
Ferradji M-A, HEDJAZI D. Towards virtual collaborative learning of clinical skills. 2017.
Belkhir A. Traitement de l’hépatite virale C. 2017.
Aouachria A. Traitement prophylactique anti-infectieux en néphrologie chez les patients sous immunosuppresseurs, quel intérêt ?. 5ème Congrès Aurassien International de Néphrologie Batna. 2017.
Ghamri SE, Slimane N, Nezzar F. Trajectory Tracking and VFH Obstacle Avoidance for Differential Drive Mobile Robot. ICATS'17 [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

A concrete incorporation of mobile robots in more industrial applications depends mainly on their ability to navigate safely in industrial environments while fulfilling the assigned tasks. One of the important tasks in wheeled mobile robotics is trajectory tracking, which adds temporal constraints on the robot navigation. The employment of trajectory tracking strategies with obstacle avoidance capabilities is essential to avoid time waste and inefficiency in mobile robots industrial integration. In this paper, we present a navigation algorithm intended for differential drive mobile robots, that combines trajectory tracking with obstacle avoidance. Obstacle detection is accomplished using sonar range sensors and the navigation is found on kinematic control and vector field histogram approach. Demonstration with simulations in V-rep environment is presented where Pioneer3DX successfully avoided obstacles while tracking a trajectory.

Khelifa A, Azeddine L, Ouassila B. Treatment of Collapsible Soils by Cement Using the Double Consolidation Method. International Congress and Exhibition" Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology". 2017 :76-88.
BAIT O, SI-AMEUR M. Tubular solar-energy collector integration: Performance enhancement of classical distillation unit. Energy; ElsevierEnergy; Elsevier. 2017.
Djouimaa A, Titaouine M, Adoui I, De Sousa RT, Neto AG, Baudrand H. Tunable FSS simulation using WCIP method for multiband and dual polarized applications. Radioelectronics and Communications SystemsRadioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2017;60 :106-112.
Hadj Aissa H, Tebbal S, Mokrani K, Benyahia A. Une fièvre au long cours révélatrice d’une fièvre Q. Troisième Journée Internationale d’Echanges en Infectiologie. 2017.
Griso G, Merzougui L. Unfolding Method for Diffusion Process in a Rarefied Binary Structure. Applicable AnalysisApplicable Analysis. 2017.
Aksas B, Rebiai S-E. Uniform stabilization of the fourth order Schrödinger equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsJournal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2017;446 :1794-1813.
TAMERABET M, BENMOUSSA H, SAHLI Y, MOHAMMEDI A. Unsteady three-dimensional numerical study of mass transfer in PEM fuel cell with spiral flow field. International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017;42 :1237-1251.
Monsaf T, Hocine BM, Youcef S, Abdallah M. Unsteady three-dimensional numerical study of mass transfer in PEM fuel cell with spiral flow field. International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017;42 :1237-1251.
Tafsast A, Hadjili ML, Bouakaz A, Benoudjit N. Unsupervised cluster-based method for segmenting biological tumour volume of laryngeal tumours in 18 F-FDG-PET images. IET Image ProcessingIET Image Processing. 2017;11 :389-396.
El Adlouni Y, Lahbari I, Rodríguez Hontoria H, Meknassi M, El Alaoui SO, Ennahnahi N. UPC-USMBA at SemEval-2017 Task 3: Combining multiple approaches for CQA for Arabic. 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2017): proceedings of the workshop: August 3-4, 2017, Vancouver, Canada. 2017 :275-279.
Boultif M, BENMESSAOUD H. Using climate-soil-socioeconomic parameters for a drought vulnerability assessment in a semi-arid region: Application at the region of El Hodna,(M’sila, Algeria). Geographica PannonicaGeographica Pannonica. 2017;21 :142-150.
Hafdaoui H, Mehadjebia C, Benatia D. Using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) For Extracting Acoustic Microwaves (BAW) In Piezoelectric Material. International Conference in Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems (ICAIRES 2017) [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In this paper, we propose a new method for Bulk waves detection of an acoustic microwave signal during the propagation of acoustic microwaves in a piezoelectric substrate (Lithium Niobate LiNbO3). We have used the classification by probabilistic neural network (PNN) as a means of numerical analysis in which we classify all the values of the real part and the imaginary part of the coefficient attenuation with the acoustic velocity in order to build a model from which we note the Bulk waves easily. These singularities inform us of presence of Bulk waves in piezoelectric materials.

Hafdaoui H, Mehadjebia C, Benatia D. Using probabilistic neural network (PNN) for extracting acoustic microwaves (BAW) in piezoelectric material. International Conference in Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems. 2017 :308-315.
Yettou F, Gama A, Azoui B, Malek A, Belaid A, MERARDA H. Utilisation de la procédure standard ‘puissance de cuisson’ pour tester un cuiseur solaire de type boîte trapèze expérimenté sous climat aride. 1 3ème I.C.M’2017, 26-27 Avril [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's VersionAbstract

La conception, le développement et l'évaluation des performances thermiques d'un cuiseur solaire boîte trapèze à surface réceptrice inclinée (CSBSRI) est présenté dans le présent article. Une chaîne d'acquisition de données équipée de divers instruments de mesure est installée pour le contrôle du système. Les profils thermiques des différentes composantes du cuiseur ont été mesurés au site saharien de Ghardaïa pour différentes conditions climatiques durant la saison hivernale et estivale. L'analyse des performances du cuiseur solaire est évaluée au moyen de la puissance de cuisson ajustée, qui ; se situant dans l'intervalle des Normes du Standard de Funk, met le cuiseur réalisé dans la gamme des Standards Internationaux. Les tests expérimentaux entrepris démontrent que le cuiseur proposé, avec une surface d'ouverture inclinée ; améliore considérablement les performances thermiques du cuiseur solaire, il est de ce fait adapté à la cuisson des aliments en été et en hiver où la hauteur du soleil est faible.

Bouam I, Bachir AS, Katayama N. Variation in bird assemblages along an agricultural intensification gradient: a case study of olive orchards in north-eastern Algeria. Ornithological ScienceOrnithological Science. 2017;16 :147-157.
Omeiri H, Hamaidi B, Innal F, Chebila M, Dutuit Y. Verification of dangerous and safe behaviors independence in safety instrumented systems. 2017 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering-Boumerdes (ICEE-B). 2017 :1-7.
