Djaiz F, Nabil D, Ali ATHAMENA.
Caractérisation géologique et apport de ressources hydriques dans le bassin d'Ain Djasser (Sud-Sétifien, Algérie NE). International Journal of Environment & Water [Internet]. 2019;8 (3 ).
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Le bassin d’Ain Djasser fait partie de l’ensemble Sud plaine inter- montagneuse appartenant au bassin des hauts plateaux caractérisé par un climat de type méditerranéen. L’hydrologie tributaire du relief est la conséquence directe des eaux d montre un domaine allochtone résultant d’une h atlasique et alpine. Ce dernier est caractérisé par des séries sédimentaires carbonatées colmaté par d'abondantes formations terrigènes. L’alimentation de l’eau souterraine des différentes nappes profondes à semi essentiellement de l’infiltration des eaux captive, par endroit recoupée par des forages à des profondeurs de 178 débit moyen de 15 l/s. L’interprétation des coupes géoélectriques du bassin montrent, (i) des formation du mio-plio-quaternaire de quelques dizaines de mètres qui forment un bon aquifère superficiel, (ii) des calcaires fissur variables est un aquifère captif. L’influence une éventuelle alimentation des aquifères entres eux. L’analyse litho le substratum et la couverture sédimentaire ne présentent pas de grandes variations latérale contre, nous observons au niveau des sondages une variation dans l’épaisseur et la lithologie des couches, essentiellement au niveau de la formation du remplissage L’objectif de cette étude réside pour l’essentiel, dans la mobilisation des r superficielles et souterraine pour leurs exploitations dans les domaines agricoles et vue d’une utilisation rationnelle et planifiée de cet élément vital qu’est l’eau.
Djaiz F, Nabil D, Ali ATHAMENA.
Caractérisation géologique et apport de ressources hydriques dans le bassin d'Ain Djasser (Sud-Sétifien, Algérie NE). International Journal of Environment & Water [Internet]. 2019;8 (3 ).
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Le bassin d’Ain Djasser fait partie de l’ensemble Sud plaine inter- montagneuse appartenant au bassin des hauts plateaux caractérisé par un climat de type méditerranéen. L’hydrologie tributaire du relief est la conséquence directe des eaux d montre un domaine allochtone résultant d’une h atlasique et alpine. Ce dernier est caractérisé par des séries sédimentaires carbonatées colmaté par d'abondantes formations terrigènes. L’alimentation de l’eau souterraine des différentes nappes profondes à semi essentiellement de l’infiltration des eaux captive, par endroit recoupée par des forages à des profondeurs de 178 débit moyen de 15 l/s. L’interprétation des coupes géoélectriques du bassin montrent, (i) des formation du mio-plio-quaternaire de quelques dizaines de mètres qui forment un bon aquifère superficiel, (ii) des calcaires fissur variables est un aquifère captif. L’influence une éventuelle alimentation des aquifères entres eux. L’analyse litho le substratum et la couverture sédimentaire ne présentent pas de grandes variations latérale contre, nous observons au niveau des sondages une variation dans l’épaisseur et la lithologie des couches, essentiellement au niveau de la formation du remplissage L’objectif de cette étude réside pour l’essentiel, dans la mobilisation des r superficielles et souterraine pour leurs exploitations dans les domaines agricoles et vue d’une utilisation rationnelle et planifiée de cet élément vital qu’est l’eau.
Djaiz F, Nabil D, Ali ATHAMENA.
Caractérisation géologique et apport de ressources hydriques dans le bassin d'Ain Djasser (Sud-Sétifien, Algérie NE). International Journal of Environment & Water [Internet]. 2019;8 (3 ).
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Le bassin d’Ain Djasser fait partie de l’ensemble Sud plaine inter- montagneuse appartenant au bassin des hauts plateaux caractérisé par un climat de type méditerranéen. L’hydrologie tributaire du relief est la conséquence directe des eaux d montre un domaine allochtone résultant d’une h atlasique et alpine. Ce dernier est caractérisé par des séries sédimentaires carbonatées colmaté par d'abondantes formations terrigènes. L’alimentation de l’eau souterraine des différentes nappes profondes à semi essentiellement de l’infiltration des eaux captive, par endroit recoupée par des forages à des profondeurs de 178 débit moyen de 15 l/s. L’interprétation des coupes géoélectriques du bassin montrent, (i) des formation du mio-plio-quaternaire de quelques dizaines de mètres qui forment un bon aquifère superficiel, (ii) des calcaires fissur variables est un aquifère captif. L’influence une éventuelle alimentation des aquifères entres eux. L’analyse litho le substratum et la couverture sédimentaire ne présentent pas de grandes variations latérale contre, nous observons au niveau des sondages une variation dans l’épaisseur et la lithologie des couches, essentiellement au niveau de la formation du remplissage L’objectif de cette étude réside pour l’essentiel, dans la mobilisation des r superficielles et souterraine pour leurs exploitations dans les domaines agricoles et vue d’une utilisation rationnelle et planifiée de cet élément vital qu’est l’eau.
Neffar F, Rouahna L, Kerris T, Meradsi F.
Characterization of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758)(Lepidoptera Lymantriidae) eggs in Cork oak forests of the Kabylie region (Jijel-Algeria). Biodiversity Journa [Internet]. 2019;10 (4) :569–576.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Algerian oak forests, extending over the entire northern littoral region, are attacked episodically by many defoliating Lepidoptera, of which Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera Limantriidae) is the most widespread. In our study we aim to highlight the action of the changes of trophic factors on the dynamics of the population of Lymantria dispar through field inventory methods. Namely: the eggs counting by the line-transect method, picking of the eggs, control of eggs quality. Carried out on two stations in the Kabylie region (Jijel), in the forest of Béni Ider El M’sid (Taher) and that of the Ouled Djendjen Canton Boudouda (Texanna). The obtained results show that Texanna station is distinguished by a very high non-viable egg rate compared to Taher station, this is caused by the difference between the phenology of Lymantria dispar and the host tree which is affected in its foliage by various factors whose altitude is one of these factors
Neffar F, Rouahna L, Kerris T, Meradsi F.
Characterization of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758)(Lepidoptera Lymantriidae) eggs in Cork oak forests of the Kabylie region (Jijel-Algeria). Biodiversity Journa [Internet]. 2019;10 (4) :569–576.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Algerian oak forests, extending over the entire northern littoral region, are attacked episodically by many defoliating Lepidoptera, of which Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera Limantriidae) is the most widespread. In our study we aim to highlight the action of the changes of trophic factors on the dynamics of the population of Lymantria dispar through field inventory methods. Namely: the eggs counting by the line-transect method, picking of the eggs, control of eggs quality. Carried out on two stations in the Kabylie region (Jijel), in the forest of Béni Ider El M’sid (Taher) and that of the Ouled Djendjen Canton Boudouda (Texanna). The obtained results show that Texanna station is distinguished by a very high non-viable egg rate compared to Taher station, this is caused by the difference between the phenology of Lymantria dispar and the host tree which is affected in its foliage by various factors whose altitude is one of these factors
Neffar F, Rouahna L, Kerris T, Meradsi F.
Characterization of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758)(Lepidoptera Lymantriidae) eggs in Cork oak forests of the Kabylie region (Jijel-Algeria). Biodiversity Journa [Internet]. 2019;10 (4) :569–576.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Algerian oak forests, extending over the entire northern littoral region, are attacked episodically by many defoliating Lepidoptera, of which Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera Limantriidae) is the most widespread. In our study we aim to highlight the action of the changes of trophic factors on the dynamics of the population of Lymantria dispar through field inventory methods. Namely: the eggs counting by the line-transect method, picking of the eggs, control of eggs quality. Carried out on two stations in the Kabylie region (Jijel), in the forest of Béni Ider El M’sid (Taher) and that of the Ouled Djendjen Canton Boudouda (Texanna). The obtained results show that Texanna station is distinguished by a very high non-viable egg rate compared to Taher station, this is caused by the difference between the phenology of Lymantria dispar and the host tree which is affected in its foliage by various factors whose altitude is one of these factors
Neffar F, Rouahna L, Kerris T, Meradsi F.
Characterization of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758)(Lepidoptera Lymantriidae) eggs in Cork oak forests of the Kabylie region (Jijel-Algeria). Biodiversity Journa [Internet]. 2019;10 (4) :569–576.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Algerian oak forests, extending over the entire northern littoral region, are attacked episodically by many defoliating Lepidoptera, of which Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera Limantriidae) is the most widespread. In our study we aim to highlight the action of the changes of trophic factors on the dynamics of the population of Lymantria dispar through field inventory methods. Namely: the eggs counting by the line-transect method, picking of the eggs, control of eggs quality. Carried out on two stations in the Kabylie region (Jijel), in the forest of Béni Ider El M’sid (Taher) and that of the Ouled Djendjen Canton Boudouda (Texanna). The obtained results show that Texanna station is distinguished by a very high non-viable egg rate compared to Taher station, this is caused by the difference between the phenology of Lymantria dispar and the host tree which is affected in its foliage by various factors whose altitude is one of these factors
Siabdallah N, Ferhat R, Lahbari M, Fahloul D.
Convective Solar Drying of Spinach Leaves (Spinacia oleracea). MOJ Food Processing & Technology [Internet]. 2019;7 (1).
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The drying on of the means is usually used which allows the conservation of the food products by lowering of the activity of water. This paper presents the results of an experimental spinach (Spinacia oleracea) drying study in a new solar dryer. It is an indirect solar dryer with forced convection was developed and improved at the Food Science laboratory. Drying spinach leaves to a final moisture content of 2% from 93.2% (wet basis), with an air-drying speed equal to 1m/s. This study made it possible to determine the drying kinetics of spinach leaves, the evolution of the temperature profile and the influence of drying air recycling (0, 50 and 90%) on drying time. The curves of drying obtained show that the drying rate increased marginally with the increase in fraction of air recycled. It is reduced 3 to 4 hours, by increasing the fraction air recycled from 50 to 90 % respectively, with a significant profit of thermal energy. The drying temperature is higher and stable in the drying chamber of the order of 55 to 65°C (90% air recycled).
Siabdallah N, Ferhat R, Lahbari M, Fahloul D.
Convective Solar Drying of Spinach Leaves (Spinacia oleracea). MOJ Food Processing & Technology [Internet]. 2019;7 (1).
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The drying on of the means is usually used which allows the conservation of the food products by lowering of the activity of water. This paper presents the results of an experimental spinach (Spinacia oleracea) drying study in a new solar dryer. It is an indirect solar dryer with forced convection was developed and improved at the Food Science laboratory. Drying spinach leaves to a final moisture content of 2% from 93.2% (wet basis), with an air-drying speed equal to 1m/s. This study made it possible to determine the drying kinetics of spinach leaves, the evolution of the temperature profile and the influence of drying air recycling (0, 50 and 90%) on drying time. The curves of drying obtained show that the drying rate increased marginally with the increase in fraction of air recycled. It is reduced 3 to 4 hours, by increasing the fraction air recycled from 50 to 90 % respectively, with a significant profit of thermal energy. The drying temperature is higher and stable in the drying chamber of the order of 55 to 65°C (90% air recycled).
Siabdallah N, Ferhat R, Lahbari M, Fahloul D.
Convective Solar Drying of Spinach Leaves (Spinacia oleracea). MOJ Food Processing & Technology [Internet]. 2019;7 (1).
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The drying on of the means is usually used which allows the conservation of the food products by lowering of the activity of water. This paper presents the results of an experimental spinach (Spinacia oleracea) drying study in a new solar dryer. It is an indirect solar dryer with forced convection was developed and improved at the Food Science laboratory. Drying spinach leaves to a final moisture content of 2% from 93.2% (wet basis), with an air-drying speed equal to 1m/s. This study made it possible to determine the drying kinetics of spinach leaves, the evolution of the temperature profile and the influence of drying air recycling (0, 50 and 90%) on drying time. The curves of drying obtained show that the drying rate increased marginally with the increase in fraction of air recycled. It is reduced 3 to 4 hours, by increasing the fraction air recycled from 50 to 90 % respectively, with a significant profit of thermal energy. The drying temperature is higher and stable in the drying chamber of the order of 55 to 65°C (90% air recycled).
Siabdallah N, Ferhat R, Lahbari M, Fahloul D.
Convective Solar Drying of Spinach Leaves (Spinacia oleracea). MOJ Food Processing & Technology [Internet]. 2019;7 (1).
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The drying on of the means is usually used which allows the conservation of the food products by lowering of the activity of water. This paper presents the results of an experimental spinach (Spinacia oleracea) drying study in a new solar dryer. It is an indirect solar dryer with forced convection was developed and improved at the Food Science laboratory. Drying spinach leaves to a final moisture content of 2% from 93.2% (wet basis), with an air-drying speed equal to 1m/s. This study made it possible to determine the drying kinetics of spinach leaves, the evolution of the temperature profile and the influence of drying air recycling (0, 50 and 90%) on drying time. The curves of drying obtained show that the drying rate increased marginally with the increase in fraction of air recycled. It is reduced 3 to 4 hours, by increasing the fraction air recycled from 50 to 90 % respectively, with a significant profit of thermal energy. The drying temperature is higher and stable in the drying chamber of the order of 55 to 65°C (90% air recycled).
Didactisation du texte littéraire dans la formation des enseignants: de l’instrumentalisation à de nouvelles approches pédagogiques. Revue Roumaine d’Études Francophones . 2019.
La présente étude vise à étudier le codage des pratiques linguistiques des jeunes issus de l'immigration algérienne en France. Notre objectif est de comprendre comment ces jeunes revendiquent leur appartenance socioculturelle et identitaire à travers l'utilisation du code-switching ? Comment la pratique du code-switching explique-t-elle leur double identité et leur identité socioculturelle ? Pour ce faire, nous avons, d'une part, réalisé une analyse lexicale d'un corpus de messages numériques écrits par ces jeunes, d'autre part, nous avons mené une enquête par questionnaire afin d'étudier leurs représentations. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que le code-switching permet aux jeunes issus de l'immigration algérienne non seulement de montrer leur particularisme mais aussi de revendiquer leur double identité socioculturelle et identitaire.
Didactisation du texte littéraire dans la formation des enseignants: de l’instrumentalisation à de nouvelles approches pédagogiques. Revue Roumaine d’Études Francophones . 2019.
La présente étude vise à étudier le codage des pratiques linguistiques des jeunes issus de l'immigration algérienne en France. Notre objectif est de comprendre comment ces jeunes revendiquent leur appartenance socioculturelle et identitaire à travers l'utilisation du code-switching ? Comment la pratique du code-switching explique-t-elle leur double identité et leur identité socioculturelle ? Pour ce faire, nous avons, d'une part, réalisé une analyse lexicale d'un corpus de messages numériques écrits par ces jeunes, d'autre part, nous avons mené une enquête par questionnaire afin d'étudier leurs représentations. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que le code-switching permet aux jeunes issus de l'immigration algérienne non seulement de montrer leur particularisme mais aussi de revendiquer leur double identité socioculturelle et identitaire.
Karech T, Noui A.
Dynamic analysis of a compressible soil of foundation reinforced by mixed-module columns (CMM) and stone columns. The 2019 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19) , September 17 - 21, [Internet]. 2019.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
This work presents a numerical analysis of the dynamic behavior of reinforcements of liquefiable loose sand by flexible columns (stone columns) and Mixed Module Columns (CMM). In this study, the numerical simulation was carried out in 3D difference element analysis. Using a Finn model for dynamic Pore-Pressure Generation and the foundation subjected to the variable-amplitude harmonic ground motion of the Boumerdes earthquake (2003). When the height of the rigid part of the CMM has 50% of the column, the behavior of the improvement soil is the same by stone columns under the foundation, also the increase in the rigid part decreases the settlement. Overall, the high recorded accelerations by CMM indicate the largely preservation of the foundation stiffness
Karech T, Noui A.
Dynamic analysis of a compressible soil of foundation reinforced by mixed-module columns (CMM) and stone columns. The 2019 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM19) , September 17 - 21, [Internet]. 2019.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
This work presents a numerical analysis of the dynamic behavior of reinforcements of liquefiable loose sand by flexible columns (stone columns) and Mixed Module Columns (CMM). In this study, the numerical simulation was carried out in 3D difference element analysis. Using a Finn model for dynamic Pore-Pressure Generation and the foundation subjected to the variable-amplitude harmonic ground motion of the Boumerdes earthquake (2003). When the height of the rigid part of the CMM has 50% of the column, the behavior of the improvement soil is the same by stone columns under the foundation, also the increase in the rigid part decreases the settlement. Overall, the high recorded accelerations by CMM indicate the largely preservation of the foundation stiffness
Abdou A, Safer OA, Bouchala T, Bendaikha A, Abdelhadi B, Guettafi A, Benoudjit A.
An Eddy Current Nondestructive Method for Crack Detection in Multilayer Riveted Structures An Eddy Current Nondestructive Method for Crack Detection in Multilayer Riveted Structures.". Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie [Internet]. 2019;18 (5) :485-490.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
It is a challenging task to detect the hidden cracks in multilayer riveted structures in a nondestructive manner. This paper puts forward an eddy current nondestructive method for crack detection in such structures based on the electric conductivity of the rivets. Specifically, an eddy current sensor was designed with a ferrite core coil to evaluate the surface and inner defects of different layers. The magnetic phenomena during the detection process was simulated based on the magnetic potential and the scalar electrical potential, and the magnetic potential vector was solved by finite-element method. The proposed method was compared with the eddy current detection method without considering rivet conductivity through an experiment on a three-layer riveted aluminum structure. The length and position of each defect on each layer were changed in the experiment. The results show that the proposed method achieved better accuracy than the contrastive method, and its sensitivity depends on two issues: the position of the defect relative to the separation of the layers and the length of the defect relative to the length of the rivet head. The research results are of great significance for nondestructive testing of multilayer riveted structures in many fields.
Abdou A, Safer OA, Bouchala T, Bendaikha A, Abdelhadi B, Guettafi A, Benoudjit A.
An Eddy Current Nondestructive Method for Crack Detection in Multilayer Riveted Structures An Eddy Current Nondestructive Method for Crack Detection in Multilayer Riveted Structures.". Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie [Internet]. 2019;18 (5) :485-490.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
It is a challenging task to detect the hidden cracks in multilayer riveted structures in a nondestructive manner. This paper puts forward an eddy current nondestructive method for crack detection in such structures based on the electric conductivity of the rivets. Specifically, an eddy current sensor was designed with a ferrite core coil to evaluate the surface and inner defects of different layers. The magnetic phenomena during the detection process was simulated based on the magnetic potential and the scalar electrical potential, and the magnetic potential vector was solved by finite-element method. The proposed method was compared with the eddy current detection method without considering rivet conductivity through an experiment on a three-layer riveted aluminum structure. The length and position of each defect on each layer were changed in the experiment. The results show that the proposed method achieved better accuracy than the contrastive method, and its sensitivity depends on two issues: the position of the defect relative to the separation of the layers and the length of the defect relative to the length of the rivet head. The research results are of great significance for nondestructive testing of multilayer riveted structures in many fields.
Abdou A, Safer OA, Bouchala T, Bendaikha A, Abdelhadi B, Guettafi A, Benoudjit A.
An Eddy Current Nondestructive Method for Crack Detection in Multilayer Riveted Structures An Eddy Current Nondestructive Method for Crack Detection in Multilayer Riveted Structures.". Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie [Internet]. 2019;18 (5) :485-490.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
It is a challenging task to detect the hidden cracks in multilayer riveted structures in a nondestructive manner. This paper puts forward an eddy current nondestructive method for crack detection in such structures based on the electric conductivity of the rivets. Specifically, an eddy current sensor was designed with a ferrite core coil to evaluate the surface and inner defects of different layers. The magnetic phenomena during the detection process was simulated based on the magnetic potential and the scalar electrical potential, and the magnetic potential vector was solved by finite-element method. The proposed method was compared with the eddy current detection method without considering rivet conductivity through an experiment on a three-layer riveted aluminum structure. The length and position of each defect on each layer were changed in the experiment. The results show that the proposed method achieved better accuracy than the contrastive method, and its sensitivity depends on two issues: the position of the defect relative to the separation of the layers and the length of the defect relative to the length of the rivet head. The research results are of great significance for nondestructive testing of multilayer riveted structures in many fields.