Publications by Year: 2017

Merrouchi F, Fourar A, Massouh F, HADDAD D, Azoui H. The influence of obstacles and suspended matter on the distribution of turbulent flow velocities in a lamella separator. JOURNAL OF NEW TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALSJOURNAL OF NEW TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS. 2017;7 :53-63.
BENKHERBACHE S, SI-AMEUR M. Influence of the heated blocks on the natural convection in 3D cylindrical and divergent annular duct. International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and SimulationInternational Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation. 2017.
Maafa A. Intégration d&⋕39;une cascade de deux machines asynchrones dans un système éolien. 2017.
Taleb H, Hamrioui S, Lorenz P, Bilami A. Integration of energy aware WSNs in cloud computing using NDN approach. 2017 Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN). 2017 :188-192.
Taleb H, Hamrioui S, Lorenz P, Bilami A. Integration of energy aware WSNs in cloud computing using NDN approach. Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are becoming challenging issue and used in many fields and applications. WSNS are characterized by many constraints as low energy, low computation capability and weak transmission range. The cloud computing is promising technology that can provide a flexible storage and processing infrastructure to process WSN’s data in large scale. The two technologies (i.e.: WSNs, Cloud Computing) have gained significant research interest and their combining is a fundamental challenge that certainly will resolve many issues related to WSNs. In this paper we discuss firstly the idea of integrating WSNs in Cloud Computing starting with a state of the art analysis of existing approaches in this field. The second part of this paper is devoted to a comparative study between two efficient energy protocols that are proposed for WSNs.

Brahmi S, Aitouche S, Mouss M-D. Intellectual capital and its measurement. IEOM 2017 Industrial Engineering and Operations Management 11-13 Avril [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Intellectual Capital is gaining importance in today's knowledge economy and plays a vital role in innovation, productivity growth, performance and competitiveness of organizations. The Intellectual Capital may include the following areas: human resources, organizational structure and processes, research and development, technology and rights related to intellectual property, and consumer networks and software providers. The purpose of this work is to measure the intellectual capital in an Algerian organization (or production system) using the Weightless Wealth Tool Kit “WWTK”. The results of the intellectual capital measurement are supplemented by traditional financial ratios. The measurement was applied to the National Company of wells Services (ENSP) in Hassi Messaoud city, in south of Algeria. We calculated the intellectual capital (intangible resources) of the ENSP to help the organization to better capitalize on its potential of workers and their know-how. The intangible value of the ENSP is evaluated at 16,936,173,345 DA in 2015.

Mouni L, Belkhiri L, Bouzaza A, Bollinger J-C. Interactions between Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn and four different mine soils. Arabian Journal of GeosciencesArabian Journal of Geosciences. 2017;10 :1-9.
Zermane H, Mouss H. Internet and fuzzy based control system for rotary kiln in cement manufacturing plant. International Journal of Computational Intelligence SystemsInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 2017;10 :835.
Bouzidi S, Benkiki N, Hachemi M, Haba H. Investigation of In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and In Vivo Antipyretic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Algerian Eryngium campestre L. Current Bioactive CompoundsCurrent Bioactive Compounds. 2017;13 :340-346.
HANFER M, Cheriet T, Ameddah S, Mancini I, Seghiri R, Menad A, Benayache S, Benayache F. Iridoids and anti-inflammatory properties of n-butanol extract of Linaria tingitana Boiss. & Reut. Natural Product ResearchNatural Product Research. 2017;31 :2008-2015.
Demagh Y, HACHICHA A. key aspects of a novel undulated receiver for parabolic trough collectors. IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This study proposes the replacement of the conventional straight absorber by the newly designed longitudinally undulated. Numerical results revealed that the new absorber could dethrone the former for several reasons: Among others, it allows a more homogeneous distribution of concentrated solar radiations on its outer surface (Monte Carlo Ray Tracking results); unlike other techniques which improve the inner heat transfer by increasing simultaneously the load of the absorber and the pressure drop within it, the proposed curved absorber is going to generate in a natural way, without any additional mechanical components, vortices within the main streaming which allowed to increase the heat transfer coefficient of about 63 % with an increase of the pressure drop penalty of about 60 %. On the other hand, it allows a drastic reduction of the size of the solar collector field. All these facts lead to decreasing the wall temperature gradient bellow 40 K. Results are obtained for the Syltherm 800 Reynolds number range 2.5×104 to 12.3×104 and a fluid inlet temperature of 450 K.

DEMAGH Y, HACHICHA A. key aspects of a novel undulated receiver for parabolic trough collectors. international solar energy society (ises) conference proceedingsInternational solar energy society (ises) conference proceedings. 2017.
Aitoche S, Laggoune A, Titah M, Mouss M-D, Zerari N, Latreche K, Kanit A, KAANIT A. Keyword analysis of intellectual capital and knowledge management in SCOPUS. eKNOW 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The aim of this paper is to perform a keyword analysis in two areas of research: Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management. The keywords are of three types : keywords proposed by the authors in their articles, the keywords that users use in their queries and the densest words existing in a textual corpus. Zipf’s law usually applied for natural language is applied in this work for scientifc corpus constituted of confused full articles in each area. We wrote 8 R programs going through titles of articles, authors’ keywords, abstracts and full articles to calculate frequencies and interpret them. The keywords of intellectual capital measurement and diclosure have the highest frequencies. The measures are stated by companies in annual reports and could not be integrated in their balance sheets because the classical accounting does not take into acount intellectual capital as an asset. Knowledge management is more oriented towards the capitalization of knowledge to improve business performance and for industries. This work is the first in keyword analysis for the two areas. It could be usefull to prepare glossaries, ontologies and all semantic reasearhes of research areas.

Toufik B, Fayçal DJEFFAL, Elasaad C, Djemai A. A Kriging framework for the efficient exploitation of the nanoscale junctioless DG MOSFETs including source/drain extensions and hot carrier effect, ISSN / e-ISSN 1369-7021 / 1873-4103. materials-todaymaterials-today. 2017;Volume 4 :pp 6930-6937.Abstract
Recently, the Junctionless Double Gate MOSFET with source/drain extensions has proved competitive performance measures due to the reduction of the series resistance between the metal contacts and source/drain regions. However, the precise modeling of different response functions is still an important issue especially at nanoscale level because of the inclusion of complex phenomena such as quantum transport mechanisms and hot carrier degradation effect. In this perspective, our aim in the presented work is to investigate the efficiency of a novel approach based on Kriging metamodeling and multi-objective particle swarm optimization for the exploitation of the considered device in terms of some analog/RF performances. Data generated by ATLAS-2D simulator, are used to establish Kriging metamodels for the Gain and Transconductance Generation Factor. It is highlighted that the obtained models can be used accurately in a multi-objective context to offer several Pareto optimal configurations. As a result, a wide range of biasing configurations is available to the designer depending on imposed constraints.
Bentrcia T, DJEFFAL F, Chebaki E, Arar D. A Kriging framework for the efficient exploitation of the nanoscale junctioless DG MOSFETs including source/drain extensions and hot carrier effect. Materials Today: ProceedingsMaterials Today: Proceedings. 2017;4 :6804-6813.
Benyahia L, DRIDI H. L’analyse Diachronique de la superficie urbaine par télédétection et SIG d’une Grande ville algérienne (Batna). Sciences & Technologie DSciences & Technologie D. 2017 :101-108.
HANFER M, Ameddah S, Morin D. L’effet protecteur de la plante Linaria tingitana (Scrophulariaceae) sur le dysfonctionnement mito chondrial et lysosomal hépato cytaire induit par l’acide valproïque chez le rat. 2017.
Fouad HARFOUCHE. L’impact d’une grille d’évaluation critériée sur l’amélioration de la qualité des productions écrites des apprenants de FLE. HARFOUCHE Fouad HARFOUCHE Fouad. Revue Développement des Ressources Humaines; VOLRevue Développement des Ressources Humaines; VOL. 2017;8 :38.
Fatiha L. La greffe rénale à Batna : après trois ans d'activité : quel bilan. 9eme Congrès National, Société algérienne de Transplantation D'Organes.Centre Familial CNAS . 2017.
Ouarlent Y. La place de l'hématologie dans le diagnostic de la maladie de Gaucher. 37 nième congres de la SFH 21-22 Mars . 2017.
