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Harbouche Y, Khettache L, Abdessemed R. Sliding mode control application to the doubly-fed induction machine supplied by current sources. Journal of Electrical Engineering, RomaniaJournal of Electrical Engineering, Romania. 2008.
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Dendouga A, Abdessemed R, Bendaas LM, Chaiba A. Sliding mode control of active and reactive powers generated by a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). Journal of Electrical EngineeringJOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 2008.
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Dendouga A, Abdessemed R, Bendaas LM, Chaiba A. Sliding mode control of active and reactive powers generated by a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). Journal of Electrical EngineeringJOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 2008.
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Akkari N, CHAGHI ABDELAZIZ, Abdessemed R. Study and simulation of RST regulator applied to a a double fed induction machine (DFIM). Journal of Electrical Engineering&Technology, Korean institute of Electrical EngineeringJournal of Electrical Engineering&Technology, Korean institute of Electrical Engineering. 2008;3.
Akkari N, CHAGHI ABDELAZIZ, Abdessemed R. Study and simulation of RST regulator applied to a a double fed induction machine (DFIM). Journal of Electrical Engineering&Technology, Korean institute of Electrical EngineeringJournal of Electrical Engineering&Technology, Korean institute of Electrical Engineering. 2008;3.
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Boulakroune M'hamed, Benatia D, Slougui N, El Oualkadi A. Tikhonov-Miller regularization with a denoisy and deconvolved signal as model of solution for improvement of depth resolution in SIMS analysis. 2008 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications. 2008 :1-6.
Boulakroune M'hamed, Benatia D, Slougui N, El Oualkadi A. Tikhonov-Miller regularization with a denoisy and deconvolved signal as model of solution for improvement of depth resolution in SIMS analysis. 2008 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications. 2008 :1-6.
Boulakroune M'hamed, Benatia D, Slougui N, El Oualkadi A. Tikhonov-Miller regularization with a denoisy and deconvolved signal as model of solution for improvement of depth resolution in SIMS analysis. 2008 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications. 2008 :1-6.
Chaiba A, Abdessemed R, Bendaas M-L. Torque tracking control algorithm for doubly fed induction generator. JEEECJEEEC. 2008;59.
