Boubiche S, Boubiche DE, Bilami A, Toral-Cruz H.
An Outline of Data Aggregation Security in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. SensorsSensors. 2016;16 :525.
AbstractData aggregation processes aim to reduce the amount of exchanged data in wireless sensor networks and consequently minimize the packet overhead and optimize energy efficiency. Securing the data aggregation process is a real challenge since the aggregation nodes must access the relayed data to apply the aggregation functions. The data aggregation security problem has been widely addressed in classical homogeneous wireless sensor networks, however, most of the proposed security protocols cannot guarantee a high level of security since the sensor node resources are limited. Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks have recently emerged as a new wireless sensor network category which expands the sensor nodes’ resources and capabilities. These new kinds of WSNs have opened new research opportunities where security represents a most attractive area. Indeed, robust and high security level algorithms can be used to secure the data aggregation at the heterogeneous aggregation nodes which is impossible in classical homogeneous WSNs. Contrary to the homogeneous sensor networks, the data aggregation security problem is still not sufficiently covered and the proposed data aggregation security protocols are numberless. To address this recent research area, this paper describes the data aggregation security problem in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks and surveys a few proposed security protocols. A classification and evaluation of the existing protocols is also introduced based on the adopted data aggregation security approach.
Boubiche DE, Boubiche S, Toral-Cruz H, Pathan A-SK, Bilami A, SamirAthmani.
SDAW: secure data aggregation watermarking-based scheme in homogeneous WSNs. Telecommunication SystemsTelecommunication Systems. 2016;62 :277–288.
AbstractRedundant data retransmission problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be eliminated using the data aggregation process which combines similar data to reduce the resource-consumption and consequently, saves energy during data transmission. In the recent days, many researchers have focused on securing this paradigm despite the constraints it imposes such as the limited resources. Most of the solutions proposed to secure the data aggregation process in WSNs are essentially based on the use of encryption keys to protect data during their transmission in the network. Indeed, the key generation and distribution mechanisms involve additional computation costs and consume more of energy. Considering this, in this paper, we propose a new security mechanism to secure data aggregation in WSNs called SDAW (secure data aggregation watermarking-based scheme in homogeneous WSNs). Our mechanism aims to secure the data aggregation process while saving energy. For this, the mechanism uses a lightweight fragile watermarking technique without encryption to insure the authentication and the integrity of the sensed data while saving the energy. The links between the sensor nodes and the aggregation nodes, and also the links between the aggregation nodes and the base station are secured by using the watermarking mechanism.
Boubiche DE, Boubiche S, Bilami A, Toral-Cruz H.
Toward adaptive data aggregation protocols in wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing. 2016 :1-6.