Publications by Author: Amir, Mounir

Meddour F, Bencherif H, Boukarkar A, Abdi MA, Amir M. An efficient hybrid solar and electromagnetic harvesting system for autonomous operation of small sensors. OptikOptik. 2020;208 :164022.
Ahmed M, Siham B, Amir M, Sami B. Study of two-layered circular patch using moment method and genetic Algorithms, e-ISSN 2088-8708. International Journal of Electrical & Computer EngineeringInternational Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering. 2019;Volume 9 :pp 5368 - 5375.Abstract
In this paper, new expressions for the effective radius and fringing capacitance have been derived to predict accurately the resonant frequency of the two-layered circular microstrip patch antenna. These expressions are obtained based on genetic algorithm and the data base is generated using moment method (MOM). The proposed model is very simple, fast, and valid for an entire range of permittivities and thicknesses of two-layered substrate. The present model has been validated by comparing our numerical results obtained for the resonant frequencies with measurements. Finaly, the effect of the two-layered substrate on the resonant charateristics of the circular microstrip patch antenna has been presented.
Meddour F, Meddour A, Abdi MA, Amir M. ANN-based-modling to study the Neutron radiation effects on MOS devices. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-4.
Amir M, BEDRA S, BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T. Bacterial foraging optimisation and method of moments for modelling and optimisation of microstrip antennas. IET Microwaves, Antennas & PropagationIET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation. 2014;8 :295-300.
BENKOUDA S, MESSAI A, Amir M, BEDRA S, FORTAKI T. Characteristics of a high Tc superconducting rectangular microstrip patch on uniaxially anisotropic substrate. Physica C: SuperconductivityPhysica C: Superconductivity. 2014;502 :70-75.
MESSAI A, BENKOUDA S, Amir M, BEDRA S, FORTAKI T. Analysis of high superconducting rectangular microstrip patches over ground planes with rectangular apertures in substrates containing anisotropic materials. International Journal of Antennas and PropagationInternational Journal of Antennas and Propagation. 2013;2013.
BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T, Amir M, Benghalia A. Resonance of high Tc superconducting microstrip patch in a substrate-superstrate configuration. Advanced ElectromagneticsAdvanced Electromagnetics. 2013;2 :19-21.
BENKOUDA S, FORTAKI T, Amir M, Benghalia A. Resonance of Superconducting Microstrip Antenna with Aperture in the Ground Plane. Advanced ElectromagneticsAdvanced Electromagnetics. 2013;2 :22-25.
BEDRA S, BENKOUDA S, Amir M, FORTAKI T. Resonant frequency of tunable microstrip ring antenna printed on isotropic or uniaxially anisotropic substrate. Advanced ElectromagneticsAdvanced Electromagnetics. 2013;2 :6-9.
BENKOUDA S, Amir M, FORTAKI T, Benghalia A. Dual-frequency behavior of stacked high T c superconducting microstrip patches. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz WavesJournal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. 2011;32 :1350-1366.
FORTAKI T, BENKOUDA S, Amir M, Benghalia A. Air gap tuning effect on the resonant frequency and half-power bandwidth of superconducting microstrip patch. PIERS onlinePIERS online. 2009;5 :350-354.
Chebbara F, Amir M, FORTAKI T. The effect of a high temperature superconducting patch on a rectangular microstrip antenna. Journal of Electrical Engineering & TechnologyJournal of Electrical Engineering & Technology. 2009;4 :277-281.
FORTAKI T, Amir M, BENKOUDA S, Benghalia A. Study of high Tc superconducting microstrip antenna. Piers OnlinePIERS online. 2009;5 :346-349.