Optimization of the technical and environmental performance of the renewable energies. Case of the hybrid powerplant “SPPI” of HassiR’mel in the central highlands of Algeria


The exploitation of fossil fuels is causing global warming whose negative effects have recently been felt all over the world. Therefore, the search for new sources of energy, renewable and respectful of the environment is crucial for manufacturers. The concept of Best Available Techniques (BAT) presents an adequate solution for manufacturers, for the control, elimination or reduction of the harmful impacts of their activities on the environment. This concept, known as Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC), was introduced and imposed from 1996 in Europe. This paper aims to introduce the possibility of transferring the IPPC approach and BAT concepts to Algeria. Therefore, the main objective is to propose some recommendations to optimize the technical and environmental performance of hybrid solar-gas systems, by treating as a case study the first hybrid solar-gas power plant SPPI (Solar Power Plant One) near Hassi R’mel in the south of Algeria. A gap analysis of the Algerian environmental policy compared to the IPPC system, and an assessment of technical and environmental performance of the “SPPI” plant in terms of regulation and BAT are developed in our study.
