Publications by Year: 2014

Wail R. Modeling the PV Generator Behavior Submit to the Open-Circuit and the Short-Circuit Faults. 19-21 Nov. Paris (France).; 2014 pp. pp. 57-62.
Fateh B. Modeling the PV Generator Behavior Submit to the Open-Circuit and the Short-Circuit Faults. 19-21 Nov. Paris (France), ISBN: 978-1-4799-7517-4.; 2014 pp. pp. 57-62.
Rezgui W, MOUSS NK, Mouss L-H, Mouss MD, Amirat Y, Benbouzid M. Modeling the PV generator behavior submit to the open-circuit and the short-circuit faults. 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA). 2014 :1-6.
Wail R. Modeling the PV Generator Behavior Submit to the Open-Circuit and the Short-Circuit Faults. 19-21 Nov, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7517-4. Paris (France); 2014 pp. pp. 57-62.
Djafour A, Aida MS, Azoui B. Modélisation de la Caractéristique de Sortie d’un Module Photovoltaïque Installé à Ouargla.; 2014.
Benslama M, Merabtine N, Benatia D. Modélisation des ondes transverses dans les langasites et isomorphes. Éditions universitaires européennes; 2014.
KHEBIZI M, GUENFOUD H, Guenfoud M. Modélisation des poutres en béton arme par des éléments Multicouches. 2014.
AHMED AKAKABA, Mahdi K, Hadda D, ABD ELWAHHEB FILLALI. modélisation du plan d’urbanisme de la ville d’el Eulma (Algérie), Apport de l’intelligence territoriale dans la gouvernance urbaine. Rev. Roum. Géogr/Rom. Journ. GeogrRev. Roum. Géogr/Rom. Journ. Geogr. 2014;58 :43-56.
Mawloud G, Djame M. Modified local binary pattern for human face recognition based on sparse representation. International Journal of Computers and ApplicationsInternational Journal of Computers and Applications. 2014;36 :64-71.
Beddiaf Y, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L, Zidani F, Drid S. Modified speed sensorless indirect field-oriented control of induction motor using PLL. 2014 15th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). 2014 :135-141.
Adel G. Monitoring of Smart Home System and Analysis of CO2 Gas emissionusing Open Source Platform.; 2014.
Mechouma R, Aboub H, Azoui B. Multicarrier wave dual reference very low frequency PWM control of a nine levels NPC multi-string three phase inverter topology for photovoltaic system connected to a medium electric grid.; 2014.
Mechouma R, Azoui B. Multiple Low Frequency Dual Reference PWM Control of a Grid Connected Photovoltaic Three Phase NPC Inverter with DC/DC Boost Converter. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, JuneSerbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, June. 2014;11 :315-337.
Tiri A, Lahbari N, Boudoukha A. Multivariate statistical analysis and geochemical modeling to characterize the surface water of Oued Chemora Basin, Algeria. Natural resources researchNatural resources research. 2014;23 :379-391.
Burlet-Vienney D, Chinniah Y, Bahloul A. The need for a comprehensive approach to managing confined space entry: summary of the literature and recommendations for next steps. Journal of Occupational and Environmental HygieneJournal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 2014;11 :485-498.
Adjroud O. Nephroprotective Effects of Selenium against Nickel Chloride-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Pregnant Rats. Dubai, UAE; 2014.
Melingui A, Merzouki R, Mbede JB, Escande C, Benoudjit N. Neural networks based approach for inverse kinematic modeling of a compact bionic handling assistant trunk. 2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). 2014 :1239-1244.
Leila-Hayet M. New Algorithm for the IV Characteristic Modeling of the Photovoltaic Generator Malfunction within Impedance and Reversed Polarity Faults ISBN 978-1-4799-7517-4.; 2014 pp. pp. 506-512.
Rezgui W, MOUSS NK, Mouss L-H, Mouss MD, Amirat Y, Benbouzid M. New Algorithm for the IV Characteristic Modeling of the Photovoltaic Generator Malfunction within Impedance and Reversed Polarity Faults. 2014 IEEE EFEA. 2014 :1-6.
New Algorithm for the IV Characteristic Modeling of the Photovoltaic Generator Malfunction within Impedance and Reversed Polarity Faults19-21 Nov, ISBN: 978-1-4799-7517-4. Paris (France); 2014 pp. pp. 506-512.
