Publications by Year: 2019

Djouimaa A, Titaouine M, Saidi R, Adoui I, de Sousa TR, Neto AG, Baudrand H. Characterization of dual band and double polarized notched metallic ring FSS and their equivalent parallel metallic strip structures. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsJournal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 2019;33 :41-56.
Tafsast A, Hadjili ML, Bouakaz A, Benoudjit N. Characterization of Melanoma Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Dermoscopic Images. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications. 2019 :1147-1155.
Makhlouf S, Noui L. Characterization of some minimal codes for secret sharing. Asian-European Journal of MathematicsAsian-European Journal of Mathematics. 2019;12 :1950026.
Hamza B, Redha MENANIM. Characterization on Contentinetal Intercalaire Aquifer (CI) in the Tinrhert East Area-Illizi basin on the Algerian-Libyan Border, June, ISSN / e-ISSN: 2305 - 7068 / 1674-6767. Journal of groundwater science and engineering.Journal of groundwater science and engineering. 2019;vol 7 :pp.115-132.Abstract
This paper addresses the characterization of the Continental Intercalaire aquifer (CI) in the Tinrhert-East area of Illizi Basin on the Algerian-Libyan border, which belongs to the SASS1 system, one of the biggest transboundary aquifers in the world. This study concerns a superficies of 4 300 km2. On the basis of Mud Logging borehole data conducted in this part of the aquifer, a realistic characterization of the aquifer was done. The thickness of the CI aquifer varies from 300 m in the south to 700 m in the north, and the depth ranges from 180 m to 320 m. The interpretation of the logs showed that the aquifer is characterized by a maximum net thickness in its southwestern part (more than 600 m), the porosity is very high, ranging from 30% in the west to 24% at the Libyan borders, the permeability is low to medium around 10-5 m/s, and the maximum transmissivity values of about 8×10-3 m2/s were recorded at the center of the study area. The depth of water varies from 235 m to 312 m, and the water flows from south to north, in accordance with the general direction observed in the CI aquifer in the Northern Sahara Aquifer System (SASS). The porosity values obtained from the interpretation of the sonic and density logs permit to estimate the water reserves of this aquifer considered fossil, at thresholds much higher than what was considered until now.
Kherraf A, Tamerabet Y, Brioua M, Benbouta R. Chip formation process using finite element simulation “Influence of Cutting Speed Variation”. Journal of Solid MechanicsJournal of Solid Mechanics. 2019;11 :854-861.
Kherraf A, Tamerabet Y, BRIOUA M, Benbouta R. Chip Formation Process using Finite Element Simulation “Influence of Cutting Speed Variation”. Journal of Solid MechanicsJournal of Solid Mechanics. 2019;11 :854-861.
Titouna C, Moumen H, Ari AAA. Cluster head recovery algorithm for wireless sensor networks. 2019 6th international conference on control, decision and information technologies (CoDIT). 2019 :1905-1910.
Mesbahi N, KAZAR O, BENHARZALLAH S, Zoubeidi M, Rezki D. A Clustering Approach Based on Cooperative Agents to Improve Decision Support in ERP. In: Technological Innovations in Knowledge Management and Decision Support. IGI Global ; 2019. pp. 1-18.
Yacine A, Redha MENANIM, Abderrahmane B. Collapse susceptibility mapping for Karst sinkholes in Cheria area, NE Algeria. er Séminaire National sur les géosciences et l'environnement SGSE'2019. 2019.
Bouslimani S, Drid S, Chrifi Alaoui L. Commande et diagnostic de la GS dans une production éolienne. Éditions universitaires européennes; 2019.Abstract

Le choix de la Génératrice Synchrone (G.S) dans le système éolien est motivé par de nombreux avantages : Rendement élevé par rapport au générateur à induction, couplage avec l’éolienne sans le recours à un multiplicateur, absence de glissement car son rotor est excité par une source externe de tension continue. Cela lui permet de fonctionner dans une large gamme de vitesse. A cause de la complexité des nouvelles installations industrielles éoliennes, la commande de celles-ci par les correcteurs classiques donne souvent des résultats non satisfaisants. Pour surmonter ce problème, les travaux de recherches actuels s’orientent actuellement vers l’utilisation de commandes non linéaires robustes qui donnent de meilleurs résultats et dans de larges domaines de fonctionnement. Cependant, l’utilisation d’un G.S en tant que générateur électrique au sein d’un system éolien implique de nouvelles problématiques, notamment en ce qui concerne la sûreté de fonctionnement lors de défaillances internes de la machine. Il est ainsi nécessaire de connaître précisément l’état de santé du G.S afin d’assurer une bonne continuité de service.

Walid B. Commande robuste intelligente appliquée au suivi de trajectoires d’un système robotique. 2019.
Khelaifa A, BENHARZALLAH S, KAHLOUL L, Euler R, Laouid A, Bounceur A. A comparative analysis of adaptive consistency approaches in cloud storage. Journal of Parallel and Distributed ComputingJournal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2019;129 :36-49.
Zeroual A, Djeddou M, Fourar A. A Comparative Assessment of the Earthquake-Related Settlement in Embankment Dams Using Artificial Neural Networks and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2019 :115-118.
Hichem H, Djamel B. Comparative Between (LiNbO3) and (LiTaO3) in Detecting Acoustics Microwaves Using Classification, e-ISSN 2349-9001. Journal of Microwave Engineering and TechnologiesJournal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies. 2019;Volume 8 :pp 33-43.Abstract
Our work is mainly about detecting acoustics microwaves in the type of BAW (Bulk acoustic waves), where we compared between Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3) and Lithium Tantalate (LiTaO3) ,during the propagation of acoustic microwaves in a piezoelectric substrate. In this paper, We have used the classification by Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) as a means of numerical analysis in which we classify all the values of the real part and the imaginary part of the coefficient attenuation with the acoustic velocity for conclude whichever is the best in utilization for generating bulk acoustic waves.This study will be very interesting in modeling and realization of acoustic microwaves devices (ultrasound) based on the propagation of acoustic microwaves.
Hichem H, Djamel B. Comparative between (LiNbO3) and (LiTaO3) in detecting acoustics microwaves using classification. IAES International Journal of Artificial IntelligenceIAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. 2019;8 :33.
Rouabhi R, Abdessemed R, Abdelghafour H, Moustafad B. Comparative Study Between Two Control Techniques Applied on the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM). Advances in Modelling and Analysis CAdvances in Modelling and Analysis C. 2019;74 :51-58.Abstract
In this article, we present a comparative study between two control techniques applied on the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM), namely vector control and fuzzy logic. This comparison is based on three criteria: qualitative, quantitative and robust during the transient and permanent operation of the system. The latter comprises a machine is driven through the stator variables by two bidirectional converters. In the first part, we have presented the individual modeling of the global chain (PMSM, Inverter, and Rectifier). Then we presented and developed the two commands techniques to control the speed and the torque produced by this machine. The results of this study made it possible to evaluate the performance of these controls.
BOUTABBA T, Sahraoui H, Bechka ML, Drid S, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L. A Comparative Study of MPPT Techniques for Standalone Hybrid PV-Wind with Power Management. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications. 2019 :93-108.
ABDELOUHAB KATIA, Aouachria S, GUEMMEZ THORAYA, CHAREF NOUREDDINE, Baghiani A, LECHE HAYETTELOUA, AMAROWICZ RYSZARD, Arrar L. Comparative study of the polyphenol content related-antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of methanolic extracts from different parts of Hertia cheirifolia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical ResearchInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2019;11.
Toufik B, Fayçal DJEFFAL, Ferhati H, Zohir D. A Comparative Study on Scaling Capabilities of Si and SiGe Nanoscale Double Gate Tunneling FETs ISSN / e-ISSN 1876-990X / 1876- 9918. Silicon-NethSilicon-Neth. 2019 :pp 1–9.Abstract
In the last few years, an accelerated trend towards the miniaturization of nanoscale circuits has been recorded. In this context, the Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors (TFETs) are gaining attention because of their good subthreshold characteristics, high scalability and low leakage current. However, they suffer from low values of the ON-state current and severe ambipolar transport mechanism. The aim of this work is to investigate the performance of SiGe nanoscale Double Gate TFET device including low doped drain region. The electrical performance of the considered device is investigated numerically using ATLAS 2D simulator, where both scaling and reliability aspects of the proposed design are reported. In this context, we address the impact of the channel length, traps density and drain doping parameters on the variation of some figures of merit of the device namely the swing factor and the ION/IOFF ratio. The obtained results indicate the superior immunity of the proposed design against traps induced degradation in comparison to the conventional TFET structure. Therefore, this work can offer more insights regarding the benefit of adopting channel materials and drain doping engineering techniques for future reliable low-power nanoscale electronic applications.
Soudani MS, Aouiche A, Chafaa K, Aouiche E, Taleb M, Fares Z. Comparison between a Passive and Active Suspension Vehicle using PID and Fuzzy Controllers with Two Entries Applied on Quarter Vehicle Model. 2019 1st International Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems and Applications (ICSRESA). 2019 :1-6.
