New Deconvolution Technique to Improve the Depth Resolution in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, ISSN / e-ISSN 2077-6772 / 2306-4277


Nadia D, Mhamed B, Djamel B. New Deconvolution Technique to Improve the Depth Resolution in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, ISSN / e-ISSN 2077-6772 / 2306-4277. Journal of Nano- and Electronic PhysicsJournal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. 2019;Volume 11 :pp 02021-1-02021-5.

Date Published:



This paper presents an efficient method for recovery of SIMS signals from strongly noised blurred discrete data. This technique is based on Tikhonov-Miller regularization where a priori model of solution is included. The latter is a denoisy signal obtained using the Kalman filter. This is an interesting estimation method, but it can only be used when the system is described precisely. By comparing the results of the proposed technique with those of the literature, our algorithm gives the best results without artifacts and oscillations related to noise and significant improvement of the depth resolution. While, the gain in FWHM is less improved than those obtained by the wavelet technique. Therefore, this new algorithm can push the limits of SIMS measurements towards its ultimate resolution.