
Ammar A, Nadir A, Ahmed K-L, Omar B. DETECTION DE SALMONELLES MINEURES AU NIVEAU DES COUVOIRS DU SECTEUR ETATIQUE ET PRIVE DE LA WILAYA DE BATNA. Huitièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole, 25 et 26 mars [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Les salmonelles sont l’une des causes principales des toxi-infections alimentaires ; de très nombreux sérotypes sont responsables de ces infections qui sont principalement rattachées à la volaille. Leur présence dans l’environnement conjuguée au mode d’élevage a favorisé l’apparition de porteurs sains ; leur mise en évidence dans les couvoirs est plus facile qu’en élevage et leur présence dans ces couvoirs est moins inhibée par les flores bactériennes adventices et les biofilms. Ceci fait que la recherche des salmonelles au niveau des couvoirs est révélatrice de contamination des poussins et poulets de chairs. Notre étude a porté sur 4 couvoirs du secteur étatique et du secteur privé pour la recherche de salmonelles ubiquistes par la méthode ISO 6579 57 prélèvements de poussières avec des chiffonettes sur les différents compartiments des couvoirs ont permis de mettre en évidence 2 Salmonella Typhimurium au niveau du secteur étatique ; les autres couvoirs se sont révélés indemnes Quant au degré de salissure des couvoirs du secteur privé il présente un taux de propreté homogène de ses différentes parties à l’opposé de ceux du secteur étatique qui ont montré surtout une prépondérance des salissures au niveau de ses éclosoirs et incubateurs Cette mise en évidence de salmonelles dans les couvoirs signe la défaillance de la biosécurité de la filière avicole dans la région de Batna qui dessert tous les aviculteurs de l’est de l’Algérie en poussins futurs poulets de chair, ce qui a sans doute une répercussion néfaste sur la santé du consommateur.

BENMESSAOUD H, KALLA M, Driddi H. Données satellitaires multi dates• Dégradation des ressources naturelles• Zones semi-arides• Aurès. mappemonde [Internet]. 2009;94 (2). Publisher's VersionAbstract

La région semi-aride des Aurès présente une diversité floristique et faunistique indéniable, mais des facteurs climatiques comme anthropiques provoquent une régression du couvert forestier. On y étudie, grâce à des images Landsat, les changements d’occupation du sol entre 1987 et 2001. Des images satellitaires multi-dates sont traitées par la méthode de classification supervisée du maximum de vraisemblance. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le couvert forestier, la végétation clairsemée et les sols font l’objet d’une dégradation très avancée.

BENMESSAOUD H, KALLA M, Driddi H. Données satellitaires multi dates• Dégradation des ressources naturelles• Zones semi-arides• Aurès. mappemonde [Internet]. 2009;94 (2). Publisher's VersionAbstract

La région semi-aride des Aurès présente une diversité floristique et faunistique indéniable, mais des facteurs climatiques comme anthropiques provoquent une régression du couvert forestier. On y étudie, grâce à des images Landsat, les changements d’occupation du sol entre 1987 et 2001. Des images satellitaires multi-dates sont traitées par la méthode de classification supervisée du maximum de vraisemblance. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le couvert forestier, la végétation clairsemée et les sols font l’objet d’une dégradation très avancée.

BENMESSAOUD H, KALLA M, Driddi H. Données satellitaires multi dates• Dégradation des ressources naturelles• Zones semi-arides• Aurès. mappemonde [Internet]. 2009;94 (2). Publisher's VersionAbstract

La région semi-aride des Aurès présente une diversité floristique et faunistique indéniable, mais des facteurs climatiques comme anthropiques provoquent une régression du couvert forestier. On y étudie, grâce à des images Landsat, les changements d’occupation du sol entre 1987 et 2001. Des images satellitaires multi-dates sont traitées par la méthode de classification supervisée du maximum de vraisemblance. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le couvert forestier, la végétation clairsemée et les sols font l’objet d’une dégradation très avancée.

Zoheir TIR, RAJEAI H, Abdessemed R. On the Dynamic and Steady State Performances of a Vector Controlled DFTSIG in Wind Energy Applications. 1 ère Conférence Internationale sur les Énergies, Matériaux et Environnement, 21 et 22 Novembre [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Variable speed cascaded doubly fed induction generators (CDFIG) named also double stator induction generators (DSIG) or doubly fed twin stator induction generators (DFTSIG) or also brushless doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG) can be an attractive alternative to conventional double output wound rotor induction generators. Cascaded doubly fed induction generator (CDFIG) examined in the paper consists of two identical wound rotor induction machines having their rotors mechanically and electrically coupled. The system employs two cascaded induction machines to eliminate the brushes and copper rings in the traditional DFIG. In this case, Cascaded induction generators require lower maintenance. In BDFIG both stators of connected machines are accessible. The control strategy for flexible power flow control is developed. The independent control of the active and reactive power flows is achieved by means of a tow quadrant power converter under the closed-loop stator flux oriented control scheme. The MATLAB simulation software is used for a preliminary investigation of BDFIG.

Zoheir TIR, RAJEAI H, Abdessemed R. On the Dynamic and Steady State Performances of a Vector Controlled DFTSIG in Wind Energy Applications. 1 ère Conférence Internationale sur les Énergies, Matériaux et Environnement, 21 et 22 Novembre [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Variable speed cascaded doubly fed induction generators (CDFIG) named also double stator induction generators (DSIG) or doubly fed twin stator induction generators (DFTSIG) or also brushless doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG) can be an attractive alternative to conventional double output wound rotor induction generators. Cascaded doubly fed induction generator (CDFIG) examined in the paper consists of two identical wound rotor induction machines having their rotors mechanically and electrically coupled. The system employs two cascaded induction machines to eliminate the brushes and copper rings in the traditional DFIG. In this case, Cascaded induction generators require lower maintenance. In BDFIG both stators of connected machines are accessible. The control strategy for flexible power flow control is developed. The independent control of the active and reactive power flows is achieved by means of a tow quadrant power converter under the closed-loop stator flux oriented control scheme. The MATLAB simulation software is used for a preliminary investigation of BDFIG.

Zoheir TIR, RAJEAI H, Abdessemed R. On the Dynamic and Steady State Performances of a Vector Controlled DFTSIG in Wind Energy Applications. 1 ère Conférence Internationale sur les Énergies, Matériaux et Environnement, 21 et 22 Novembre [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Variable speed cascaded doubly fed induction generators (CDFIG) named also double stator induction generators (DSIG) or doubly fed twin stator induction generators (DFTSIG) or also brushless doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG) can be an attractive alternative to conventional double output wound rotor induction generators. Cascaded doubly fed induction generator (CDFIG) examined in the paper consists of two identical wound rotor induction machines having their rotors mechanically and electrically coupled. The system employs two cascaded induction machines to eliminate the brushes and copper rings in the traditional DFIG. In this case, Cascaded induction generators require lower maintenance. In BDFIG both stators of connected machines are accessible. The control strategy for flexible power flow control is developed. The independent control of the active and reactive power flows is achieved by means of a tow quadrant power converter under the closed-loop stator flux oriented control scheme. The MATLAB simulation software is used for a preliminary investigation of BDFIG.

Ouazene N, Bilami A. Enhancing 802.11 MAC in High Load Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks. [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In multi-hop ad hoc networks, queuing resources become unavailable under high load. When the traffic increases, the received frames are generally dropped and retransmitted later by the senders after a short timeout. This situation led to more conflicts in accessing the wireless medium and decreases the network performances. In this paper, we propose a new scheme to avoid the bad utilization of wireless medium in high load conditions. Simulations under NS2 have been conducted to study QoS parameters, especially throughput, delay and jitter. The obtained results show that the performances of our proposal are better than those of IEEE 802.11.

Ouazene N, Bilami A. Enhancing 802.11 MAC in High Load Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks. [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In multi-hop ad hoc networks, queuing resources become unavailable under high load. When the traffic increases, the received frames are generally dropped and retransmitted later by the senders after a short timeout. This situation led to more conflicts in accessing the wireless medium and decreases the network performances. In this paper, we propose a new scheme to avoid the bad utilization of wireless medium in high load conditions. Simulations under NS2 have been conducted to study QoS parameters, especially throughput, delay and jitter. The obtained results show that the performances of our proposal are better than those of IEEE 802.11.

Abdelkader DJEGHDJEGH, Djebabra MEBAREK. INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AND KNOWLEDGE AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN INDUSTRY A CASE STUDY OF ALGERIAN SM ES (SCIMAT). Séminaire international sur la Veille Stratégique Scientifique & Technologique VSST’2009, [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The competitiveness of a cement factory depends on the intellectual capital(IC) resources and knowledge management of all the company, as well as on the
ability to use them for competitiveness. But these days the use of the IC and knowledge is not optimal in Algerian enterprises because there is lack of methods
and techniques which give managers some kind of advice how to use properly their own IC/knowledge potential-obviously maximizing advantages for this
It is also the lack of research concerning what each components of both the structure of IC and knowledge influence on gaining competitive advantage and
increasing value of the hole company. the intellectual capital created in the company could have higher efficiency if it is possible to identify all its components
and to know the measurement methods. Also knowledge if used properly increases the value of the company.
The aims of this work is not only to describe all aspects of IC and knowledge management but to present a practical approach to the effective use of both of
them as applied in other companies. We also focus on some determinants of IC/knowledge to give some advices, for employers and employees, about the way
they could increase the value of the company. A comprehensive model of efficiency of IC use which helps in creating values and building competitive
advantage on a large industrial scale.

Abdelkader DJEGHDJEGH, Djebabra MEBAREK. INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AND KNOWLEDGE AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN INDUSTRY A CASE STUDY OF ALGERIAN SM ES (SCIMAT). Séminaire international sur la Veille Stratégique Scientifique & Technologique VSST’2009, [Internet]. 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The competitiveness of a cement factory depends on the intellectual capital(IC) resources and knowledge management of all the company, as well as on the
ability to use them for competitiveness. But these days the use of the IC and knowledge is not optimal in Algerian enterprises because there is lack of methods
and techniques which give managers some kind of advice how to use properly their own IC/knowledge potential-obviously maximizing advantages for this
It is also the lack of research concerning what each components of both the structure of IC and knowledge influence on gaining competitive advantage and
increasing value of the hole company. the intellectual capital created in the company could have higher efficiency if it is possible to identify all its components
and to know the measurement methods. Also knowledge if used properly increases the value of the company.
The aims of this work is not only to describe all aspects of IC and knowledge management but to present a practical approach to the effective use of both of
them as applied in other companies. We also focus on some determinants of IC/knowledge to give some advices, for employers and employees, about the way
they could increase the value of the company. A comprehensive model of efficiency of IC use which helps in creating values and building competitive
advantage on a large industrial scale.

Mahdi K, Hadda D. L’impact du réseau d’assainissement sur la vulnérabilité au risque d’inondation dans la ville de Batna – Approche SIG. Congré international GéoTunis du 16 au 20 Décembre . 2009.
Mahdi K, Hadda D. L’impact du réseau d’assainissement sur la vulnérabilité au risque d’inondation dans la ville de Batna – Approche SIG. Congré international GéoTunis du 16 au 20 Décembre . 2009.
Laouar MS, Abbeche K, MESSAOUD F. L’ultrason comme approche pour la prédiction des sols affaissables non saturés. 2009.
Laouar MS, Abbeche K, MESSAOUD F. L’ultrason comme approche pour la prédiction des sols affaissables non saturés. 2009.
Laouar MS, Abbeche K, MESSAOUD F. L’ultrason comme approche pour la prédiction des sols affaissables non saturés. 2009.
BENYOUCEF A, BENMOHAMMED B, ASSAS M. Modelling of the Tool-Part contact in the case of complex surfaces milling by using a ball-end cutter. 2009.
BENYOUCEF A, BENMOHAMMED B, ASSAS M. Modelling of the Tool-Part contact in the case of complex surfaces milling by using a ball-end cutter. 2009.
BENYOUCEF A, BENMOHAMMED B, ASSAS M. Modelling of the Tool-Part contact in the case of complex surfaces milling by using a ball-end cutter. 2009.
Cherif REBIAI, Mourad B. New Tilt Optimal Angle of a 6 Dof Robot. 2009.
