Publications by Year: 2012

Singh N, Rahim A, Islam M, Pandey KM, Kumar G, Surana A, Deka D, Chemachema K, Benghalia A, Marinus BG. The Effect of Yaw Angles on Flow Characteristics of a Symmetric Y-Shaped Diffusing Duct with 300 mm CL & 382 mm RC at Different Cross Sections: an Experimental Investigation. The Effect of Yaw Angles on Flow Characteristics of a Symmetric Y-Shaped Diffusing Duct with 300 mm Cl & 382 mm Rc at Different Cross Sections: an Experimental InvestigationThe Effect of Yaw Angles on Flow Characteristics of a Symmetric Y-Shaped Diffusing. 2012 :67.
Boukhennoufa N, Benmahammed K, Benzid R. Effective PCG signals compression technique using an enhanced 1-D EZW. 2012.
Zellagui M, Chaghi A. Effects of Shunt FACTS Devices on MHO Distance Protection Setting in 400 kV Transmission Line. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE). 2012;2, No. 3 :164-169.
BOUGUERNE F, RAHAL S. Effetct of protuberances on the transfers by natural convection in a rectangular enclosure. Energy ProcediaEnergy Procedia. 2012;vol.18 :pp 851 – 856.Abstract
Heat transfer by convection occurs in various domains such as atmospheric flows, exchangers, passive air conditioning, etc.…For example, in passiveair conditioning, theheat transfer rateat alateral wallof an enclosure can be enhanced if the surface is not flat. Indeed, it is well known that a rough surface allows increasing the heat transfer. Such rough surface can be obtained with the use of protuberances on walls. The purpose of this study is to investigate, numerically in 2D, the effect of rough surfaces at the vertical walls on heat and mass transfers in an enclosure. As boundary conditions, the vertical walls of this enclosure are subject to a uniform heat flux and horizontal walls are supposed to be adiabatic. The numerical modeling, used by us, is briefly described below. The rough surfaces are described as sinusoidal profiles which are transformed, using a homotopic transformation, into a flat plate. Governing equations are discredited using the finite volume method and the resolution is obtained by the THOMAS algorithm. The coupling of the velocity and pressure fields is achieved using the SIMPLE algorithm. The effect ofthe formofprotuberances, and the imposed heat flux at a vertical wall, on streamlines and temperature fields has been considered. The first obtained results are in agreement with previous experimental and numerical results, showing thus that our modeling is accurate. The first results are a validation of code are in agreement with previous experimental, numerical, and software Fluent showingthat our model is accurate
BOUGUERNE F, RAHAL S. Effetct of protuberances on the transfers by natural convection in a rectangular enclosure. Metropolitan Palace Hotel ,Beirut – LEBANON 20; 2012.
Mechouma R, Azoui B, CHAABANE MABROUK. Energy Transfer Mechanism for a Three-phase Grid- Connected PV System within The Matlab /Simulink Environment.; 2012.
Hakim B, Zohir D. Enhancement of the neural network modeling accuracy using a submodeling decomposition-based technique, application in gas sensor. Neural Computing and ApplicationsNeural Computing and Applications. 2012;21 :1981-1986.
Boubaker L, Djebabra M, Mellal L, Chabane H. Environmental knowledge memory: Contribution of the DIK model. Safety scienceSafety science. 2012;50 :554-562.
Bourek Y, Mokhnache L, Said NN, Kattan R. Erratum to “Determination of ionization conditions characterizing the breakdown threshold of a point-plane air interval using fuzzy logic”[Electr. Power Syst. Res. 81 (2011) 2038–2047]. Electric Power Systems ResearchElectric Power Systems Research. 2012;1 :231.
Samia A. Étude comparative basée sur les métamodèles, des méthodes de contrôle de la performance Dubai, UAE January 29-31.; 2012.
BOUBAKER ZERIGUI, MADANI S, FEDAOUI K. Etude comparative du comportement de la poudre de fer et du cuivre sous chargement thermique. 2012.
Yettou F, Gama A, Azoui B, Malek A. Etude comparative entre deux types de cuiseurs solaires boîtes en milieux arides.; 2012.
Boubaker Z, OUTTAS T. Étude, conception et fabrication mécanique d’un vilebrequin pour moteur diesel destiné à un groupe électrogène de 2 Mégawatts. 2012.
Samira T, OUTTAS T. Etude, conception et vérification d’un pénétromètre dynamique lourd. 2012.
zahia Harchache, OUTTAS T. Etude, conception et vérification d’une carotteuse à bitume. 2012.
BENYAHIA H, OUTTAS T. Etude, conception, fabrication et validation de prototypes d’un Rover, , 10-11 Avril. Bordj El Bahri-Algerie; 2012.
Nafaa B, Abderahmane B, Ahmed H. Etude de la qualité chimique des eaux souterraines dans les Aurès (Cas de la vallée de l’oued Abiod), Algérie. Ouargla, Alger; 2012.
Nafaa B, Abderahmane B. Etude de la qualité des eaux souterraines utilisées pour l’irrigation de la plaine d’El-Outaya au sud Algérien. Ouargla, Alger; 2012.
EDDINE GHELLAMDJALLAL, MADANI S, MAMEL K. Etude de la résistance à la corrosion des aciers revêtus par chromage et nickelage. 2012.
EDDINE GHELLAMDJALLAL, FEDDAOUI K, MADANI S. Etude de la résistance des aciers revêtus par chromage et nickelage à la corrosion. 2012.
