Publications by Year: 2017

Sahli Y, Zitouni B, Hocine B-M. Solid oxide fuel cell thermodynamic study. Çankaya University Journal of Science and EngineeringÇankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering. 2017;14.
SAHLI Y, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Thermodynamic Study. Çankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering. 2017;14 :134-151.
M.Bouakoura, Nait-Said N, Nait-Said M-S. Speed Sensor Faults Diagnosis in an Induction Motor Vector Controlled Drive. Acta Electrotechnica et InformaticaActa Electrotechnica et Informatica. 2017;17 :49–51.
Bouakoura M, Nasreddine NAÏT-SAÏD, Mohamed-Said NAÏT-SAÏD. Speed sensor faults diagnosis in an induction motor vector controlled drive. Acta Electrotechnica et InformaticaActa Electrotechnica et Informatica. 2017;17 :49-57.
Mokrani K. Spondylodiscites Infectieuses, expérience d’un service des maladies infectieuses:Étude d’une série de 135 cas. 3ème congrès des centres de référence des infections ostéo-articulaires complexes (CRIOAC). 2017.
Aksas B, Rebiai S-E. Stabilization of the Fourth Order Schrödinger Equation. In: New Trends in Analysis and Interdisciplinary ApplicationsNew Trends in Analysis and Interdisciplinary Applications. Springer ; 2017. pp. 529-535.
Aksas B, Rebiai S-E. Stabilization of the Fourth Order Schrödinger Equation. New Trends in Analysis and Interdisciplinary ApplicationsNew Trends in Analysis and Interdisciplinary Applications. 2017 :529-535.Abstract
We study both boundary and internal stabilization problems for the fourth order Schrödinger equation in a smooth bounded domain Ω of Rn. We first consider the boundary stabilization problem. By introducing suitable dissipative boundary conditions, we prove that the solution decays exponentially in an appropriate energy space. In the internal stabilization problem, by assuming that the damping term is effective on the neighborhood of the boundary, we prove the exponential decay of the L2(Ω)-energy of the solution. Both results are established by using multipliers technique and compactness/uniqueness arguments.
Boudra S, Yahiaoui I, Behloul A. Statistical radial binary patterns (srbp) for bark texture identification. International conference on advanced concepts for intelligent vision systems. 2017 :101-113.
Boultif N, Bougriou C. Steady and unsteady state thermal behaviour of triple concentric-tube heat exchanger. Heat and Mass TransferHeat and Mass Transfer. 2017;53 :849-863.
Dimia MS, Sekkiou S, Baghdadi M, Guenfoud M. Structural behaviour of concrete filled hollow steel sections exposed to parametric fire. ChallengeChallenge. 2017;3 :160-165.
Soumaya B, Cherif Abdennour, Taguig A. Studies on some biochemical markers of Ouled Djellal ewes from semi-arid zone. J Bio Env SciJ Bio Env Sci. 2017;11 :274-283.
Sami B, Randa B, Siham B, Tarek F. Superstrate loading effects on the resonant characteristics of high Tc superconducting circular patch printed on anisotropic materials, e-ISSN 0921-4534. Physica C: Superconductivity and Its ApplicationsPhysica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications. 2017;Volume 543 :pp 1-7.Abstract
In this paper, the effects of both anisotropies in the substrate and superstrate loading on the resonant frequency and bandwidth of high-Tc superconducting circular microstrip patch in a substrate-superstrate configuration are investigated. A rigorous analysis is performed using a dyadic Galerkin’s method in the vector Hankel transform domain. Galerkin’s procedure is employed in the spectral domain where the TM and TE modes of the cylindrical cavity with magnetic side walls are used in the expansion of the disk current. The effect of the superconductivity of the patch is taken into account using the concept of the complex resistive boundary condition. London’s equations and the two-fluid model of Gorter and Casimir are used in the calculation of the complex surface impedance of the superconducting circular disc. The accuracy of the analysis is tested by comparing the computed results with previously published data for several anisotropic substrate-superstrate materials. Good agreement is found among all sets of results. The numerical results obtained show that important errors can be made in the computation of the resonant frequencies and bandwidths of the superconducting resonators when substrate dielectric anisotropy, and/or superstrate anisotropy are ignored. Other theoretical results obtained show that the superconducting circular microstrip patch on anisotropic substrate-superstrate with properly selected permittivity values along the optical and the non-optical axes combined with optimally chosen structural parameters is more advantageous than the one on isotropic substrate-superstrate by exhibiting wider bandwidth characteristic.
BEDRA S, BEDRA R, BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T. Superstrate loading effects on the resonant characteristics of high Tc superconducting circular patch printed on anisotropic materials. Physica C: Superconductivity and Its ApplicationsPhysica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications. 2017;543 :1-7.
Fadhila B. Syndromes néphrotique génétiques et malformations chez l’enfant. Séminaire international sur les Maladies Génétiques : Du Fondamental à la Clinique. 2017.
Mesmoudi K, Meguellati K, Bournet P-E. Thermal analysis of greenhouses installed under semi arid climate. International Journal of Heat and TechnologyInternational Journal of Heat and Technology. 2017;35 :474-486.
Benmoussa F, Benzaoui A, Moussa HB. Thermal behavior of latent thermal energy storage unit using two phase change materials: Effects of HTF inlet temperature. Case studies in thermal engineeringCase studies in thermal engineering. 2017;10 :475-483.
BENMOUSSA F, BENZAOUI A, BENMOUSSA H. Thermal behaviour of latent thermal energy storage unit using two Phase change materials. Effects of HTF inlet temperature, Case Studies in Thermal EngineeringEffects of HTF inlet temperature, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2017 :475–483.
Aouf AE, DJEFFAL F, Douak F. Thermal stability investigation of power GaN HEMT includingself-heating effects. 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC). 2017.Abstract

In this paper, exhaustive analytical investigation based on analyzing the impact of the self-heating phenomenon on the power GaN HEMT performance is proposed. To do so, analytical models for the drain current, power dissipation and lattice temperature variation are developed in order to evaluate the device reliability against the self-heating effects (SHEs). The transistor thermal stability is systematically investigated with respect to the dependence on the buffer layer doping, mole fraction variation, and layer thickness. In this work, the electrical and thermal performance of power GaN HEMT structure is investigated. Also, device design parameters dependent characteristics on thermal stability and immunity are observed and analyzed. The obtained results provide new insight for bridging the gap between high power performances with thermal stability factor.

Ferradji MA, HEDJAZI D. Towards virtual collaborative learning of clinical skills. 2017 International Conference on Internet of Things, Embedded Systems and Communications (IINTEC). 2017 :26-31.
