
Yettou F, Azoui B, Malek A, Panwar NL, Gama A. Generating Temperature Maps of a Solar Receiver for a Domestic Parabolic Concentrator for Cooking Purposes Under Algerian Environment. In: Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 2. Springer ; 2018. pp. 231-257.
ACHI A, DEMAGH Y. Generation directe de la vapeur d'eau dans les unites solaires cylindro-paraboliques. seminaire national sur les energies renouvelables et le devetoppement durable snerdd-18, le 25 & 26 juin . 2018.
Fouad DJAIZ, Nabil D, Ali ATHAMENA, Bachir L, Mabrouk B, Halima BELALITE, Abdellah B. Geological Characterization and contibution of Geophysics to the mobilization of water resources in the ain djasser basin (South-Sétifien, Algeria NE). The Euro-arab Organization for Environment,Water and Desert Researches, (2018) Antalya, TurquieThe Euro-arab Organization for Environment,Water and Desert Researches, (2018) Antalya, Turquie. 2018.
Saker ADEL, Hadda D, Mahdi K. GEOMATICS APPROACH FOR URBAN EXTENSION MANAGEMENT CAUGHT BETWEEN PLANNING TOOLS AND REALITY ON THE GROUND, CASE OF THE DISTRICT OF BISKRA (ALGERIA). Annals of the University of Oradea, Geography Series/Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Seria GeografieAnnals of the University of Oradea, Geography Series/Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Seria Geografie. 2018;28.
Derghal R, Belaid Y, Tobbi A, OUARHLENT Y, Brahmi S, Grainat N, Bounecer H, Oudjhih M. Gestion des risques liés à la transfusion sanguine: poche de sang du donneur au receveur, au niveau du CHU Batna, année 2016. Batna Journal of Medical SciencesBatna Journal of Medical Sciences. 2018;5 :22-25.
Kalla S, Hocine R, Kalla H, Chouki A. Graceful degradation for reducing jitter of battery life in fault-tolerant embedded systems. International Journal of Systems ScienceInternational Journal of Systems Science. 2018;49 :2353-2361.
Ferhati H, Djeffal F. Graded band-gap engineering for increased efficiency in CZTS solar cells. Optical materialsOptical Materials. 2018;76 :393-399.
Hichem F, Fayçal DJEFFAL. Graded band-gap engineering for increased efficiency in CZTS solar cells, ISSN / e-ISSN 0925-3467 / 1873-1252. Optical MaterialsOptical Materials. 2018;Volume 76 :pp 393-399.Abstract
In this paper, we propose a potential high efficiency Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4/CdS (CZTS) solar cell design based on graded band-gap engineering that can offer the benefits of improved absorption behavior and reduced recombination effects. Moreover, a new hybrid approach based on analytical modeling and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is proposed to determinate the optimal band-gap profile of the amended CZTS absorber layer to achieve further efficiency enhancement. It is found that the proposed design exhibits superior performance, where a high efficiency of 16.9% is recorded for the optimized solar cell with a relative improvement of 92%, compared with the reference cell efficiency of 8.8%. Likewise, the optimized CZTS solar cell with a graded band-gap enables achieving a higher open circuit voltage of 889 mV, a short-circuit current of 28.5 mA and a fill factor of 66%. Therefore, the optimized CZTS-based solar cell with graded-band gap paradigm pinpoints a new path toward recording high-efficiency thin-film solar cells through enhancing carrier collection and reducing the recombination rate.
Hichem F, Fayçal DJEFFAL. Graded channel doping junctionless MOSFET: a potential high performance and low power leakage device for nanoelectronic applications, ISSN 1569-8025. Journal of Computational ElectronicsJournal of Computational Electronics. 2018;Volume 17 :pp 129-137.Abstract
In this paper, a graded channel doping paradigm is proposed to improve the nanoscale double gate junctionless DGJL MOSFET electrical performance. A careful mechanism study based on numerical investigation and a performance comparison between the proposed and conventional design is carried out. The device figures-of-merit, governing the switching and leakage current behavior are investigated in order to reveal the transistor electrical performance for ultra-low power consumption. It is found that the channel doping engineering feature has a profound implication in enhancing the device electrical performance. Moreover, the impact of the high-k gate dielectric on the device leakage performance is also analyzed. The results show that the proposed design with gate stacking demonstrates superior ION/IOFF ratio and lower leakage current as compared to the conventional counterpart. Our analysis highlights the good ability of the proposed design including a high-k gate dielectric for the reduction of the leakage current. These characteristics underline the distinctive electrical behavior of the proposed design and also suggest the possibility for bridging the gap between the high derived current capability and low leakage power. This makes the proposed GCD-DGJL MOSFET with gate stacking a potential alternative for high performance and ultra-low power consumption applications.
Beghoul M, Demagh R. Ground movements induced by tunnels excavation using pressurized tunnel boring machine-complete three-dimensional numerical approach. International Congress and Exhibition" Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology". 2018 :42-52.
SENOUSSI A, Dauzère-Pérès S, BRAHIMI N, PENZ B, MOUSS NK. Heuristics based on genetic algorithms for the capacitated multi vehicle production distribution problem. Computers & Operations ResearchComputers & Operations Research. 2018;96 :108-119.
Khemis A, Benlaloui I, Drid S, Chrifi-Alaoui L, Khamari D, Menacer A. High Efficiency Induction Motor Drives Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic. The European Physical Journal PlusThe European Physical Journal Plus. 2018;133.
Djouima M, Azar AT, Drid S, Mehdi D. Higher Order Sliding Mode Control for Blood Glucose Regulation of Type 1 Diabetic Patients. International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA)International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA). 2018;7 :65-84.
GUEZOULI L, Boukhetache H, Kebi I. Human Detection by Surveillance Camera. International Journal of Robotics Applications and Technologies (IJRAT)International Journal of Robotics Applications and Technologies (IJRAT). 2018;6 :21-33.
Bouali K, KADID FZ, Abdessemed R. A Hybrid Algorithm by Combination of Genetic Algorithm and Local Optimization for Constrained MHD Pump Optimization. International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM) [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The pumping of liquid metals by magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) converters, without any moving parts are competing with conventional hydraulic pumps. Thus, the movement of the fluid is a consequence of the interaction the magnetic and electric fields. This work relates to the application of an approach for optimal design of a DC magneto-hydrodynamic pump. The optimization method is based on the solution of non-linear constrained problem by combination global and local optimization method. This paper applies the hybrid algorithm by combination of genetic algorithm and Fmincon for optimal design of DC MHD pump. The comparative study of the obtained results shows that the performance of the hybrid method is effectively improved.

Bouali K, KADID FZ, Abdessemed R. A hybrid algorithm by combination of genetic algorithm and local optimization for constrained MHD pump optimization. 2018 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM). 2018 :1-5.
Tarek D, Fehdi C, Belloula M. Hydrochemical Analysis and Evaluation of Groundwater Quality of an Alluvial Aquifer. Algeria. In: Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions. Cham: Springer ; 2018. pp. 637-639.Abstract
The study of the water quality in the shallow aquifer of Tebessa-Morsott was carried out to perform a preliminary assessment of the hydrochemical quality of same groundwater samples and their suitability for irrigation uses. The high salinity coupled with groundwater level decline pose serious problems for current irrigation and domestic water supplies as well as for future exploitation. The statistical treatment of hydrochemical data by principal component analysis revealed two components related to salinity and pollution. The US salinity diagram illustrates that most of the groundwater samples fall in C3S1- C4S1 quality with high salinity hazard and low sodium hazard.
Tarek D, Chemseddine F, Moufida B. Hydrochemical Analysis and Evaluation of Groundwater Quality of an Alluvial Aquifer. Algeria. Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration [Internet]. 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The study of the water quality in the shallow aquifer of Tebessa-Morsott was carried out to perform a preliminary assessment of the hydrochemical quality of same groundwater samples and their suitability for irrigation uses. The high salinity coupled with groundwater level decline pose serious problems for current irrigation and domestic water supplies as well as for future exploitation. The statistical treatment of hydrochemical data by principal component analysis revealed two components related to salinity and pollution. The US salinity diagram illustrates that most of the groundwater samples fall in C3S1- C4S1 quality with high salinity hazard and low sodium hazard.

Tarek D, Moufida B. Hydrogeochemical Assessment of an Alluvial Aquifer Under Semi-Arid Climat. Eastern Algeria, ISSN 2321 –9009. International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJASEAT)International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJASEAT). 2018;Volume-6.Abstract
The study of the water quality in the alluvial aquifer of Tebessa-Morsott basinwas carried out to perform a preliminary assessmentof the hydrochemical quality of same groundwater samples and their suitability for irrigation uses. The high salinity coupledwith groundwater level decline pose serious problems for current irrigation and domestic water supplies as well as for future exploitation. The statistical treatment of hydrochemical data by principal component analysis revealed two components related to salinity and pollution.The US salinity diagram illustrates that most of the groundwater samples fall in C3S1-C4S1 quality with high salinity hazard and low sodium hazard.
Mouna D, Redha MENANIM, Khedidja A. Hydrogeological and hydrochemical study of Teleghma aquifer (NE Algeria). 3rd International conference on Integrated environmental management for sustainable development, 2-5 Mai . 2018.
