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Amimeur H, Abdessemed R, Aouzellag D, Merabet E, Hamoudi F. A sliding mode control associated to the field-oriented control of dual-stator induction motor drives. 2009.
Amimeur H, Abdessemed R, Aouzellag D, Merabet E, Hamoudi F. A sliding mode control associated to the field-oriented control of dual-stator induction motor drives. 2009.
Amimeur H, Abdessemed R, Aouzellag D, Merabet E, Hamoudi F. A sliding mode control associated to the field-oriented control of dual-stator induction motor drives. 2009.
Amimeur H, Abdessemed R, Aouzellag D, Merabet E, Hamoudi F. A sliding mode control associated to the field-oriented control of dual-stator induction motor drives. 2009.
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Boubekri A, Moussa HB, Mennouche DJAMAL. Solar drying kinetics of date palm fruits assuming a step-wise air temperature change. Journal of Engineering Science and TechnologyJournal of Engineering Science and Technology. 2009;4 :292-304.
Boubekri A, Moussa HB, Mennouche DJAMAL. Solar drying kinetics of date palm fruits assuming a step-wise air temperature change. Journal of Engineering Science and TechnologyJournal of Engineering Science and Technology. 2009;4 :292-304.
Benlamoudi A, Abdessemed R. STATCOM based voltage-frequency regulation for SEIG driven by an uncontrolled speed turbine. International Journal of Power and Energy ConversionInternational Journal of Power and Energy Conversion. 2009;1 :399-416.
Benlamoudi A, Abdessemed R. STATCOM based voltage-frequency regulation for SEIG driven by an uncontrolled speed turbine. International Journal of Power and Energy ConversionInternational Journal of Power and Energy Conversion. 2009;1 :399-416.
Benlamoudi A, Abdessemed R. STATCOM based voltage-frequency regulation for SEIG driven by uncontrolled speed turbine. International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, InderScienceInternational Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, InderScience. 2009;1.
Benlamoudi A, Abdessemed R. STATCOM based voltage-frequency regulation for SEIG driven by uncontrolled speed turbine. International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, InderScienceInternational Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, InderScience. 2009;1.
Redha MENANIM, Nassima B. Statistical approach of the physiographical parameters influence on runoffs observed at the exit of basins - a case of Algerian basins. May 2009. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied ScienceARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Science. 2009;Vol. 4 :pp. 48-53.Abstract
The predetermination of the runoff in the non gauged basins constitutes the objective of numerous researches because of a lack of data covering them. Thus, the use of mathematical models became the suitable approach. Runoffs at the exit of basins, in addition to being influenced logically by rainfalls and their intensities, they are under the influence of other factors which condition the surface discharge such as the physiographical parameters of the basins, lithology, vegetation cover and evaporation. The aim of this work is to seek statistical relations which bind runoff observed at the exit of basins to rainfalls and some physiographical factors for basins of Algeria between September 1985 and September 1993. The simple and multiple correlations carried out on 23 basins made it possible to emphasize that some physiographicalcharacteristics are explanatory of the variance of the runoff to significant thresholds.
