Publications by Year: 2017

Loubna B. Etude et simulation de l&⋕39;effet de la couche tampon sur les performances des cellules solaires à base de CIGS. 2017.
Adel B. Etude, modélisation et simulation des propriétés magnétiques par le modèle Jiles-Atherton d’une couche ferromagnétique déposée par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron RF. NUMELEC 2017. 2017.
Brikat, Sami S. Etude Paléo-Environnemental de la Région de Ain Touta Au Quaternaire : Terrasses Fluviatiles d’Oued El Hai. 2017.
eddine BS, Abdelhak A. Etude Paléo-Environnemental de la Région d’El Mather Au Quaternaire : Terrasses Fluviatiles d’Oued El Gourzi. 2017.
Sonia B. Etude rétrospective des dispositifs invasifs. Profil bactériologique et mécanismes de résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques. 2015. 9ème Journées Internationales de Néphrologie d’Annaba. 2017.
Kamel T, Ali K. Étude stratigraphique et sédimentologique du Campanien supérieur du massif d&⋕39;El Kantara. 2017.
Benmansour S. Étude tectono-sédimentaire de la série campanienne de Dj. Lekhal (plaine d'ain Touta). La 4eme édition du Congrès des Doctorants 2017 de la FSTGAT se tiendra le 24 et 25 Avril 2017, &aacut la maison de la science, USTHB,. 2017.
Houari HABIB, Nabila B. Etude théorique de l&⋕39;usure des outils de coupe reveus et non revetus. 2017.
H. Madani, FEDALI S. Etude thermodynamique de la famille R407. Premier Séminaire National de Génie des Procédés (SNGP2017) qui a été déroulée les 11-12 Décembre 2017 . 2017.
Fahima B. Etudes sédimentologiques de la série coniacienne du Dj Metlili (Algerie nord oriental). 2017.
SEDRATI M, Taleb H. Evaluating QoS parameters for video streaming transmission in mobile ad hoc networks. International Journal of Autonomic ComputingInternational Journal of Autonomic Computing. 2017.Abstract
Recently, multimedia streaming applications are deployed anywhere (homes, campuses, etc.). Delivering these applications over mobile ad hoc networks is a challenging task: first, mobile ad hoc networks are infrastructure less, with dynamic topology, and limited resources. Secondly these applications have strict quality of service (QoS) requirements given with delay, jitter, bandwidth, loss rate, etc. Several architectures have been developed. However, an important part like QoS in routing level is still omitted. In this paper, many different coding techniques for video streaming are reviewed and two routing protocols (reactive and proactive) are used to evaluate which of them can improve QoS for multimedia streaming applications. Results show that reactive protocol performs better than proactive protocol in terms of throughput and network load in high mobility, but roles are reversed in terms of loss rate and network load for large-scale networks. PNSR and Jitter are influenced by nodes numbers independently of used protocol.
Hadef H, Djebabra M. Évaluation de la fiabilité des produits en phase de conception. Éditions universitaires européennes; 2017.Abstract

La fiabilité figure parmi les objectifs les plus importants pour les fabricants en tant qu’indicateur de performance et en plus, elle est devenue un argument commercial important dans l’impact économique du cycle de vie et un paramètre clé de la qualité et d’aide à la décision dans l’étude de la plus part des composants, produits et processus. A ce propos, l’évaluation de la fiabilité des produits en phase de conception occupe une place de choix. Dans cet ouvrage, nous avons proposé une démarche d’anticipation des risques en conception qui s’articulent principalement autour du modèle DIC « outil de gestion de la connaissance » et leurs méthodes supports « outils SDF ». Cette méthodologie permet au concepteur de comprendre la conservation d’une valeur opérationnelle dans le temps qui est cependant associée à un risque ou une probabilité de défaillance qu’il faut tenir compte dès la phase de conception du produit. A cet effet nous avons procédé à des essais accélérés afin de capitaliser des connaissances sur ces risques potentiels.

Belkhiri L, Mouni L, Narany TS, Tiri A. Evaluation of potential health risk of heavy metals in groundwater using the integration of indicator kriging and multivariate statistical methods. Groundwater for Sustainable DevelopmentGroundwater for Sustainable Development. 2017;4 :12-22.
SEDRATI M. Evaluation of QoS parameters with RPL protocol in the Internet of Things. International Conference on Computing for Engineering and Sciences [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The objective of this work is to present an analysis of RPL Routing protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) in the Internet of Things (IoT) and to determine the adequate working mode between storing and non-storing. Objects in LLNs networks have limited processing power such as battery and memory. The study examined the behavior of RPL towards some number of quality of service parameters in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Simulations are conducted under ContikiCooja Simulator. Results show that non-storing mode has better results in terms of delay and loss rate, but the storing mode consumes less energy.
Maamar S. Evaluation of qos parameters with rpl protocol in the internet of things. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing for Engineering and Sciences. 2017 :86-91.
Yahia M, Yahia M, Benhouda A. Evaluation of the diuretic activity for the first time of Hyoscyamus albus and Umbilicus rupestris in rats. Br J Pharm Med ResBr J Pharm Med Res. 2017;2 :449-453.
Zineb M, Redha MENANIM. EVALUATION OF THE WATER NEEDS OF CROPS UNDER ARID CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. CASE OF TINIBAOUINE REGION (NORTH EAST OF ALGERIA), Feb, ISSN / e-ISSN: 2186-2990 / 2186-2990. International Journal of GEOMATEInternational Journal of GEOMATE. 2017;Vol. 12 :pp. 1 - 7.Abstract
The Tinibaouine region, located in north-eastern Algeria on the borders of the Batna-Belezma Mountains, is characterized by a semi-arid to arid climate with an average annual rainfall not exceeding 465 mm and an average annual temperature of around 22 C. This region is characterized by the cultivation of apricots as essential crop followed by that of olives, whose plots are all irrigated with the Tinibaouine spring water. These are 450 Ha of trees for apricot and 108 Hectare for olives which constitute the principal revenue of the citizens of this small village. This paper estimated the crop reference and actual evapotranspiration (ETO) respectively and the irrigation water requirement of apricot trees and olive trees. The long recorded climatic data, crop and soil data, effective water allocation and planning, the information about crop water requirements, irrigation withdrawals were computed with the Cropwat model which is based on the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Penman-Monteith method was used to estimate ETo. Crop coefficients (Kc) from the phenomenological stages of apricot and olive were applied to adjust and estimate the actual evapotranspiration ETc through a water balance of the irrigation water requirements (IR). The results showed that the annual reference evapotranspiration (ETO) was estimated at 3.71 mm/day. The irrigation requirements were estimated at 35800 m3/hectare for apricot, 6980 m3/hectare for olive, also Irrigation needs estimated on land at 14185, 05 m3/hectare for olive and apricot.
Sonia B. Evolution du profil épidémiologique des entérobactéries uropathogènes productrices de B-lactamases à spectre élargi à Batna. 10ème Journée Nationale d’Hygiène Hospitalière et de lutte contre les infections associées aux soins. 2017.
BOUDOUH M, SI-AMEUR M, LOUAHLIA-GUALOUS H. Experimental investigation of convective boiling in mini-channels: cooling application of the proton exchange membrane fuel cells. 2017.
Fezzani A, Mohammed IH, Drid S, Zaghba L, Bouchakour A, Benbitour MK. Experimental investigation of effects of partial shading and faults on photovoltaic modules performances. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and TechnologiesLeonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies. 2017 :183-200.Abstract
Temperature, solar insolation, shading and faults affect the performance of the photovoltaic array. Often, the PV arrays get shadowed, completely or partially, by the passing clouds neigh boring buildings, towers or by trees, and other utilities. The situation is of a interest in a case of the large PV power plants. In the case of the shading the characteristics of the PV module are more complex with the several peak values. Under such conditions, it is very difficult to determine the maximum power point (MPP). MATLAB-programmed modelling and simulation of photovoltaic module is presented here, by focusing on the effects of partial shading on the output of the photovoltaic (PV) module and Faults Bypass Diode. The proposed models facilitate simulating the dynamic performances of PV-based power systems and have been validated by means of simulation study. The southern part of Algeria, where the experimental system is mounted, is particularly well appropriate to photovoltaic systems. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed model, experiments have been conducted to compare the experimental and simulated current-voltage (IV) and power-voltage (PV) curves of a PV system under some predefined partial shading and faults bypass diode, using different PV technologies such as mono-crystalline and multi-crystalline.
