
Mellal L, Boubaker L, Djebabra M, Bahmed L. Management de projets d'externalisation: proposition méthodologique. 2ème Conférence Internationale sur les systèmes d'information et intelligence économique. 2009 :pp-979.
Mellal L, Boubaker L, Djebabra M, Bahmed L. Management de projets d'externalisation: proposition méthodologique. 2ème Conférence Internationale sur les systèmes d'information et intelligence économique. 2009 :pp-979.
Mellal L, Boubaker L, Djebabra M, Bahmed L. Management de projets d'externalisation: proposition méthodologique. 2ème Conférence Internationale sur les systèmes d'information et intelligence économique. 2009 :pp-979.
Mellal L, Boubaker L, Djebabra M, Bahmed L. Management de projets d'externalisation: proposition méthodologique. 2ème Conférence Internationale sur les systèmes d'information et intelligence économique. 2009 :pp-979.
Dridi N, Hadda H, Hajri-Gabouj S. Méthode heuristique pour le problčme de flow shop hybride avec machines dédiées. RAIRO-Operations ResearchRAIRO-Operations Research. 2009;43 :421-436.
Dridi N, Hadda H, Hajri-Gabouj S. Méthode heuristique pour le problčme de flow shop hybride avec machines dédiées. RAIRO-Operations ResearchRAIRO-Operations Research. 2009;43 :421-436.
Dridi N, Hadda H, Hajri-Gabouj S. Méthode heuristique pour le problčme de flow shop hybride avec machines dédiées. RAIRO-Operations ResearchRAIRO-Operations Research. 2009;43 :421-436.
Tir Z, Radjeai H, Abdessemed R. Modeling and control of doubly fed twin stator induction generators in wind energy applications. 2009.
Tir Z, Radjeai H, Abdessemed R. Modeling and control of doubly fed twin stator induction generators in wind energy applications. 2009.
Tir Z, Radjeai H, Abdessemed R. Modeling and control of doubly fed twin stator induction generators in wind energy applications. 2009.
Ahmed BENYOUCEF, Brahim BENMOHAMMED. Modélisation du contact outil-pièce dans le cas du fraisage des surfaces complexes avec une fraise hémisphérique. Matériaux & TechniquesMatériaux & Techniques. 2009;Volume 97 :pp. 209-217.Abstract
The machining of the complex forms is a characteristic of moulds and matrices manufacturing. Owing to the fact that these forms became increasingly complicated, the production of moulds and matrices require tolerances which are particularly severe. One of the principal objectives to be reached is the precision of machining and the improvement of the micro geometrical state of machined surfaces, for the minimization of polishing operations after machining which still necessary to obtain a good finished part, which is required by the car industry and the aeronautic industry. To reach these goals, it is important to choose a tool which fulfils the requirements of a machining which could be carried out in various orientations. This will make possible the machining of complex forms by using a milling machine with several axes. Among the tools allowing the realization of these complex forms, there is the ball-end mill. The goal of this work is to study the geometry of the mill’s spherical part, in order to determine the contact zones between the part of complex form and the tool which is following a trajectory in space.
Ahmed BENYOUCEF, Brahim BENMOHAMMED. Modélisation du contact outil-pièce dans le cas du fraisage des surfaces complexes avec une fraise hémisphérique. Matériaux & TechniquesMatériaux & Techniques. 2009;Volume 97 :pp. 209-217.Abstract
The machining of the complex forms is a characteristic of moulds and matrices manufacturing. Owing to the fact that these forms became increasingly complicated, the production of moulds and matrices require tolerances which are particularly severe. One of the principal objectives to be reached is the precision of machining and the improvement of the micro geometrical state of machined surfaces, for the minimization of polishing operations after machining which still necessary to obtain a good finished part, which is required by the car industry and the aeronautic industry. To reach these goals, it is important to choose a tool which fulfils the requirements of a machining which could be carried out in various orientations. This will make possible the machining of complex forms by using a milling machine with several axes. Among the tools allowing the realization of these complex forms, there is the ball-end mill. The goal of this work is to study the geometry of the mill’s spherical part, in order to determine the contact zones between the part of complex form and the tool which is following a trajectory in space.
Beghriche A, Bilami A. Modélisation et Gestion de la Confiance dans les Réseaux Mobiles Ad hoc. CIIA. 2009.
Beghriche A, Bilami A. Modélisation et Gestion de la Confiance dans les Réseaux Mobiles Ad hoc. CIIA. 2009.
HIMED L. Modélisation et simulation de la coupe orthogonale en utilisant un code de calcul par la méthode des éléments finis. 2009.
Drid S, Nait-Said M-S, Makouf A, Tadjine M. Modelling of a stand-alone doubly-fed induction generator using two separate reference frames. ElectromotionELECTROMOTION. 2009;16.
Drid S, Nait-Said M-S, Makouf A, Tadjine M. Modelling of a stand-alone doubly-fed induction generator using two separate reference frames. ElectromotionELECTROMOTION. 2009;16.
Drid S, Nait-Said M-S, Makouf A, Tadjine M. Modelling of a stand-alone doubly-fed induction generator using two separate reference frames. ElectromotionELECTROMOTION. 2009;16.
Drid S, Nait-Said M-S, Makouf A, Tadjine M. Modelling of a stand-alone doubly-fed induction generator using two separate reference frames. ElectromotionELECTROMOTION. 2009;16.
Chemseddine¹ F, Abderrahmane B, Abdelkader¹ R, Elias S. Mots-clés: Trias, aquifère, salinité, saturation, Morsott-Laouinet. Afrique SCIENCEAfrique SCIENCE. 2009;5 :217-231.
