Stability lobes prediction in high speed milling , ISSN 2067–3604


Cherifa AZOUI, Brahim BENMOHAMMED. Stability lobes prediction in high speed milling , ISSN 2067–3604. International Journal of Modern Manufacturing TechnologiesInternational Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies. 2018;Vol. X :pp 37-42.

Date Published:



Different techniques are used to obtain approximate solutions for delayed functional differential equations (RFDEs). All these models used the so-called stability lobe diagrams, to choose the maximum axial depth of cut for a given spindle speed associated with a free chatter in machining. In this research paper, the ZOA (Zeroth Order Approximation) and SD (Semi Discretization) methods are explained, developed and used to obtain the stability lobe diagrams for a milling cutting system with two degree of freedom, in high speed machining case.