
Baroudi T, Seghir R, Loechner V. Optimization of triangular and banded matrix operations using 2d-packed layouts. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO). 2017;14 (4) :1-19.
DEMAGH Y, KABAR Y, BORDJA I, NOUI S. The 3d heat flux density distribution on a novel parabolic trough wavy absorber.aip conf. proc. 2016.
SEDRATI M. Adapting TCP protocol for wireless networks. International Conference on Computer Science’s Complex Systems and their Applications (ICCSA'2016). 2016.
Boussaad L, Benmohammed M, Benzid R. Age Invariant Face Recognition Based on DCT Feature Extraction and Kernel Fisher Analysis. Journal of Information Processing SystemsJournal of Information Processing Systems. 2016;12 :392-409.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of combining three popular tools used in pattern recognition, which are the Active Appearance Model (AAM), the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform (2D-DCT), and Kernel Fisher Analysis (KFA), for face recognition across age variations. For this purpose, we first used AAM to generate an AAM-based face representation; then, we applied 2D-DCT to get the descriptor of the image; and finally, we used a multiclass KFA for dimension reduction. Classification was made through a K-nearest neighbor classifier, based on Euclidean distance. Our experimental results on face images, which were obtained from the publicly available FG-NET face database, showed that the proposed descriptor worked satisfactorily for both face identification and verification across age progression.
Mokrani K, Ameghchouche A, Belkhir A, Tebbal S, Aouachria A. Analgésie post zostérienne du sujet âgé. 9ième journées de printemps Batna, société algérienne d'évaluation et traitement de la douleur. 2016.
Amel C. Analyse d&⋕39;un résonateur planaire réglable par l&⋕39;équivalence avec une substance monocouche. 2016.
Bendib A, DRIDI H, KALLA M, Baziz N. Analyse spatiale de la vulnérabilité à la fièvre typhoïde dans la ville de Batna (Est de l’Algérie). Environnement, Risques & SantéEnvironnement, Risques & Santé. 2016;15 :228-237.
Benlaloui I, Drid S, Khamari D, Chrifi-Alaoui L, Marhic B, Ouriagli M. Analysis and design of rotor MRAS speed sensorless with a novel approach. 2016 17th International conference on sciences and techniques of automatic control and computer engineering (STA). 2016 :73-77.
Alloui ANN, Dekhinet DAA, Fetha FCC. Analysis of Electric disturbances in the quality of electric energy using the ABC method of classification for the application to voltage dips and short interruptions. Journal of Electrical EngineeringJOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 2016;16 :9-9.
BEDRA R, BEDRA S, FORTAKI T. Analysis of elliptical-disk microstrip patch printed on isotropic or anisotropic substrate materials. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless TechnologiesInternational Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. 2016;8 :251-255.
Randa B, Sami B, Tarek F. Analysis of elliptical-disk microstrip patch printed on isotropic or anisotropic substrate materials, e-ISSN 1759-0795. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless TechnologiesInternational Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. 2016;Volume 8 :pp. 251-255.Abstract
This paper presents a simple approach for accurate determination of the resonant frequency of an elliptical microstrip patch printed on isotropic or anisotropic substrate materials. In this approach, some modifications are made to account for fringe fields, dispersion effects, and losses by calculating effective dimensions, effective permittivity of anisotropy in the layer, and effective loss tangent, respectively. The theoretical resonant frequency results are in very good agreement with the experimental results reported elsewhere. Numerical results show that the change in the resonant frequency of the antenna is due primarily to a small disturbance of the substrate’s nature. Then the effect of the uniaxial anisotropic materials is a significant parameter and most essential on the microstrip antenna characterization.
Hadda D, Guellouh S, Mahdi K. ANALYSIS OF THE VULNERABILITY OF THE CITY OF BATNA (ALGERIA) TO FLOODING. Annals of the University of Oradea, Geography Series/Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Seria GeografieAnnals of the University of Oradea, Geography Series/Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Seria Geografie. 2016;26.
LAIDOUNE A, RAHALGHARBI M-H. Analysis Testing of Sociocultural Factors Influence on Human Reliability within Sociotechnical Systems: The Algerian Oil Companies. Safety and Health at WorkSafety and Health at Work. 2016;7 :194-200.Abstract
Background The influence of sociocultural factors on human reliability within an open sociotechnical systems is highlighted. The design of such systems is enhanced by experience feedback. Methods The study was focused on a survey related to the observation of working cases, and by processing of incident/accident statistics and semistructured interviews in the qualitative part. In order to consolidate the study approach, we considered a schedule for the purpose of standard statistical measurements. We tried to be unbiased by supporting an exhaustive list of all worker categories including age, sex, educational level, prescribed task, accountability level, etc. The survey was reinforced by a schedule distributed to 300 workers belonging to two oil companies. This schedule comprises 30 items related to six main factors that influence human reliability. Results Qualitative observations and schedule data processing had shown that the sociocultural factors can negatively and positively influence operator behaviors. Conclusion The explored sociocultural factors influence the human reliability both in qualitative and quantitative manners. The proposed model shows how reliability can be enhanced by some measures such as experience feedback based on, for example, safety improvements, training, and information. With that is added the continuous systems improvements to improve sociocultural reality and to reduce negative behaviors.
Khelifi C, FERROUDJI F, Ouali M. Analytical modeling and optimization of a solar chimney power plant. International Journal of Engineering Research in AfricaInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Africa. 2016;25 :78-88.
Bouguerra F, Saidi L. ANN Symbol Decision Making in Multipath Distorted Channel with QPSK Modulation. 2nd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS’16),November 16-17. 2016.
MENANI M-R. Anthropogenic pressures on groundwater resources. Case of the Northern plains of Batna region (North-East Algeria). 43rd IAH Congress, 25-29 September, . 2016.
Mokrani K, Tebbal S, Aouachria A. Antibiotiques et grossesse. 2ème Séminaire Médical national d’Ain Touta. 2016.
Al-Rimawi F, Rishmawi S, Ariqat SH, Khalid MF, Warad I, Salah Z. Anticancer activity, antioxidant activity, and phenolic and flavonoids content of wild Tragopogon porrifolius plant extracts. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative MedicineEvidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2016;2016.
Nabil G, Leila H. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of methanolic extract from Marrubium deserti leaves and evaluation of their acute toxicity. Pharm LettPharm Lett. 2016;8 :33-40.
Bouriche H, Saidi A, Ferradji A, Belambri SA, Senator A. Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of Pistacia lentiscus extracts. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical ScienceJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016;6 :140-146.
