
Toufik B, Fayçal DJEFFAL, Elasaad C, Djemai A. Impact of the drain and source extensions on nanoscale Double-Gate Junctionless MOSFET analog and RF performances, ISSN / e-ISSN 1369-8001 / 1873-4081. Materials Science in Semiconductor ProcessingMaterials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2016;Volume 42 :pp. 264-267.Abstract
Multi-Gate Junctionless MOSFETs are promising devices to overcome the undesired short channel effects for low cost nanoelectronic applications. However, the high series resistance associated to the source and drain extensions can arise as a serious problem when dealing with uniformly doped channel, which leads to the degradation of the device performance. Therefore, in order to obtain a global view of Double-Gate Junctionless (DGJ) MOSFET performance under critical conditions, new designs and models of nanoscale DGJ MOSFET including analog performance are important for the comprehension of the fundamentals of such device characteristics. In the present paper, a numerical investigation for the drain current and small signal characteristics is conducted for the DGJ MOSFET by including highly doped extension regions. The proposed approach, which is from a practical viewpoint a feasible technique by introducing only one ion implantation step, provides a good solution to improve the drain current, small signal parameters, analog/RF behavior and linearity of DGJ MOSFET for high performance analog applications. In this context, I–V and analog characteristics of the proposed design are investigated by 2-D numerical modeling and compared with conventional DGJ MOSFET characteristics.
Djamil R, Aicha K, Cherifa A, Fayçal DJEFFAL. Impacts of high-k gate dielectrics and low temperature on the performance of nanoscale CNTFETs, ISSN 1569-8025. Journal of Computational ElectronicsJournal of Computational Electronics. 2016;Volume 15 :pp 1308-1315.Abstract
The influence of gate dielectric materials on the performance of a carbon nanotube field-effect transistor has been studied by a numerical simulation model. This model is based on a two-dimensional nonequilibrium Green’s function formalism performed with the self-consistent solution of the Poisson and Schrödinger equations. The device performance is investigated in terms of leakage current, on-state current, ION/IOFF current ratio, subthreshold slope, drain-induced barrier lowering, as well as transconductance, drain conductance, and intrinsic gate delay. This study is carried out over a wide range of dielectric permittivities at low temperatures ranging from room temperature down to 100 K.
Djamil R, Aicha K, Cherifa A, DJEFFAL F. Impacts of high-k gate dielectrics and low temperature on the performance of nanoscale CNTFETs. Journal of Computational ElectronicsJournal of Computational Electronics. 2016;15 :1308-1315.
Ameddah H, Zidani K, Manaa R. Impeller Tool Paths Programming for Rough Machining in an Intelligent NURBS Step–NC Format. Inter. J. Cur. Eng. and TechnolInter. J. Cur. Eng. and Technol. 2016;6 :194-199.
Fayçal DJEFFAL, Hichem F, Toufik B. Improved analog and RF performances of gate-all-around junctionless MOSFET with drain and source extensions, ISSN 0749-6036. Superlattices and MicrostructuresSuperlattices and Microstructures. 2016;Volume 90 :pp 132-140.Abstract
In this paper, the analytical investigation of a new design including drain and source extensions is presented to assess the electrical behavior of cylindrical gate-all-around junctionless (GAAJ) MOSFET for high performance RF and analog applications. Analytical models for drain current and performance parameters are derived incorporating the effect of two highly doped extension regions. Various analog and RF parameters like transconductance, cut-off frequency, drain current drivability, voltage gain and linearity characteristics have also been investigated. The proposed design shows excellent ability in improving the analog performance and provides a good solution to enhance the RF behavior and linearity of GAAJ MOSFET for low cost and high performance analog/RF applications. The proposed model results have been validated against the data obtained from a commercially available numerical device simulator. Moreover, the developed analytical approaches are easy to be implemented into microelectronic software simulators and therefore allow the study of the GAAJ-based deep submicron circuits
E.Chebaki, Fayçal DJEFFAL, Hichem F, Toufik B. Improved analog/RF performance of double gate junctionless MOSFET using both gate material engineering and drain/source extensions, ISSN 0749-6036. Superlattices and MicrostructuresSuperlattices and Microstructures. 2016;Volume 92 :pp 80-91.Abstract
In this paper, we propose a new Double Gate Junctionless (DGJ) MOSFET design based on both gate material engineering and drain/source extensions. Analytical models for the long channel device associated to the drain current, analog and radio-frequency (RF) performance parameters are developed incorporating the impact of dual-material gate engineering and two highly doped extension regions on the analog/RF performance of DGJ MOSFET. The transistor performance figures-of-merit (FoM), governing the analog/RF behavior, have also been analyzed. The analog/RF performance is compared between the proposed design and a conventional DGJ MOSFET of similar dimensions, where the proposed device shows excellent ability in improving the analog/RF performance and provides higher drain current and improved figures-of-merit as compared to the conventional DGJ MOSFET. The obtained results have been validated against the data obtained from TCAD software for a wide range of design parameters. Moreover, the developed analytical models are used as mono-objective function to optimize the device analog/RF performance using Genetic Algorithms (GAs). In comparison with the reported numerical data for Inversion-Mode (IM) DG MOSFET, our optimized performance metrics for JL device exhibit enhancement over the reported data for IM device at the same channel length.
Zohra Z, Djamel C, Djamel B. An improved back propagation algorithm for training neural network-based equaliser for signal restoration in digital communication channels, ISSN 1744-2869. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and InnovationInternational Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation. 2016;Volume 6 :pp 236 - 244.Abstract
The back propagation (BP) algorithm has been very successful in training multilayer perceptron-based equalisers; despite its success BP convergence is still too slow. Within this paper we present a new approach to enhance the training efficiency of the multilayer perceptron-based equaliser (MLPE). Our approach consists on modifying the conventional back propagation algorithm, through creating an adaptive nonlinearity in the activation function. Experiment results evaluates the performance of the MLPE trained using the conventional BP and the improved back propagation with adaptive gain (IBPAG). Due to the adaptability of the activation function gain the nonlinear capacity and flexibility of the MLP is enhanced significantly. Therefore, the convergence properties of the proposed algorithm are more improved compared to the BP. The proposed algorithm achieves the best performance in the entire simulation experiments.
ZERDOUMI Z, Chikouche D, Benatia D. An improved back propagation algorithm for training neural network-based equaliser for signal restoration in digital communication channels. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and InnovationInternational Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation. 2016;6 :236-244.
Merzouk I, Bendaas ML. Improved direct power control for 3-level AC/DC converter under unbalanced and/or distorted voltage source conditions. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer SciencesTURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTER SCIENCES. 2016;24 :1847-1862.
Benamar S. Infection nosocomiale dans le service des brûlés au CHU Batna durant l’année 2015. 5ème Congrès Aurassien International de Néphrologie . 2016.
Mokrani K, Tebbal S, Benyahia A. Infections associées aux soins : A propos de 4 cas d’hépatite virale C. 1ère conférence internationale d’infectiologie d’Oran : Hygiène hospitalière et prévention des infections associées aux soins. 2016.
Benamar S. Infections urinaires en ville : Epidémiologie et prévalence de la résistance. 5ème Congrès Aurassien International de Néphrologie . 2016.
Chenafi A, Monney P, Arrigoni E, Boudoukha A, Carlen C. Influence of irrigation strategies on productivity, fruit quality and soil-plant water status of subsurface drip-irrigated apple trees. FruitsFruits. 2016;71 :69-78.
Boubiche S, Boubiche D-E, Bilami A. Integrating Big data paradigm in WSNs. International Conference on Big Data and Advanced Wireless Technologies [Internet]. 2016. Publisher's VersionAbstract
WSNs consist of large number of small sensors densely deployed to monitor a phenomenon. Most of the data generated from the WSNs represent events happening at time intervals. Sometimes and according to the nature of the applications, this data stream is continuous and can reach high speeds. Therefore, adopting new techniques, platforms and tools to deal with this large amount of sensory data became necessary. Therefore, the Big Data paradigm can represent a good solution for the extraction, analysis, viewing, sharing, storage and transfer of such volume of data. This paper presents a survey on integrating Big Data tools for gathering, storing and analyzing the data generated by WSNs.
Boubiche S, Boubiche DE, Azzedine B. Integrating Big data paradigm in WSNs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data and Advanced Wireless Technologies. 2016 :1-4.
HAOUES C, DRIDI H, GERAND TSAINT, KALLA M. Integrating GIS and AHP method for erosion vulnerability determination for LABIOD Watershed (Eastern Algeria). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesCarpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. 2016;11 :5-16.
Lahmadi O, Benfarhi L, Chaghi A. Intelligent active power filter based on ADALINEs and PI-neural under unbalanced and distorted voltages. International Journal of Power and Energy ConversionInternational Journal of Power and Energy Conversion. 2016.
Brinis N. Intérêt de l’étude géologique et hydrogéologique pour la mobilisation des ressources hydriques dans le bassin de Timgad (Aurès, algérie NE). 1er Séminaire National sur l'eau et l'environnement (SNEE 2016), Centre universitaire Abdelhafid Boussouf,28-29 Novembre. 2016.
Boubiche DE, Hidoussi F, Bounceur A. International conference on Big Data and Advanced Wireless technologies (BDAW'2016). International conference on Big Data and Advanced Wireless technologies (BDAW'2016). 2016.
Boubiche DE, Hidoussi F, Guezouli L, Bounceur A, Toral H. International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing. International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing. 2016.
