
Benamar S. Emergence récente de la résistance aux glycopeptides d’Enterococcus faecium au CHU –Batna : à propos de 3 cas recensés. VIIème Journée de Microbiologie clinique (SAMIC). 2016.
Larbi GUEZOULI, Imane A. Enhancement of the fusion of incompatible lists of results. IJDIWCIJDIWC. 2016 :78.
GUEZOULI L, Azzouz I. ENHANCEMENT OF THE FUSION OF INCOMPATIBLE LISTS OF RESULTS. International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC)International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC). 2016;6 :78-86.Abstract
This work is located in the domain of distributed information retrieval (DIR). A simplified view of the DIR requires a multi-search in a set of collections, which forces the system to analyze results found in these collections, and merge results back before sending them to the user in a single list. Our work is to find a fusion method based on the relevance score of each result received from collections and the relevance of the local search engine of each collection, which is the main issue of our work.
Boukhenoufa N, Ferhati H, Djeffal F, Ramdane M. Enhancement of the optical performance of ZnO thin-film using metallic nano-particles for optoelectronic applications. 17th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA) [Internet]. 2016. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, versatile structures based on dissimilar metallic nano-particles (Ag, Au, Ti, Al) are proposed to enhance the ZnO thin film optical performance for both optoelectronic and environment monitoring applications. An Exhaustive study of the proposed structure including metallic nano-particles has been performed numerically, in order to evaluate the optical behavior of the proposed ZnO thin films against the conventional design for optoelectronic applications. The numerical computations reveal that the proposed design exhibits an outstanding capability in improving the overall device optical parameters. In addition, the proposed device with Al metallic nano-particles offers superior absorbance as well as lower reflectance as compared to the conventional design. These achievements can be attributed essentially to the localized surface plasma resonance phenomenon and the improved light trapping capability resulted from the optical confinement effect. The recorded results signify the crucial role of the proposed feature in improving the ZnO thin films optical performance, which makes it very promising to be used in the future high performance optoelectronic devices.

Boukhenoufa N, Ferhati H, Djeffal F, Mahamdi R. Enhancement of the optical performance of ZnO thin-film using metallic nano-particles for optoelectronic applications. 17th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA) [Internet]. 2016. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, versatile structures based on dissimilar metallic nano-particles (Ag, Au, Ti, Al) are proposed to enhance the ZnO thin film optical performance for both optoelectronic and environment monitoring applications. An Exhaustive study of the proposed structure including metallic nano-particles has been performed numerically, in order to evaluate the optical behavior of the proposed ZnO thin films against the conventional design for optoelectronic applications. The numerical computations reveal that the proposed design exhibits an outstanding capability in improving the overall device optical parameters. In addition, the proposed device with Al metallic nano-particles offers superior absorbance as well as lower reflectance as compared to the conventional design. These achievements can be attributed essentially to the localized surface plasma resonance phenomenon and the improved light trapping capability resulted from the optical confinement effect. The recorded results signify the crucial role of the proposed feature in improving the ZnO thin films optical performance, which makes it very promising to be used in the future high performance optoelectronic devices.

Soraya T. Ensemble pour éliminer la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant. 2ème Séminaire Médical d’Ain Touta. 2016.
Djouadi K, Abdennebi N, Harieche F, Ahmed-Nacer R, Hamladji RM, Bouchakour A, Taoussi S, Abad MT, Touil F, Hamdi S, et al. Epidemiological Approach of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Algerian-Tunisian Study. BloodBlood. 2016;128 :5440.Abstract
Introduction: Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) accounts for 7%-15% of all leukemias affecting adults. The incidence in Algeria is 0.4/100,000 inhabitants in 2009. The aim of this study is to establish an Algerian-Tunisian epidemiological approach of CML and to know the characteristics of the disease in both countries. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective, longitudinal and multicenter study, including Algerian and Tunisian patients with CML diagnosed between January 2010 and December 2014. Through a data form distributed to various hematology departments, we collected and analyzed the following information: Patient’s general characteristics, profession, circumstances of discovery of the disease, clinical and para-clinical examinations outcomes at the time of diagnosis including blood count, blood smear, bone marrow aspiration, cytogenetics, molecular biology, stages of the disease and the Sokal and Eutos prognostic classification scores. Bio-statistical tests: incidence, prevalence and rate of prevalence or relative prevalence (reported to 100,000 inhabitants / year). The descriptive analysis of quantitative and qualitative variables as percentages and 95% confidence interval. The Chi2 test is used to compare two variables. Results: We collected 1349 cases, including 325 from 06 Tunisian hematology units and 1024 from 18 Algerian units. The incidence in the Algerian-Tunisian population was 0.67/100,000 inhabitants with a prevalence rate of 2.72/100,000 inhabitants. The incidence in Tunisia was 0.50 / 100,000 inhabitants with a prevalence of 227 cases in 2014. In Algeria the incidence was 0.53/100,000 inhabitants with a prevalence of 1030 in 2014. The median age is 48 years (03-90) with a peak incidence in the age group (45-49 ans) and slight male predominance (sex ratio: 1,2). There was any notion of risk exposure. The average time between the start of the unrest and the date of diagnosis is 127 days (1-667). The circumstances of discovery: fortuitous in 30.5% (n = 355), splenomegaly in 39.7% (n = 463), asthenia in 24.6% (n = 287), a complication in 8.4% (n =95). Clinical examination includes general signs in 424 cases (36.4%): Weight loss 22.6% (n = 263), profuse sweating 13.8% (n = 13, 8%), bone pains found in 7.8%, splenomegaly in 81.7% (n = 952) with an overhang splenic average of 11.5 ± 5.3 cm (1-28), cutaneous and subcutaneous bleeding: 13.5% (n = 97), thrombosis 0.9% (n = 09). Biological characteristics: the Complete blood count (n = 1185) shows a white blood cells average rate of 171,223 G/L (34,700-984,800), hemoglobin average rate of 10.2 g/dl (4-17), platelets at 394,070 g/l (85-1340). Blood smear 96.3% (n = 1121): the average myelemia was 43.2% (10-98%). The Myelogram is practiced in 55% (n = 641), the average rate of the granular 76,5% (40-99%), erythroblasts 10.5% (0-82%), average blasts 3.6%. The karyotype 38.1% (n = 444), the Philadelphia chromosome was found in 423 cases (95, 3%); additional abnormalities were found in 17 cases (3.8%). The Fish was practiced in 281 cases (24.1%) and transcribed bcr/abl was found in 257 cases (91.4%). Molecular biology is practiced in 672 cases (57.7%) the transcript bcr/abl is found in 100%, the transcript of the type is specified in 373 cases, it is kind of b2a2 in 159 cases (42.6%), a b3a2 type in 180 cases (48.3%) and other transcribed in 34 cases (9.1%). CML chronic phase is diagnosed in 88.8% (n = 1051), acceleration phase in 9% (n = 107) acutisation phase in 3.1% (= 37). The distribution of pts according to Sokal prognostic classification (n = 948) describes a predominance of intermediate risk in 54% (n = 511), high risk in 30.3% (n = 287) and low risk in 16% (n = 152). The Eutos score is specified in 769 cases (66%), it is less than 87 in 661 cases (86%) and more than 87 in 108 cases (14%). Conclusion: The incidence of CML in the Algerian-Tunisian population is 0.67/100,000 population with a prevalence rate of 2.72/100,000 inhabitants. The young adult is more affected with a peak incidence between 45 and 49. The average time between the onset of the disease and the diagnosis remains long and the delay probably explains the frequency of tumor forms encountered in Algeria and the prevalence of high and intermediate risk, according to Sokal prognostic classification. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Djouadi K, Abdennebi N, Harieche F, Ahmed-Nacer R, Hamladji RM, Bouchakour A, Taoussi S, Abad MT, Touil F, Hamdi S, et al. Epidemiological approach of chronic myeloid leukemia. Algerian-tunisian study. Blood [Internet]. 2016;128 (22). Publisher's Version
Hamdi S, Bentahar I, Harbadji H, Grifi F, Bougherira S, Filali T, Allouda M, Mesli N, Berber B, Bouzid K, et al. Epidemiology of Extranodal Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphomas in Algeria: A Study of the Algerian Group of Extranodal Lymphomas (GALEG). BloodBlood. 2016;128 :5403.Abstract
Introduction: Primitive extranodal lymphomas are a heterogeneous group of malignant lymphoid hematological developed from the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MATL) or sites that have acquired MALT after repeated stimulation. The particularity of this type of affection reside: the access to diagnosis which is difficult and therapeutic approach which respond to the ATB, antiviral, surgery and RT. They represent 24-48% of lymph node lymphomas and they are increasing. The incidence of lymphoma is growing in the world, it is approximately 16.8 / 105inhabitants. In Algeria in 2012, the incidence of lymph node lymphomas in adults was 2.24 / 100,000. Lymphomas Diffuse large B-cell phenotype (DLBCL) represent 50-60% of lymphomas, it is the most common histological type. Goals of the study: 1-analyze the epidemiological characteristics (gender, age, geographical distribution, annual incidence). 2- Identify anatomical sites. 3- Specify the clinical and prognostic features Patients and methods: It’s is a multicenter, retrospective study over a period between 2010-2014. The study population included all pts over 15 years and having an extranodal DLBCL at 18 hematology centers and 4 cancer centers. Data were collected on data sheets distributed to the various services involved in the study. The diagnosis is made on the histological examination of a biopsy of the affected organ. The clinical, biological and imaging results allowed us to classify and identify prognostic factors for pts. Results: Among 1057 sheets of extranodal lymphomas, the type DLBCL is specified in 562 (53%) cases, distributed in 325 men and 237 women (sex ratio M/F: 1.36). The average age at diagnosis is 51 years (16-88) with a peak in the age group 50-60 years. The overall annual incidence of 0.31/105 inhabitants/year and the specific incidence for patients over 15 years is 0.42 / 105inhabitants/year. PS 0-1: 323 / 543pts (60%). Number of pts (pts) by place of care: Annaba 65, Sétif: 60, CAC Constantine: 53, Tizi Ouzou: 49, Blida Cac: 41, CMPC-hematology: 40, Tlemcen: 30, Beni- Méssous- hematology: 29, CAC CPMC: 24, EHUOran: 23, hematology CAC Batna: 22, CHU Oran: 19, HMRUO: 17, Blida-hematology: 16, HCA:16, SBA: 15, CAC Béni-Messous: 14, EPH Mascara: 10, HMRU Oran: 9, Bejaia: 7, hematology CHU Batna: 2, hematology Cne:1. Number of cases according to anatomical localisation: Stomach: 180, Intestine: 31, Colon 12, Tonsils: 70, Cavum: 31, nasal cavities: 11, Bones: 43, mediastinum: 41, SNC: 29, Skin: 25, Rate / MO :15, Thyroid: 12, soft Parties: 10, Breast: 6, lung / pleural: 5, Liver: 5, Others: 36. The clinical symptomatology is very heterogeneous, specifically of the affected organ. Clinical stage is specified in 549 cases, according to Ann Arbor: SCIE: 272 (49%), SCIIE: 149 (27%), SCIIIE: 31 (6%), SCIV: 97 (18%). The International Prognostic Index adjusted for age (IPIaa) include: for pts less than 60 years: Low (F): 70 (23%), lower intermediate (IF): 130 (43%), intermediate high (IE) : 69 (23%), high (H): 32 (11%); for over 60 years Topics: F: 33 (23%), MI: 53 (37%) IE: 41 (28%), E: 17 (12%). Comments: As with other types of lymphoma, there is a male predominance and a peak incidence in the age group 50-60 years. The higher number of pts in the center and east of the country is probably related to a denser population in these regions. The histological type DLBCL at 53% is in agreement whith what it is conventionally reported. The incidence of 0.31/105inhabitants/year extranodal DLBCL is lower than the overall nodal DLBCL, however, the incidence of extranodal NHL is rarely determined. The number of cases of extranodal lymphomas described in this study is certainly below the actual number because this group of disorders is supported by various specialties related to the location of lymphoma. Extranodal lymphomas has a clinical polymorphism, but it is recognized that gastric and tonsillar locations are the most common, the other despite their rarity, require attention from management. This type of lymphoma is characterized by a preponderance of localized stages unlike ganglion lymphomas where the extended stages predominate. Likewise distribution by IPIaa not exceeding one pejorative factor is more common. Conclusion: Extranodal DLBCL are rare, they are characterized by a diversity clinicopathological that challenges us to homogenization of their treatment in multidisciplinary level. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Guellouh S, Dridi H, Kalla M. Estimation and mapping of extreme rainfall in the catchment area of Batna (Algeria). Analele Universitatii din Oradea: Seria GeografieAnalele Universitatii din Oradea: Seria Geografie. 2016;26 :107-117.
Sabrina FARHI. Estimation de l&⋕39;usure de l&⋕39;outil par la méthode des ondelettes. 2016.
Boukhnissa.F, L A. Etude de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la nappe du quaternaire de la région de Tolga (W de Biskra). 2016.
Khelil.M, Fedel.W. Etude de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la nappe profonde destinées a l’irrigation cas de la région de Tolga (W de Biskra). 2016.
Walid BOURAS. Etude de l&⋕39;influence des efforts de coupe sur l&⋕39;état de surface en fraisage de face. 2016.
Soraya T. Etude des aspects épidemiologiques de l’hépatite A sur une période de 5 ans. 17èmes Journées Nationales d’Infectiologie JNI. 2016.
Tarek C. Etude des défauts d’interface Si/SiO2 dans les transistors MOS : simulation sous SILVACO et modélisation. 2016.
Sakina MERROUCHI. Etude des laisons élastiques "cas de suspention élastique : ressort-support. 2016.
Zouaoui Z, Benlazar M, Bachiri M. Etude épidémiologique nationale des LAL. Revue Algérienne d’HématologieRevue Algérienne d’Hématologie. 2016.
Adel B. Etude et réalisation d’un agitateur magnétique pour les analyses biochimiques. 2016.
Mohamed D, Maamer B. Étude géologique de la plaine d’Ain Djasser par une approche géophysique. 2016.
