
Kadri O, Mouss LH, Merah F, Abdelhadi A, Mouss MD. An efficient hybrid approach based on SVM and Binary ACO for feature Selection. International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation. 2011.
Kadri O, Mouss LH, Merah F, Abdelhadi A, Mouss MD. An efficient hybrid approach based on SVM and Binary ACO for feature Selection. International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation. 2011.
Leila-Hayet M. An efficient hybrid approach based on SVM and Binary ACO for feature SelectionSeptember 12-15, Rome, Italy.pp 08-15 Edited by Agostino Bruzzone, Claudia Frydman, Marina Masset, Mike Mcginnis , Miquel Angel, and Piera Gregory and Zacharewicz.; 2011.
Kadri O, Mouss LH, Merah F, Abdelhadi A, Mouss MD. An efficient hybrid approach based on SVM and Binary ACO for feature Selection. International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation. 2011.
Kadri O, Mouss LH, Merah F, Abdelhadi A, Mouss MD. An efficient hybrid approach based on SVM and Binary ACO for feature Selection. International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation. 2011.
Kadri O, Mouss LH, Merah F, Abdelhadi A, Mouss MD. An efficient hybrid approach based on SVM and Binary ACO for feature Selection. International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation. 2011.
ADEL ABDELHADI, Leila-Hayet M. Efficient Tool for the Recognition of the Leaves of Plants. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI)International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI). 2011;8 :309.
ADEL ABDELHADI, Leila-Hayet M. Efficient Tool for the Recognition of the Leaves of Plants. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI)International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI). 2011;8 :309.
Benhachani Z. Elaboration d’un modèle de dimensionnement d’un système hybride (solaire –éolien) alimentant une ferme éolienne dans la région des Aurès. 2011.
BENDIB T, DJEFFAL F. Electrical performance optimization of nanoscale double-gate MOSFETs using multiobjective genetic algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Electron DevicesIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2011;58 :3743-3750.
BENDIB T, DJEFFAL F. Electrical performance optimization of nanoscale double-gate MOSFETs using multiobjective genetic algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Electron DevicesIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2011;58 :3743-3750.
SAFARI-MOHSENABAD S, SELVAGANAPATHY PR, Derardja A, DEEN MJ. Electrochemical Growth of High-aspect Ratio Nanostructured Silver Chloride on Silver and its Application to Miniaturized Reference Electrodes. NanotechnologyNanotechnology. 2011;Vol. 22(31) :315601, 8 journal pages.Abstract
The sensitivity of many biological and chemical sensors is critically dependent on the stability of the potential of the reference electrode being used. The stability of a reference electrode’s potential is highly influenced by the properties of its surface. In this paper, for the first time, the formation of nanosheets of silver chloride on silver wire is observed and controlled using high anodic constant potential (>0.5 V) and pulsed electrodeposition. The resulting nanostructured morphology substantially improves the electrode’s potential stability in comparison with the conventional globular surface structure. The increased stability is attributed to the increase in the surface area of the silver chloride produced by the nanosheet formation.
SAFARI-MOHSENABAD S, SELVAGANAPATHY PR, Derardja A, DEEN MJ. Electrochemical Growth of High-aspect Ratio Nanostructured Silver Chloride on Silver and its Application to Miniaturized Reference Electrodes. NanotechnologyNanotechnology. 2011;Vol. 22(31) :315601, 8 journal pages.Abstract
The sensitivity of many biological and chemical sensors is critically dependent on the stability of the potential of the reference electrode being used. The stability of a reference electrode’s potential is highly influenced by the properties of its surface. In this paper, for the first time, the formation of nanosheets of silver chloride on silver wire is observed and controlled using high anodic constant potential (>0.5 V) and pulsed electrodeposition. The resulting nanostructured morphology substantially improves the electrode’s potential stability in comparison with the conventional globular surface structure. The increased stability is attributed to the increase in the surface area of the silver chloride produced by the nanosheet formation.
SAFARI-MOHSENABAD S, SELVAGANAPATHY PR, Derardja A, DEEN MJ. Electrochemical Growth of High-aspect Ratio Nanostructured Silver Chloride on Silver and its Application to Miniaturized Reference Electrodes. NanotechnologyNanotechnology. 2011;Vol. 22(31) :315601, 8 journal pages.Abstract
The sensitivity of many biological and chemical sensors is critically dependent on the stability of the potential of the reference electrode being used. The stability of a reference electrode’s potential is highly influenced by the properties of its surface. In this paper, for the first time, the formation of nanosheets of silver chloride on silver wire is observed and controlled using high anodic constant potential (>0.5 V) and pulsed electrodeposition. The resulting nanostructured morphology substantially improves the electrode’s potential stability in comparison with the conventional globular surface structure. The increased stability is attributed to the increase in the surface area of the silver chloride produced by the nanosheet formation.
SAFARI-MOHSENABAD S, SELVAGANAPATHY PR, Derardja A, DEEN MJ. Electrochemical Growth of High-aspect Ratio Nanostructured Silver Chloride on Silver and its Application to Miniaturized Reference Electrodes. NanotechnologyNanotechnology. 2011;Vol. 22(31) :315601, 8 journal pages.Abstract
The sensitivity of many biological and chemical sensors is critically dependent on the stability of the potential of the reference electrode being used. The stability of a reference electrode’s potential is highly influenced by the properties of its surface. In this paper, for the first time, the formation of nanosheets of silver chloride on silver wire is observed and controlled using high anodic constant potential (>0.5 V) and pulsed electrodeposition. The resulting nanostructured morphology substantially improves the electrode’s potential stability in comparison with the conventional globular surface structure. The increased stability is attributed to the increase in the surface area of the silver chloride produced by the nanosheet formation.
Hocine R, Kalla H. Encoding SystemC models in formal synchronous formalism. International Journal of Computer ApplicationsInternational Journal of Computer Applications. 2011;975 :8887.
Hocine R, Kalla H. Encoding SystemC models in formal synchronous formalism. International Journal of Computer ApplicationsInternational Journal of Computer Applications. 2011;975 :8887.
Toufik B. Enhancement of Process State Vector for Industrial Diagnostic Applications Using a Statistical Reduction Approach.; 2011.
FERRAH L. Enquête cas-témoins évaluant les facteurs de risque du cancer colorectal chez des patients du CHU de Batna. 2011.
Guerri F. Enquête cas-témoins évaluant les facteurs de risque du cancer du sein chez des patientes du CHU de Batna. 2011.
