This work deals with the performance improvement study of the direct torque control (DTC) of induction Motor (IM) based on Fuzzy Second Order Sliding Mode Control (FSOSMC). Direct torque control using conventional Second Order Sliding Mode Control regulators has certain disadvantages such as significant flux, torque ripples and sensitivity to parametric variations. To overcome these drawbacks, we apply a new type with more robust regulators such as the fuzzy second order sliding mode control. In recent years, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm have attracted considerable attention among various modern heuristic optimization techniques. This paper proposes the ant colony optimization algorithm with fuzzy second order sliding mode controller based direct torque control of induction motor to enhance the system performance and stability. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the proposed DTC-FSOSMC system by effectively accelerating system response, reducing torque and flux ripple and a very satisfactory performance has been achieved.