
Merimeche I, Mebarki G, RAHAL S, Narayan A, Chakraborty A, Dewangan A, Al-Obeidi AS, AL-Azzawi SF, Nayak MK, Zeeshan A. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Vortex Generators in Inclined Tubes. Journal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/mmc_bJournal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/mmc_b. 2019;88 :1-7.
Merimeche I, Mebarki G, RAHAL S, Narayan A, Chakraborty A, Dewangan A, Al-Obeidi AS, AL-Azzawi SF, Nayak MK, Zeeshan A. Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Vortex Generators in Inclined Tubes. Journal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/mmc_bJournal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/mmc_b. 2019;88 :1-7.
ISMAHANE BOULILA. Hematotoxicite induite par le nickel chez la rate gestante de souche wistar. 2019.
Ferhati H, DJEFFAL F. High-responsivity MSM solar-blind UV photodetector based on annealed ITO/Ag/ITO structure using RF sputtering. IEEE Sensors JournalIEEE Sensors Journal. 2019;19 :7942-7949.
Ferhati H, DJEFFAL F. High-responsivity MSM solar-blind UV photodetector based on annealed ITO/Ag/ITO structure using RF sputtering. IEEE Sensors JournalIEEE Sensors Journal. 2019;19 :7942-7949.
HANFER M, Cheriet T, Menad A, Seghiri R, Ameddah S. HPLC profile and in vitro antioxidant properties of the n-butanol extract of Linaria tingitana Boiss. and Reut. J Chem Pharm ResJ Chem Pharm Res. 2019;11 :50-58.
HANFER M, Cheriet T, Menad A, Seghiri R, Ameddah S. HPLC profile and in vitro antioxidant properties of the n-butanol extract of Linaria tingitana Boiss. and Reut. J Chem Pharm ResJ Chem Pharm Res. 2019;11 :50-58.
HANFER M, Cheriet T, Menad A, Seghiri R, Ameddah S. HPLC profile and in vitro antioxidant properties of the n-butanol extract of Linaria tingitana Boiss. and Reut. J Chem Pharm ResJ Chem Pharm Res. 2019;11 :50-58.
HANFER M, Cheriet T, Menad A, Seghiri R, Ameddah S. HPLC profile and in vitro antioxidant properties of the n-butanol extract of Linaria tingitana Boiss. and Reut. J Chem Pharm ResJ Chem Pharm Res. 2019;11 :50-58.
HANFER M, Cheriet T, Menad A, Seghiri R, Ameddah S. HPLC profile and in vitro antioxidant properties of the n-butanol extract of Linaria tingitana Boiss. and Reut. J Chem Pharm ResJ Chem Pharm Res. 2019;11 :50-58.
Ali ATHAMENA, Redha MENNANIM, Fouad DJAIZ. Hydrochemical Characteristics under current condition exploitation usingstatistics methods : case of the Zana- Roknia plain, North east of Algeria. 23 ème Colloque des Bassins Sédimentaires. 21 – 23 novembre [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract

: This paper is a contribution to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of the groundwater of Merdja Zana-Chott Saboun. The study of geology with the geophysics highlights the existence of two formations aquifers. The first surface formation, formed by levels of sand, gravel, limestone and clay intercalations, dating to the age of the Mio-PlioQuaternary. The second formation is carbonated and formed primarily by limestones of the lower Cretaceous and superior Jurassic. The covering of surface reaches, in certain places, 150m of thickness in particular near the Chott and a low thickness in the vicinity of the mountains. T: This Thist t t he multivariate statistical techniques, were used to identify the hydrochemical processes and their relation with groundwater quality and to get an insight into the hydrochemical Chott Saboun aquifer groundwater chemistry evaluation. Twenty five samples are analyzed. The Piper diagram showed that water facies are magnesium bicarbonate on the sides of the western reliefs and magnesium chloride-sulphated at the north and the center of the plain. The PCA carried out on three factors revealed that on the factorial design F1-F3, nitrates negatively determine factor 3, indicating the presence of an agriculture pollution. On the factorial design F1-F2, HCO3 - negatively determine the factor 2, indicating the carbonated origin. However, the CA, based on variables, showed that the waters in the region can be classified into three groups according to flow direction while, the CA, based on major ion contents, defined three groups, reflecting the same hydrochemical facies. The first group characterized by Mg2+ and Cl- , HCO3 - . Samples of this group are mostly located in the north and northeastern part of the region. The second group characterized by Mg2+ and SO4 --, Clis located near the Northwestern and western outcrops. The third group coincides with the central part, the lowest of the plain, characterized by Mg2+ and SO4 --. The hydrochemical study made it possible to allot the evaporitic origin to the elements Na+, Mg2+ , K + , Cl- , SO4 - , while for element HCO3 - it results from the carbonated formations. These results showed that the presence of nitrates in the studied area is closely linked to the agricultural activity.

Ali ATHAMENA, Redha MENNANIM, Fouad DJAIZ. Hydrochemical Characteristics under current condition exploitation usingstatistics methods : case of the Zana- Roknia plain, North east of Algeria. 23 ème Colloque des Bassins Sédimentaires. 21 – 23 novembre [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract

: This paper is a contribution to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of the groundwater of Merdja Zana-Chott Saboun. The study of geology with the geophysics highlights the existence of two formations aquifers. The first surface formation, formed by levels of sand, gravel, limestone and clay intercalations, dating to the age of the Mio-PlioQuaternary. The second formation is carbonated and formed primarily by limestones of the lower Cretaceous and superior Jurassic. The covering of surface reaches, in certain places, 150m of thickness in particular near the Chott and a low thickness in the vicinity of the mountains. T: This Thist t t he multivariate statistical techniques, were used to identify the hydrochemical processes and their relation with groundwater quality and to get an insight into the hydrochemical Chott Saboun aquifer groundwater chemistry evaluation. Twenty five samples are analyzed. The Piper diagram showed that water facies are magnesium bicarbonate on the sides of the western reliefs and magnesium chloride-sulphated at the north and the center of the plain. The PCA carried out on three factors revealed that on the factorial design F1-F3, nitrates negatively determine factor 3, indicating the presence of an agriculture pollution. On the factorial design F1-F2, HCO3 - negatively determine the factor 2, indicating the carbonated origin. However, the CA, based on variables, showed that the waters in the region can be classified into three groups according to flow direction while, the CA, based on major ion contents, defined three groups, reflecting the same hydrochemical facies. The first group characterized by Mg2+ and Cl- , HCO3 - . Samples of this group are mostly located in the north and northeastern part of the region. The second group characterized by Mg2+ and SO4 --, Clis located near the Northwestern and western outcrops. The third group coincides with the central part, the lowest of the plain, characterized by Mg2+ and SO4 --. The hydrochemical study made it possible to allot the evaporitic origin to the elements Na+, Mg2+ , K + , Cl- , SO4 - , while for element HCO3 - it results from the carbonated formations. These results showed that the presence of nitrates in the studied area is closely linked to the agricultural activity.

Ali ATHAMENA, Redha MENNANIM, Fouad DJAIZ. Hydrochemical Characteristics under current condition exploitation usingstatistics methods : case of the Zana- Roknia plain, North east of Algeria. 23 ème Colloque des Bassins Sédimentaires. 21 – 23 novembre [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract

: This paper is a contribution to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of the groundwater of Merdja Zana-Chott Saboun. The study of geology with the geophysics highlights the existence of two formations aquifers. The first surface formation, formed by levels of sand, gravel, limestone and clay intercalations, dating to the age of the Mio-PlioQuaternary. The second formation is carbonated and formed primarily by limestones of the lower Cretaceous and superior Jurassic. The covering of surface reaches, in certain places, 150m of thickness in particular near the Chott and a low thickness in the vicinity of the mountains. T: This Thist t t he multivariate statistical techniques, were used to identify the hydrochemical processes and their relation with groundwater quality and to get an insight into the hydrochemical Chott Saboun aquifer groundwater chemistry evaluation. Twenty five samples are analyzed. The Piper diagram showed that water facies are magnesium bicarbonate on the sides of the western reliefs and magnesium chloride-sulphated at the north and the center of the plain. The PCA carried out on three factors revealed that on the factorial design F1-F3, nitrates negatively determine factor 3, indicating the presence of an agriculture pollution. On the factorial design F1-F2, HCO3 - negatively determine the factor 2, indicating the carbonated origin. However, the CA, based on variables, showed that the waters in the region can be classified into three groups according to flow direction while, the CA, based on major ion contents, defined three groups, reflecting the same hydrochemical facies. The first group characterized by Mg2+ and Cl- , HCO3 - . Samples of this group are mostly located in the north and northeastern part of the region. The second group characterized by Mg2+ and SO4 --, Clis located near the Northwestern and western outcrops. The third group coincides with the central part, the lowest of the plain, characterized by Mg2+ and SO4 --. The hydrochemical study made it possible to allot the evaporitic origin to the elements Na+, Mg2+ , K + , Cl- , SO4 - , while for element HCO3 - it results from the carbonated formations. These results showed that the presence of nitrates in the studied area is closely linked to the agricultural activity.

Mebarki M, Kareche T, Derfouf F-EM, Taibi S, Aboubekr N. Hydromechanical behavior of a natural swelling soil of Boumagueur region (east of Algeria). Geomech. EngGeomech. Eng. 2019;17 :69-79.
Mebarki M, Kareche T, Derfouf F-EM, Taibi S, Aboubekr N. Hydromechanical behavior of a natural swelling soil of Boumagueur region (east of Algeria). Geomech. EngGeomech. Eng. 2019;17 :69-79.
Mebarki M, Kareche T, Derfouf F-EM, Taibi S, Aboubekr N. Hydromechanical behavior of a natural swelling soil of Boumagueur region (east of Algeria). Geomech. EngGeomech. Eng. 2019;17 :69-79.
Mebarki M, Kareche T, Derfouf F-EM, Taibi S, Aboubekr N. Hydromechanical behavior of a natural swelling soil of Boumagueur region (east of Algeria). Geomech. EngGeomech. Eng. 2019;17 :69-79.
Mebarki M, Kareche T, Derfouf F-EM, Taibi S, Aboubekr N. Hydromechanical behavior of a natural swelling soil of Boumagueur region (east of Algeria). Geomech. EngGeomech. Eng. 2019;17 :69-79.
Nafaa B, Khedidj A, Rahma K. Identification des aquifères par les méthodes géophysiques. Cas du système aquifère de hammam bradaa nord-est de guelma. Algérie. 1er Colloque sur la Géologie des Bassins Sédimentaires Magrébins « GBSM ». Octobre 01,02,03 , [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract

L’aquifère de Hammam Bradaa se situe au Nord-Est de Guelma, Algérie. Cet aquifère représente une ressource stratégique pour la région, ses eaux sont utilisées pour l’AEP des agglomérations limitrophes ; Héliopolis, Guelaat Bousbaa, Nechmaya, El Fedjoudj ainsi que la daïra de Bouchegouf dans la wilaya de Guelma et une partie de la wilaya de Annaba. Du point de vue géologique, les formations rencontrées sont en majeurs partie carbonatées d’âge Crétacé. Le rôle de la prospection électrique est l’identification de la géométrie des formations aquifères ainsi que la variation de leurs résistivités. Ces dernières dépendent de la nature pétrographique, la structure des roches et le degré de la minéralisation des eaux souterraines.

L’objectif principal de cette étude est l’exploitation de la campagne de prospection électrique (ENAGEO, 1993-1994) pour l’étude de la géométrie du système aquifère de Hammam Bradaa et l’identification, par l’occasion, du rôle de la tectonique dans la disposition actuelle des formations composant ce système. Les résultats obtenus sont concluants et indiquent que la région d’étude présente un bassin subsident limitée par des failles d’une orientation Sud-Ouest, Nord-Est, formant un ensemble complexe de Horsts et de Grabens. Cette zone représente un grand réservoir d’eau souterraine constitué par des formations géologiques essentiellement carbonatés plus ou moins fissurées avec présence locale de Karst représentées par des horizons résistant qui favorisent fortement la susceptibilité de potentialités hydriques importantes.
