades. This research book is based on the premise that a STEP-NC program can document “generic” manufacturing information for an impeller. This way, a STEP-NC program can be made machine-independent and has an advantage over the conventional G-code-based NC program that is always generated for a specific CNC machine. Rough machining is recognized as the most crucial procedure influencing machining efficiency and is critical for the finishing process. The research work reported in this chapter focuses on introduces a fully STEP-compliant CNC by putting forward an interpolation algorithm for non uniform rational basic spline (NURBS) curve system for rough milling tool paths with an aim to solve the problems of kinematic errors solutions in five axis machine by neural network implementation.
Rebiai C. A new membrane finite element based on the strain Formulation for the analysis of 2-D structures. International Asian Congress on Contemporary Sciences-v June 1-2,. 2021.
Rebiai C, and Bahloul E. A new strain based membrane element for dynamic elastoplastic analysis. SÉMINAIRE INTERNATIONAL SUR L’INDUSTRIE ET LA TECHNOLOGIE en ligne (webinaire), organisé par Algerian Journal of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism le 12 et 13 Mars. 2021.
Rebiai C, Saidani N, Bahloul E. NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION IN ELASTOPLASTIC DYNAMIC PROBLEMS BY STRAIN BASED APPROACH. Symposium on Scientific Research- 3 October 29-30,. 2021.
Bouakkar L, Ameddah H, Mazouz H. A Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Approach for Finding Reliability in a Total Hip Prosthesis. In: Artificial Neural Network Applications in Business and Engineering. Vol. 10. ; 2021. pp. 222-242.Abstract
Nowadays, we assist the global extension of reliability optimization problems from the design phase of systems and sub-systems to the design and operational phases, not only of systems and sub-systems, but also of bio functionality design. This chapter investigates the relative performances of particle swarm optimization (PSO) variants when used to find reliability in the total hip prosthesis by finding the maximization of jumping distance (JD) to avoid dislocation and the minimization of system’s stability to offer mobility. Statistical analysis of different cases of head diameters of 22, 28, 36, 40 mm has been conducted to survey the convergence and relative performances of the main PSO variants when applied to solve reliability in the total hip prosthesis.
Khalid F, Manaa R, Saad S, Ameddah H. A Study of the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of a Gas Turbine Blade in Composite Materials Reinforced with Mast. Revue des Composites et des Matériaux Avancés [Internet]. 2021;31 (2) :101-108. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The turbine blades are subjected to high operating temperatures and high centrifugal tensile stress due to rotational speeds. The maximum temperature at the inlet of the turbine is currently limited by the resistance of the materials used for the blades. The present paper is focused on the thermo-mechanical behavior of the blade in composite materials with reinforced mast under two different types of loading. The material studied in this work is a composite material, the selected matrix is a technical ceramic which is alumina (aluminum oxide Al2O3) and the reinforcement is carried out by short fibers of high modulus carbon to optimize a percentage of 40% carbon and 60% of ceramics. The simulation was performed numerically by Ansys (Workbench 16.0) software. The comparative analysis was conducted to determine displacements, strains and Von Mises stress of composite material and then compared to other materials such as Titanium Alloy, Stainless Steel Alloy, and Aluminum 2024 Alloy. The results were compared in order to select the material with the best performance in terms of rigidity under thermomechanical stresses. While comparing these materials, it is found that composite material is better suited for high temperature applications. On evaluating the graphs drawn for, strains and displacements, the blade in composite materials reinforced with mast is considered as optimum.
Hanini A, Houla Y, DJAIZ F, Chairat I, Boughdiri M, Maamri R, Zagrarni M-F. Characterization of Cenomanian-Turonian oxic facies in Tunisia: sequence stratigraphy and correlation of recorded bioevents. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2021;14.Abstract
On the southwestern Tethyan Margin of Tunisia, the well-known anoxic black shale facies of the Cenomanian-Turonian transition contrasts with oxic fossiliferous carbonates, first characterized here as lateral equivalents. In terms of sequence stratigraphy, the analysis of four wisely sampled sections in Central and Southern Tunisia led to interpret these deposits as a transgressive interval (TST). This interval spans the Whiteinella archaeocretacea Zone of foraminifera and is capped with a glauconite-rich highly bioturbated maximum flooding surface (MFS). In the reference section of Oued Bahloul and the Kalaat Senan area of North-Central Tunisia, these deposits overlay a Shelf Margin Wedge made of conglomeratic and bioclastic limestones. In South-Central and Southern Tunisia, the TST is characterized by the onset of oxic facies relaying laminated carbonates with local emergence surfaces. The analysis of both oxic and anoxic facies from the Cenomanian-Turonian transition allows identifying five successive bioevent markers, known elsewhere within the Tethyan domain: the extinction of the foraminifera genus Rotalipora (or Thomasinella), the Heterohelix shift, the Whiteinella proliferation, the filament event, and the appearance of Helvetotruncana helvetica. Among these bioevents, the Heterohelix shift coincides with the transgressive surface, while the filament event announces the maximal flooding surface. These Cenomanian-Turonian transition bioevents are of a particular relevance for regional and long-distance high-resolution correlations.
Harizi K, MENANI MR, Chabour N, Labar S. Initial assessment of the groundwater flow and budget using Geographic Information System, MODFLOW-2005 and the FREEWAT modeling tool in Bouteldja coastal aquifer (Northern East of Algeria). Italian Journal of Groundwater ACQUE SOTTERRANEE [Internet]. 2021;10 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract
The Bouteldja coastal aquifer is one of the most important groundwater resources in North eastern of Algeria. The region is under a sub-humid climate with an average rainfall of 600-880 mm/y. The unconfined aquifer is constituted of Quaternary sands formations. The hydrogeological characteristics were determined based on previous reports. A very important inflow recharges the sandy aquifer in the Southeastern boundary, in relation to a fault network system linking the aquifer and the Obeira Lake area. Another inflow is observed at the Southern boundary in relation to the exchanges with the alluvial aquifer of Bouteldja. The purpose of the present study is to provide an initial assessment of the groundwater flow and water budget of this aquifer. To achieve this goal, a one-layer groundwater flow numerical model was developed using the MODFLOW-2005 code and the FREEWAT software, using the available data. The model was run in steady state conditions. Calibration was achieved using the piezometric measurements of May 2018 as calibration target. After several trials of manual calibrations, the model successfully simulated the groundwater flows directions and heads. Calibration efforts lead to an acceptable concordance (for the purpose of this study) between the estimated and calculated hydraulic conductivity and piezometric heads, except at the Eastern border. The analyses of the simulated inflow budget shows that aside the rainfall infiltration, exchanges with surface water bodies, the adjoining alluvial aquifer and the fault system provide a relevant amount of water. This significant recharge needs additional investigations. This numerical modeling exercise using MODFLOW, the FREEWAT software and GIS reached the objective of a preliminary description of the groundwater flow and it represents an acceptable starting point for more thorough hydrodynamic characterization of the Bouteldja coastal aquifer.
Defaflia N, Djaiz F, Fehdi C. paleoenvironmental study of oum ali region(tébessa, algeria) during quaternary, through the study of fluvial terrace of khenigue wadi. ACTA GEOBALCANICA [Internet]. 2021;7 (4) :151-157. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Stratigraphic, sedimentological and magnetic study was performed on alluvial terraces, rich in archaeological tools, the region of OUM ALI, in north-eastern Algeria. The sedimentological points of view, the sediments are dominated by the sand fraction followed by the silt fraction; moderate concentrations of CaCO3 are the result of the dissolution of the surrounding limestone reliefs (Maastrichtian limestone). The morphoscopic observation of quartz grains with a dissecting microscope allows us to offer more or less significant changes, since they are often dull or sub-blunted. The results of the magnetic survey are consistent with those of the sedimentological study. The values of magnetic susceptibility are strong in the middle part of the stratigraphic section (just above the archaeological level) and decrease slightly at the top. Lower values are stored in the lower part. The dependence of frequency values of magnetic susceptibility (fd) are strong throughout the stratigraphic section and show the presence of a mixture of single-domain grain size (R), pseudo-single domain (PMD) and superparamagnetic (SP) (with a predominance of SP grains). The high concentration of SP grain size reveals the presence of significant soil formation during the implementation of the sediment
Boumaiza L, Chesnaux R, Drias T, Walter J, Stumpp C. Using vadose-zone water stable isotope profiles for assessing groundwater recharge under different climatic conditions. Hydrological Sciences Journal [Internet]. 2021;66 (10). Publisher's VersionAbstract
Considering three sites under different climate conditions (arid, semi-arid, and subhumid), this study aims to use the vadose-zone water stable isotope profiles to estimate the groundwater recharge rate. High-resolution vertical subsurface soil sampling along the vadose zone of the investigated sites was conducted. The collected samples were analysed to determine their stable isotope ratios (δ2H and δ18O) that were used along with the piston displacement method to estimate recharge. Annual recharge rates of 0.2% (± 0.1%), 2.5%, and 18% of the total annual precipitation were obtained for the arid, semi-arid, and subhumid sites, respectively. Recharge rates at the semi-arid and subhumid sites are comparable to those previously estimated using water balance-based methods. The recharge rate at the arid site is lower than that previously estimated for that site using the water budget-based method, revealing difficulties in applying the piston displacement method under an arid regime.

The authorities of Constantine city have been working on the redevelopment and calibration of the Rhumel and Boumerzoug wadis since 2015. The latter calebrage works caused great damage to the banks, thus affecting the Quaternary geological formations in place (alluvial terraces, flood plains). A multidisciplinary research project based on a geomorphological and sedimentological approach was quickly set up to create a scientific data base before their total destruction and loss of physical traces all along the wadis. The present study focuses on the sedimentological and geochemical analysis of the alluvial deposits of Boumerzoug wadi in order to describe the sediments, to reconstitute their nature, and to interpret both the climatic evolution and the paleo-environments of the region. Sedimentological and geochemical results confirm the succession of deposition cycles linked to progressive climate change.

Melkemi O, Saibi K, Mokhtari Z. Weighted variable Hardy spaces on domains. Advances in Operator Theory [Internet]. 2021;6 (56). Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this paper, we introduce and study the weighted variable Hardy space ondomains. We prove the atomic decompositions of this space, and as application, wefigure out its dual space.
Amina H, Maissa K. Maximization of the Stability Radius of an Infinite Dimensional System Subjected to Stochastic Unbounded Structured Multi-perturbations With Unbounded Input Operator, in International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics (ICRAMI), 21-22 Sept. Tebessa, Algeria ; 2021 :1-5. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper we consider infinite dimensional systems subjected to stochastic structured multiperturbations. We address the problem of robustness optimization with respect to state feedback but allow both unbounded input and perturbations. Conditions are derived for the existence of a stabilizing controller ensuring that the norm of the closed loop operator below a prespecified bound. Such controllers will be called suboptimal controllers. The suboptimality conditions are obtained in terms of a Riccati equation which satisfies an operator inequality. Finally, we give a lower bound for the supremal achievable stability radius via the Riccati equation.

Amira K, MAISSSA KADA. Robust Stabilization of Infinite Dimensional Systems Subjected to Stochastic and Deterministic Perturbations, in 2021 International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics (ICRAMI). Tebessa, Algeria ; 2021 :1-4. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper deals with the robust stabilization of infinite dimensional systems subjected to stochastic and deterministic perturbations. First, we give conditions providing the stability of the parameterized system. Then, we investigate the maximization of the stability radius by state feedback. We establish conditions for the existence of suboptimal controllers. Using these conditions we characterize the supreme achievable stability radius via an infinite dimensional Riccati equation.

Boussaad L, BOUCETTA ALDJIA. Stacked Auto-Encoders Based Biometrics Recognition, in International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics (ICRAMI). Tebessa, Algeria ; 2021 :1-6. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Recently deep learning has shown significant achievement in the performance of many tasks, like natural language processing, image and speech recognition. Also, this improvement concerns multiple biometrics recognition systems. In this work, we focus on biometrics recognition, we present a stacked auto-encoder-based approach for various biometrics recognition, including Iris, Ear, palm-print, and face recognition. The proposed method allows training a neural network that includes two hidden layers for biometrics tasks. It runs in two steps, in the first one, each layer is trained individually in an unsupervised manner by auto-encoders, then the layers are stacked and trained in a supervised way. Experimental results on images, obtained from publicly available biometrics databases clearly demonstrate the benefit of using stacked auto-encoders as feature extraction and dimension reduction tools for biometrics recognition, as significant high accuracy rates are obtained over the four databases.

Mekaoussi A, Titaouine M. Simulation Of The Structure FSS Using The WCIP Method For Dual Polarization Applications, in International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics (ICRAMI). Tebessa, Algeria ; 2021 :1-6. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this work, we studied an L-shaped frequency selective surface (FSS) by a method called Wave Concept Iterative Procedure (WCIP), this method developed from the Modal Fast Transformation (FMT) is based on the cross- formulation. wave and the solution obtained by an iterative procedure does not use the matrix to ensure convergence and the procedure is stopped when it arrives at convergence, for this geometry the results of a single resonance obtained by the WCIP method have a resonant frequency of 5.35 GHz with a band bandwidth of 2.3 GHz, when the structure is excited in the X direction, a frequency at 10.35 GHz with a bandwidth of 0.44 GHz when the structure is excited in the Y direction. The simulation of the results obtained by the WCIP method is compared with the results of the software HFSS 13.0 (High Frequency Structure Simulator), we find a good agreement.

Mawloud T. Amélioration du processus de capitalisation et de partage des connaissances pour la maximisation de la valeur d’un système de production. Génie Industriel [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à un modèle de gestion des connaissances des entreprises industrielles. Certaines tâches manufacturières impliquent un niveau élevé de connaissance tacite des opérateurs qualifiés. L'industrie a besoin des méthodes fiables pour la capture et l'analyse de ces connaissances tacites afin qu'elles puissent être partagées et sans aucune perte. Nous proposons, un modèle de gestion contenant deux processus de gestion, le premier processus est la capitalisation des connaissances basée sur une tâche industrielle. Nous avons utilisé une combinaison de deux méthodologies : une méthodologie d’ingénierie de connaissances CommonKADS et une méthodologie d’élicitation des connaissances MACTAK. Dans la phase de modélisation, nous avons utilisé deux différentes techniques de modélisation, une modélisation basée sur les connaissances d’expert et la deuxième une représentation ontologique. Ce modèle facilite la capture des connaissances d’experts et transforme les connaissances tacites en explicites avec une maximisation des règles de production. Le deuxième processus concerne le partage des connaissances à base d’une ontologie des Tâches Manufacturières MATO en identifiant un ensemble des concepts de fabrication et leurs relations, cette ontologie proposée facilite le partage des connaissances entre les tâches de fabrication et aide à partager et à réutiliser les connaissances durant l'exécution des tâches. Ensuite, une application proposée pour le diagnostic de système d’alarme dans une centrale thermique a été présentée pour démontrer l’importance et l’apport de l’ontologie.
