
Ramzi M, Larbi GUEZOULI, Lyamine G. Road obstacle detection. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems. 2019 :1-5.
Bakhti I, Chaouch S, Makouf A, Douadi T. Robust integral backstepping control with extended Kalman filter of permanent magnet synchronous motor. International Journal of Industrial and Systems EngineeringInternational Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. 2019;31 :1-14.
Goléa NE-H, Melkemi KE. ROI-based fragile watermarking for medical image tamper detection. International Journal of High Performance Computing and NetworkingInternational Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking. 2019;13 :199-210.
Khamsa M. Rougeole et maladie auto-immune : à propos d’un cas exceptionnel de rougeole sur lupus sous corticothérapie prolongée. 3ème Journée Internationale d’Infectiologie de L’EHS El Hadi Flici ex El Kettar, . 2019.
Meddour A, Yahia M, Hambaba L. Safety evaluation and analgesic studies of defatted methanol extract of Capparis spinosa L.(Capparidaceae) fruits and roots bark in albino wistar rats. Journal of Biological Research-Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia SperimentaleJournal of Biological Research-Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale. 2019;92.
BOUCETTA ALDJIA, Melkemi KE. Score Level Fusion of Palmprint, Face and Iris Using Adaptive PSO. International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC)International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC). 2019;10 :175-194.
Hamouid K, Adi K. Secure and reliable certification management scheme for large-scale MANETs based on a distributed anonymous authority. Peer-to-Peer Networking and ApplicationsPeer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. 2019;12 :1137–1155.Abstract
This paper proposes a compromise-tolerant (t,n)-threshold certification management scheme for MANETs. Our solution allows to mitigate the impact of compromised nodes that participate in the certification service. In our design, certification management is achieved anonymously by an Anonymous Certification Authority (ACA). The latter is fully distributed into multiple disjointed coalitions of nodes whose structure is made hidden. This prevents an adversary from taking the control of the ACA by arbitrarily compromising t or more nodes. In other words, our proposal enhances the compromise-tolerance to more than the threshold number t of nodes without breaking down the whole certification system. As a result, our scheme requires a very smaller threshold than traditional schemes, which improves considerably the service availability. The experimental study shows a clear advantage over traditional threshold-based certification schemes by ensuring a significant positive compromise between security and availability of certification service.
Mahmoud C, Aouag S. Security for internet of things: A state of the art on existing protocols and open research issues. Proceedings of the 9th international conference on information systems and technologies. 2019 :1-6.
Seddik A. Selfadjoint operators, normal operators, and characterizations. Operators and MatricesOperators and Matrices. 2019;13 :835-842.
Ameur S. SELFADJOINT OPERATORS, NORMAL OPERATORS, AND CHARACTERIZATIONS. Operators and MatricesOperators and Matrices. 2019;13 :835–842.Abstract
Let B(H) be the C* -algebra of all bounded linear operators acting on a complex separable Hilbert space H . We shall show that: 1. The class of all selfadjoint operators in B(H) multiplied by scalars is characterized by ∀X ∈ B(H), S2X +XS2 =>2||SXS||, (S ∈ B(H)). 2. The class of all normal operators in B(H) is characterized by each of the three following properties (where DS = S*S-SS* , for S ∈ B(H)), (i) ∀X ∈ B(H), S2X + XS2 =>2||SXS||,(S ∈ B(H)), (ii) S*DSS = 0 = SDSS*,(S ∈ B(H)), (iii) S*DSS=> 0 =>SDSS*,(S ∈ B(H)).  
Guezouli L, Barka K, Gourdache S, Boubiche DE. Self-organization Smart Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this paper, we propose a novel self-organization protocol for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) assisted by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV or Drone) called SSP (Self-organization Smart Protocol). In order to provide energy efficiency, low latency, high success rate and suitably interactions between sensors and UAVs while taking advantage of the air mobility (fly) and resource available on the UAVs in the network. The UAVs move according to RWP (Random Waypoint) mobility model. Each UAV, during its pause time at a known height, creates a temporary cluster, and acts as its head, collects and processes sensor data and performs actions on the environment based on the information gathered from sensor nodes in its cluster. Once an UAV detects a base station (BS) it forwards the collected data to it. The results of the simulations show the high performance of the proposed algorithm.
Guezouli L, Barka K, Gourdache S, Boubiche DE. Self-organization smart protocol for mobile wireless sensor networks. 2019 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). 2019 :1002-1006.
Riad K, Hamza R, Yan H. Sensitive and Energetic IoT Access Control for Managing Cloud Electronic Health Records. IEEE AccessIEEE Access. 2019;7 :86384 - 86393.Abstract
Electronic health records (EHRs) replaced the old paper-based systems to make patient data more accurate, reliable, and more accessible. Yet, the EHRs system requires high transmission cost, energy, and waste of time for both doctors and patients. Furthermore, EHRs security presents a serious issue threatening the patient’s privacy. Most of the third-party hosting systems have some issues related to the users’ privacy and data security. Hence, it is necessary to restrict the access control policies and develop efficient mechanisms for cloud-based EHRs data. In this paper, a sensitive and energetic access control (SE-AC) mechanism is proposed for managing the cloud-hosted EHRs and providing a fine-grained access control even in critical situations. The proposed mechanism ensures the confidentiality of the patient’s data, where only authorized individuals to have permission to be able to edit or review certain of the patient’s data. Each EHR data is encrypted by the managing authority before submitting to the cloud storage. The requesting user can get dynamically changing permissions based on authentication and context attributes. In addition, seven major aspects have been quantified to assess the operation of any access control that could be deployed in the Internet-of-Thing (IoT). The security analysis indicates that the SE-AC mechanism is secure and will prevent any unauthorized access. The results show exceptional compatibility and performance with different setups and configuration.
Beddiaf Y, Zidani F, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L. Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motor Used Differential Flatness Theory. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications. 2019 :3-21.
Soraya T. Séroconversion HBs spontanée chez les porteurs chroniques du VHB suivis au service d’infectiologie de Batna. 4ème conférence internationale d’infectiologie. 2019.
AOUDIA I, BENHARZALLAH S, KAHLOUL L, KAZAR O. Service composition approaches for internet of things: a review. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed SystemsInternational Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems. 2019;23 :194-230.
Halim BA, Faiza T. Shot Boundary Detection: Fundamental Concepts and Survey. CITSC. 2019 :34-40.
Ourlis L, Bellala D. SIMD Implementation of the Aho-Corasick Algorithm Using Intel AVX2. Scalable Computing: Practice and ExperienceScalable Computing: Practice and Experience. 2019;20 :563-576.
Bahloul NEH, Bashir N, Boudjit S, Boubiche DE. A Simple Proactive Routing Protocol with Multiple Base Stations Deployment for Unmanned Aerial Vehicular Networks. 2019 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS). 2019 :1-6.
Zouggar EO, Chaouch S, Abdeslam DO, Abdelhamid AL. Sliding Control with Fuzzy Type-2 Controller of Wind Energy System Based on Doubly Fed Induction Generator. Instrumentation, Mesures, MétrologiesInstrumentation, Mesures, Métrologies. 2019;18.
