Food’s Conservation into 03 Dimension’s Models of Cold Stores Operated by 03 Refrigeration Systems in Biskra Region (Classic, Absorption, Adsorption)

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As renewable energy elucidation, the solar refrigeration of fruits such as date palm is a storage alternate to preserve food in healthy parameters of conditioning. This statistical and numeric study investigates the energy gain cost case around the diverse dimensions’ models of positive cold stores (02, 04, and 06 cold rooms), concerning energetic disparity and numerous financial fluctuations of the applied systems. The results of computation and analysis regarding panels of construction, equipment, consumption, and maintenance for classic, absorption, and adsorption refrigeration systems that conserve dates palm into these three cold stores. In the end, the comparison of technical and economic elements in tables and figures by enumerating their advantages and inconveniences. Classic Bitzer, Absorption WFC SC 5, and Adsorption AG ACS 15 and 08 are models in which their evaluation is relating to their costs. In Biskra, these results mean that adsorption chiller termed AG ACS (15 plus 08) is illustrious by its parameters of simplicity, lifespan, safety, and security, valued to 1147.5 €/m² and median cost up ten years of using is 92972 €

Last updated on 06/01/2022