
In Press
Hammadi A, Brinis N, Djidel M. Hydrodynamic Characteristics of the “Complex Terminal” aquifer in the Region of Oued Righ North (Algerian Sahara). Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology [Internet]. In Press. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Accessibility of fresh water, the nature’s gift wheels the foremost part of the world economy. The sufficient supplies of water are essential for agriculture, human intake, industry as well as regeneration. The Oued Righ region is located in Algeria’s South-East, specifically in the NorthEast of the Sahara, on the Northern edge of the Grand Erg Oriental and the Southern border of the Aures massif. This area appears as a lower Sahara synclinal basin and is part of a broad North-South trending ditch. It is famous for its date palms, the development of the date culture in this region is attributed not only to the population’s efforts, but above all to the particular climatic conditions, the favorable soil characteristics and the existence of significant groundwater. The aim of this study is to understand the results obtained from using different approaches of water hydrodynamics in the Complex Terminal aquifer. The aquifer’s hydrodynamic characterization was carried out using hydrodynamic parameters and piezometry. As a result, the transmissivity and permeability obtained data using traditional Cooper-Jacob method showed that the flow capacities of the aquifer environment and the productivities of the structures are important in the studied zone where, the highest value of transmissivity equal 2.36× 102-m 2 /sis found in the central part of the study area in El-Meghair. The establishment of piezometric maps reveals a flow direction oriented toward the chott.
Hammadi A, Brinis N, Djidel M. Hydrodynamic Characteristics of the “Complex Terminal” aquifer in the Region of Oued Righ North (Algerian Sahara). Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology [Internet]. In Press. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Accessibility of fresh water, the nature’s gift wheels the foremost part of the world economy. The sufficient supplies of water are essential for agriculture, human intake, industry as well as regeneration. The Oued Righ region is located in Algeria’s South-East, specifically in the NorthEast of the Sahara, on the Northern edge of the Grand Erg Oriental and the Southern border of the Aures massif. This area appears as a lower Sahara synclinal basin and is part of a broad North-South trending ditch. It is famous for its date palms, the development of the date culture in this region is attributed not only to the population’s efforts, but above all to the particular climatic conditions, the favorable soil characteristics and the existence of significant groundwater. The aim of this study is to understand the results obtained from using different approaches of water hydrodynamics in the Complex Terminal aquifer. The aquifer’s hydrodynamic characterization was carried out using hydrodynamic parameters and piezometry. As a result, the transmissivity and permeability obtained data using traditional Cooper-Jacob method showed that the flow capacities of the aquifer environment and the productivities of the structures are important in the studied zone where, the highest value of transmissivity equal 2.36× 102-m 2 /sis found in the central part of the study area in El-Meghair. The establishment of piezometric maps reveals a flow direction oriented toward the chott.
Hammadi A, Brinis N, Djidel M. Hydrodynamic Characteristics of the “Complex Terminal” aquifer in the Region of Oued Righ North (Algerian Sahara). Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology [Internet]. In Press. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Accessibility of fresh water, the nature’s gift wheels the foremost part of the world economy. The sufficient supplies of water are essential for agriculture, human intake, industry as well as regeneration. The Oued Righ region is located in Algeria’s South-East, specifically in the NorthEast of the Sahara, on the Northern edge of the Grand Erg Oriental and the Southern border of the Aures massif. This area appears as a lower Sahara synclinal basin and is part of a broad North-South trending ditch. It is famous for its date palms, the development of the date culture in this region is attributed not only to the population’s efforts, but above all to the particular climatic conditions, the favorable soil characteristics and the existence of significant groundwater. The aim of this study is to understand the results obtained from using different approaches of water hydrodynamics in the Complex Terminal aquifer. The aquifer’s hydrodynamic characterization was carried out using hydrodynamic parameters and piezometry. As a result, the transmissivity and permeability obtained data using traditional Cooper-Jacob method showed that the flow capacities of the aquifer environment and the productivities of the structures are important in the studied zone where, the highest value of transmissivity equal 2.36× 102-m 2 /sis found in the central part of the study area in El-Meghair. The establishment of piezometric maps reveals a flow direction oriented toward the chott.
Benfarhi F, MENANI M-R. Risk assessment ofirrigation with water contaminated by trace metals (Cd, Cr, Pb and Zn) on the soil-plant complex in the ElMadher plain (Batna, north-east Algeria). Journal of Water and Land Development. In Press.
Benfarhi F, MENANI M-R. Risk assessment ofirrigation with water contaminated by trace metals (Cd, Cr, Pb and Zn) on the soil-plant complex in the ElMadher plain (Batna, north-east Algeria). Journal of Water and Land Development. In Press.
In Preparation
Belhoul H. Implantation d’une GMAO dans un système de production pour l’amélioration de la performance de l’entreprise. Génie Industriel [Internet]. In Preparation. Publisher's Version
NOUNE S-M. La politique de Sureté de Fonctionnement dans les systèmes industriels : Application aux stations d’épuration dites STEP. Génie Industriel. In Preparation.
Meguelatti A. Supervision et pilotage automatique d’un système de production industriel dans le Cloud Computing utilisant Machine Learning. Génie Industriel [Internet]. In Preparation. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Machine Learning est une branche de l’intelligence artificielle qui a pour but de donner la possibilité aux ordinateurs d’apprendre. Un ordinateur dans une salle de contrôle n’est pas intelligent, il ne fait qu’exécuter des tâches. On lui décrit sous forme de programmes quoi faire et comment le faire. Machine Learning traite cette problématique différemment. Au lieu de décrire quoi faire, le programme apprendra par lui-même comment conduire en observant le processus industriel. En fonction des données d’expérimentation que prendra l’algorithme d’apprentissage en entrée, il déduira par lui-même une hypothèse de fonctionnement. Il utilisera cette dernière pour de nouveaux cas, et affinera son expérience au fil du temps et ceci peut contribuer à la minimisationdes tâches des opérateurs en assurant un pilotage automatique du système de production. De plus, le développement actuel des technologies d’Internet exige l’intégration de ces systèmes pour des fonctions de supervision et de maintenance et de partage d’expérience utilisant le Cloud Computing, tout en garantissant la sécurité de la plateforme.

Fetha C. Analysis of Essential index on Electric Energy Quality In the case of Voltage Dips and Interruptions. “POLITEHNICA” . Submitted :57.
Fetha C, Chikhi K, Dekhinet A. Analysis of Unsymmetrical Voltage Criterion Effect on Electrical Energy Quality. Submitted.
Fetha C, Chikhi K, Dekhinet A. Analysis of Unsymmetrical Voltage Criterion Effect on Electrical Energy Quality. Submitted.
Fetha C, Chikhi K, Dekhinet A. Analysis of Unsymmetrical Voltage Criterion Effect on Electrical Energy Quality. Submitted.
Djebabra M, Bendada L, BENNOUI N. Capacité des réseaux de Petri pour l’analyse et la modélisation des systèmes de production. Submitted.
Djebabra M, Bendada L, BENNOUI N. Capacité des réseaux de Petri pour l’analyse et la modélisation des systèmes de production. Submitted.
Djebabra M, Bendada L, BENNOUI N. Capacité des réseaux de Petri pour l’analyse et la modélisation des systèmes de production. Submitted.
MENNOUNI ABDELAZIZ, Ramdani NE. A Computational Method for Solving Skew-Hermitian Integral Equations of the Second Kind. Local Organizing Committee. Submitted :136.
MENNOUNI ABDELAZIZ, Ramdani NE. A Computational Method for Solving Skew-Hermitian Integral Equations of the Second Kind. Local Organizing Committee. Submitted :136.
