
Abdelkrim M, Brioua M, Belloufi A, Gherfi A. Experimental and Numerical Study of the Cutting Temperature during the Turning of the C45 Steel. Applied Mechanics and Materials [Internet]. 2016;823 :507-512. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In machining operation, the quality of surface finish is an important requirement for many turned work pieces. cutting temperature is one of the most important parameters in determining the cutting performance and tool life. the objective for this work is to estimate the cutting temperature in 3D model on tool-chip interface and the interface temperature during turning process, using the digital simulation software COMSOL Multiphysics.The tool–chip interface temperature results obtained from experimental results by using C45 medium carbon steel work piece with natural contact tools, without the application of cooling and lubricating agents and a K type thermocouple technique was used for estimating cutting temperatures in a turning operation.This procedure facilitates the determination of the temperature at tool-chip interface in dry turning process, which is still a challenge for existing experimental and numerical methods.

Abdelkrim M, Brioua M, Belloufi A, Gherfi A. Experimental and Numerical Study of the Cutting Temperature during the Turning of the C45 Steel. Applied Mechanics and MaterialsApplied Mechanics and Materials. 2016;823 :507-512.
Yettou F, Gama A, Panwar NL, Malek A, Azoui B. Experimental investigation of thermal performance evaluation and thermodynamic analysis of domestic box type solar cooker with inclined aperture area. Revue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, JuinRevue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, Juin. 2016;19 :211-224.
Yettou F, Gama A, Panwar NL, Malek A, Azoui B. Experimental investigation of thermal performance evaluation and thermodynamic analysis of domestic box type solar cooker with inclined aperture area. Revue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, JuinRevue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, Juin. 2016;19 :211-224.
Yettou F, Gama A, Panwar NL, Malek A, Azoui B. Experimental investigation of thermal performance evaluation and thermodynamic analysis of domestic box type solar cooker with inclined aperture area. Revue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, JuinRevue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, Juin. 2016;19 :211-224.
Yettou F, Gama A, Panwar NL, Malek A, Azoui B. Experimental investigation of thermal performance evaluation and thermodynamic analysis of domestic box type solar cooker with inclined aperture area. Revue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, JuinRevue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, Juin. 2016;19 :211-224.
Yettou F, Gama A, Panwar NL, Malek A, Azoui B. Experimental investigation of thermal performance evaluation and thermodynamic analysis of domestic box type solar cooker with inclined aperture area. Revue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, JuinRevue des Energies Renouvelables CDER, Juin. 2016;19 :211-224.
Benacer I, Dibi Z. Extracting parameters of OFET before and after threshold voltage using genetic algorithms. International Journal of Automation and ComputingInternational Journal of Automation and Computing. 2016;13 :382-391.
Benacer I, Dibi Z. Extracting parameters of OFET before and after threshold voltage using genetic algorithms. International Journal of Automation and ComputingInternational Journal of Automation and Computing. 2016;13 :382-391.
Soraya T, Benyahia B, Ameghchouche AH. Facteurs de risques chez les porteurs chroniques du virus de l’hépatite . 1e conférence internationale d’infectiologie d’Oran, 26 – 28 Janvier. 2016.
Soraya T, Benyahia B, Ameghchouche AH. Facteurs de risques chez les porteurs chroniques du virus de l’hépatite . 1e conférence internationale d’infectiologie d’Oran, 26 – 28 Janvier. 2016.
Soraya T, Benyahia B, Ameghchouche AH. Facteurs de risques chez les porteurs chroniques du virus de l’hépatite . 1e conférence internationale d’infectiologie d’Oran, 26 – 28 Janvier. 2016.
Tebbal S, Ameghchouche A. Facteurs de transmission associés aux soins du VHB, à propos de 158 cas. 1ère Conférence internationale d’infectiologie d’Oran : Hygiène hospitalière et prévention des infections associées aux soins. 2016.
Tebbal S, Ameghchouche A. Facteurs de transmission associés aux soins du VHB, à propos de 158 cas. 1ère Conférence internationale d’infectiologie d’Oran : Hygiène hospitalière et prévention des infections associées aux soins. 2016.
Makhloufi MT, Abdessemed Y, Khireddine MS. A Feed forward Neural Network MPPT Control Strategy Applied to a Modified Cuk Converter. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708)International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708). 2016;6.
Makhloufi MT, Yassine A, Salah KM. A feed forward neural network MPPT control strategy applied to a modified cuk converter, ISSN 2088-8708. International Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringInternational Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2016;Volume 6 :pp 1421-1433.Abstract
This paper presents an intelligent control strategy that uses a feedforward artificial neural network in order to improve the performance of the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker) MPPT photovoltaic (PV) power system based on a modified Cuk converter. The proposed neural network control (NNC) strategy is designed to produce regulated variable DC output voltage. The mathematical model of Cuk converter and artificial neural network algorithm is derived. Cuk converter has some advantages compared to other type of converters. However the nonlinearity characteristic of the Cuk converter due to the switching technique is difficult to be handled by conventional controller. To overcome this problem, a neural network controller with online learning back propagation algorithm is developed. The NNC designed tracked the converter voltage output and improve the dynamic performance regardless load disturbances and supply variations. The proposed controller effectiveness during dynamic transient response is then analyze and verified using MATLAB-Simulink. Simulation results confirm the excellent performance of the proposed NNC technique for the studied PV system. 
Makhloufi MT, Abdessemed Y, Khireddine MS. A Feed forward Neural Network MPPT Control Strategy Applied to a Modified Cuk Converter. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708)International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708). 2016;6.
Makhloufi MT, Abdessemed Y, Khireddine MS. A Feed forward Neural Network MPPT Control Strategy Applied to a Modified Cuk Converter. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708)International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708). 2016;6.
Makhloufi MT, Yassine A, Salah KM. A feed forward neural network MPPT control strategy applied to a modified cuk converter, ISSN 2088-8708. International Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringInternational Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2016;Volume 6 :pp 1421-1433.Abstract
This paper presents an intelligent control strategy that uses a feedforward artificial neural network in order to improve the performance of the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker) MPPT photovoltaic (PV) power system based on a modified Cuk converter. The proposed neural network control (NNC) strategy is designed to produce regulated variable DC output voltage. The mathematical model of Cuk converter and artificial neural network algorithm is derived. Cuk converter has some advantages compared to other type of converters. However the nonlinearity characteristic of the Cuk converter due to the switching technique is difficult to be handled by conventional controller. To overcome this problem, a neural network controller with online learning back propagation algorithm is developed. The NNC designed tracked the converter voltage output and improve the dynamic performance regardless load disturbances and supply variations. The proposed controller effectiveness during dynamic transient response is then analyze and verified using MATLAB-Simulink. Simulation results confirm the excellent performance of the proposed NNC technique for the studied PV system. 
Makhloufi MT, Yassine A, Salah KM. A feed forward neural network MPPT control strategy applied to a modified cuk converter, ISSN 2088-8708. International Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringInternational Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2016;Volume 6 :pp 1421-1433.Abstract
This paper presents an intelligent control strategy that uses a feedforward artificial neural network in order to improve the performance of the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker) MPPT photovoltaic (PV) power system based on a modified Cuk converter. The proposed neural network control (NNC) strategy is designed to produce regulated variable DC output voltage. The mathematical model of Cuk converter and artificial neural network algorithm is derived. Cuk converter has some advantages compared to other type of converters. However the nonlinearity characteristic of the Cuk converter due to the switching technique is difficult to be handled by conventional controller. To overcome this problem, a neural network controller with online learning back propagation algorithm is developed. The NNC designed tracked the converter voltage output and improve the dynamic performance regardless load disturbances and supply variations. The proposed controller effectiveness during dynamic transient response is then analyze and verified using MATLAB-Simulink. Simulation results confirm the excellent performance of the proposed NNC technique for the studied PV system. 
