Approche hydrogéologique des plaines de Gadaine et Zana-chott saboun (Wilaya de Batna, Nord est algérien). 4eme Colloque International, les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, 22 novembre. 2018.
Halima B, Redha MENANIM.
Approche hydrogéologique des plaines de Gdaine et Zana-chott saboun, NE algérien. 4ème colloque international sur les géosciences, . 2018.
Halima B, Redha MENANIM.
Approche hydrogéologique des plaines de Gdaine et Zana-chott saboun, NE algérien. 4ème colloque international sur les géosciences, . 2018.
Soumia L, Redha MENANIM.
Approche hydrogéologique du bassin miocène de Timgad(Wilaya de Batna – nord-est algérien), ISSN: 1370 - 6071. Geo-Eco-TropGeo-Eco-Trop. 2018;volume 42 :pp.33-42.
AbstractTimgad Basin is a part of the North-East Algerian Saharan Atlas. It is located at the northern of the Aurès Mountain. It is bordered in the North by Bou Arif, Amrane and Tagratine mountains, while in the South it is limited by Chelia, Rdam and Nerdi Bouhmar mountains. It is shaped as a synclinal gutter oriented East-West and covers an area of about 1000 Km2 . The climate is semi-arid (cold winter and hot summer) with average annual rainfall not exceeding 350 mm. The basin is composed by varied lithology, showing large folded structures down sloping towards the center, which favor groundwater storage. The Miocene sandstone aquifer is the most important. It is characterized by a wavy shape, which form series of shale-marl filling depressions. Recent wells drilled in the basin edges and center, put in evidence its artesian character. The piezometric survey shows a groundwater convergent flow oriented towards the basin east (Bou el Freis), likewise the sandstone aquifer is marked by the presence of a West-East drainage axis which separates the basin northern part characterized by a low reservoirs hydraulic capacity from the southern part distinguished by the groundwater relative abundance.
Soumia L, Redha MENANIM.
Approche hydrogéologique du bassin miocène de Timgad(Wilaya de Batna – nord-est algérien), ISSN: 1370 - 6071. Geo-Eco-TropGeo-Eco-Trop. 2018;volume 42 :pp.33-42.
AbstractTimgad Basin is a part of the North-East Algerian Saharan Atlas. It is located at the northern of the Aurès Mountain. It is bordered in the North by Bou Arif, Amrane and Tagratine mountains, while in the South it is limited by Chelia, Rdam and Nerdi Bouhmar mountains. It is shaped as a synclinal gutter oriented East-West and covers an area of about 1000 Km2 . The climate is semi-arid (cold winter and hot summer) with average annual rainfall not exceeding 350 mm. The basin is composed by varied lithology, showing large folded structures down sloping towards the center, which favor groundwater storage. The Miocene sandstone aquifer is the most important. It is characterized by a wavy shape, which form series of shale-marl filling depressions. Recent wells drilled in the basin edges and center, put in evidence its artesian character. The piezometric survey shows a groundwater convergent flow oriented towards the basin east (Bou el Freis), likewise the sandstone aquifer is marked by the presence of a West-East drainage axis which separates the basin northern part characterized by a low reservoirs hydraulic capacity from the southern part distinguished by the groundwater relative abundance.
Approche statistique dans la caractérisation physico-chimique des eaux souterraines, cas de Chott-Saboun, Est Algérie. 4eme Colloque International les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, 22 novembre. 2018.
Artifact removal from electrocardiogram signal: A comparative study S. International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications (SIVA) [Internet]. 2018.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal with artifact might lead to wrong analysis. In this paper, discrete cosine transform (DCT) denoising method for artifacts removal from ECG signals is proposed. Based on the energy properties of DCT transform is located in the low frequency coefficients and baseline wander (BW) noise is also a low frequency signal; therefore we deduce that the firsts coefficients of the DCT of the ECG signal is corresponds to the BW artifact in it. In our approach the BW is estimated from the low coefficients of the DCT transform, and the corrected ECG signal is obtained by its subtraction from noisy ECG signal in the time domain. The simulation results are done based on real ECG signals taken from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database whose corrupted with the BW noise from MIT-BIH noise stress test database. A comparison analysis of the median filtering (MF), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) decomposition and DCT transform for ECG signal denoising is done. The obtained results showed that our proposed method based on DCT transform gives better performances compared to MF and DWT methods in terms of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), and Pearson correlation parameter.
Artifact removal from electrocardiogram signal: A comparative study S. International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications (SIVA) [Internet]. 2018.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal with artifact might lead to wrong analysis. In this paper, discrete cosine transform (DCT) denoising method for artifacts removal from ECG signals is proposed. Based on the energy properties of DCT transform is located in the low frequency coefficients and baseline wander (BW) noise is also a low frequency signal; therefore we deduce that the firsts coefficients of the DCT of the ECG signal is corresponds to the BW artifact in it. In our approach the BW is estimated from the low coefficients of the DCT transform, and the corrected ECG signal is obtained by its subtraction from noisy ECG signal in the time domain. The simulation results are done based on real ECG signals taken from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database whose corrupted with the BW noise from MIT-BIH noise stress test database. A comparison analysis of the median filtering (MF), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) decomposition and DCT transform for ECG signal denoising is done. The obtained results showed that our proposed method based on DCT transform gives better performances compared to MF and DWT methods in terms of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), and Pearson correlation parameter.
Artifact removal from electrocardiogram signal: A comparative study S. International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications (SIVA) [Internet]. 2018.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal with artifact might lead to wrong analysis. In this paper, discrete cosine transform (DCT) denoising method for artifacts removal from ECG signals is proposed. Based on the energy properties of DCT transform is located in the low frequency coefficients and baseline wander (BW) noise is also a low frequency signal; therefore we deduce that the firsts coefficients of the DCT of the ECG signal is corresponds to the BW artifact in it. In our approach the BW is estimated from the low coefficients of the DCT transform, and the corrected ECG signal is obtained by its subtraction from noisy ECG signal in the time domain. The simulation results are done based on real ECG signals taken from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database whose corrupted with the BW noise from MIT-BIH noise stress test database. A comparison analysis of the median filtering (MF), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) decomposition and DCT transform for ECG signal denoising is done. The obtained results showed that our proposed method based on DCT transform gives better performances compared to MF and DWT methods in terms of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), and Pearson correlation parameter.
Assia A.
Aspect épidémio-clinique de la rougeole chez 131 adultes. Premier congrès de la société algérienne d’infectiologie et 5e congrès de la fédération arabe des sociétés de microbiologie clinique et des maladies infectieuses. 2018.
Bouhadeb CE, MENANI MR, Bouguerra H, Derdous O.
Assessing soil loss using GIS based RUSLE methodology. Case of the Bou Namoussa watershed–North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land DevelopmentJournal of Water and Land Development. 2018.
Bouhadeb CE, MENANI MR, Bouguerra H, Derdous O.
Assessing soil loss using GIS based RUSLE methodology. Case of the Bou Namoussa watershed–North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land DevelopmentJournal of Water and Land Development. 2018.
Bouhadeb CE, MENANI MR, Bouguerra H, Derdous O.
Assessing soil loss using GIS based RUSLE methodology. Case of the Bou Namoussa watershed–North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land DevelopmentJournal of Water and Land Development. 2018.
Bouhadeb CE, MENANI MR, Bouguerra H, Derdous O.
Assessing soil loss using GIS based RUSLE methodology. Case of the Bou Namoussa watershed–North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land DevelopmentJournal of Water and Land Development. 2018.