Publications by Author: Azeddine Bilami

SamirAthmani, Boubiche DE, Bilami A. Energy Efficient Security Mechanism for Black Hole Attacks in WSNs. 2013.
SamirAthmani, Boubiche DE, Bilami A. Hierarchical energy efficient intrusion detection system for black hole attacks in WSNs. 2013 World Congress on Computer and Information Technology (WCCIT). 2013 :1-5.
Bensari M, Bilami A. A new hybrid authentication protocol to secure data communications in mobile networks. In: Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Applications. Springer ; 2013. pp. 195-204.
Boubiche DE, Bilami A, SamirAthmani. A Cross Layer Energy Efficient Security Mechanism for Denial of Sleep Attacks on Wireless Sensor Network. International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies. 2012 :151-164.
Boubiche DE, Bilami A. Cross layer intrusion detection system for wireless sensor network. International Journal of Network Security & Its ApplicationsInternational Journal of Network Security & Its Applications. 2012;4 :35.
Beghriche A, Bilami A. RTIC: Reputation and Trust Evaluation Based on Fuzzy LogIC System for Secure Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies. 2012 :620-634.
Boubiche DE, Bilami A. CROSS LAYER INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), , March [Internet]. 2012;4 (2). Publisher's VersionAbstract

The wireless sensor networks (WSN) are particularly vulnerable to various attacks at different layers of the protocol stack. Many intrusion detection system (IDS) have been proposed to secure WSNs. But all these systems operate in a single layer of the OSI model, or do not consider the interaction and collaboration between these layers. Consequently these systems are mostly inefficient and would drain out the WSN. In this paper we propose a new intrusion detection system based on cross layer interaction between the network, Mac and physical layers. Indeed we have addressed the problem of intrusion detection in a different way in which the concept of cross layer is widely used leading to the birth of a new type of IDS. We have experimentally evaluated our system using the NS simulator to demonstrate its effectiveness in detecting different types of attacks at multiple layers of the OSI model.

Boubiche DE, Bilami A. A Cross-Layer Energy-efficient Transmission Power Control Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks. 2nd International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems (MISC12). 2012.
SEDRATI M, Bilami A, Maamri R, Benmohammed M. Contention Window Optimization for Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) to Improve Quality of Service at MAC Layer. International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and Its Applications. 2011 :704-713.
Boubiche DE, Bilami A. HEEP (Hybrid Energy Efficiency Protocol) based on chain clustering. International Journal of Sensor NetworksInternational Journal of Sensor Networks. 2011;10 :25-35.
SEDRATI M, Bilami A, Benmohamed M. M-AODV: AODV variant to improve quality of service in MANETs. arXiv preprint arXiv:1104.1186arXiv preprint arXiv:1104.1186. 2011.
Abdessemed MR, Bilami A. Adaptive oriented clustering in difficult environment of collective robotics. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and CyberneticsInternational Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics. 2010.
Abdessemed MR, Bilami A. Evolutionary research of optimal strategies for exclusive positioned clustering in simulated environment of collective robotics. Robotics and Autonomous SystemsRobotics and Autonomous Systems. 2010;58 :1130-1137.
Abdessemed MR, Khoualdi K, Bilami A. Optimization of Clustering Time by a Group of Autonomous Robots Making Use of an Exclusive Multi-Marking. 2010.
Beghriche A, Bilami A. Modélisation et Gestion de la Confiance dans les Réseaux Mobiles Ad hoc. CIIA. 2009.
Abdessemed MR, Slimane M, Aupetit S, Bilami A. Une approche de groupement orienté dans un entourage de robots homogènes. 5th international conference SETIT: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications. 2009.
Ouazene N, Bilami A. Enhancing 802.11 MAC in High Load Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks. [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In multi-hop ad hoc networks, queuing resources become unavailable under high load. When the traffic increases, the received frames are generally dropped and retransmitted later by the senders after a short timeout. This situation led to more conflicts in accessing the wireless medium and decreases the network performances. In this paper, we propose a new scheme to avoid the bad utilization of wireless medium in high load conditions. Simulations under NS2 have been conducted to study QoS parameters, especially throughput, delay and jitter. The obtained results show that the performances of our proposal are better than those of IEEE 802.11.

HOUASSI H, Bilami A. Une Architecture Parallèle pour la Consultation des Tables de Routage IP. SETIT 2009 5 th International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications March 22-26, [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Pour faire face à la croissance du nombre d’internautes à travers le monde, des liaisons à des débits de plus en plus élevés sont nécessaires; En plus, la mise en place de routeurs de plus en plus performants est primordiale pour suivre cette évolution. Une des opérations influentes sur la performance globale d’un routeur est la recherche de l’information dans la table de routage. Nous proposons dans cet article, une architecture parallèle pour la recherche de routes dans les tables IP. À la différence d’autres approches, nous proposons un mécanisme qui utilise le critère de longueur des préfixes pour regrouper les préfixes dans des sous tables de routage équilibrées, qui seront ensuite manipulées parallèlement afin d’accélérer l’opération de recherche des adresses IP par le routeur..

Bilami A, Boubiche DE. A hybrid energy aware routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks. 2008 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. 2008 :975-980.
BOULKAMH C, OUNES MN, LAGGOUN K, SEDRATI M, Bilami A. Impact de la Charge de Contrôle de Routage Sur la QdS dans un Réseau Ad hoc. 4th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing CIP. 2007 :03-04.
