Publications by Author: Belbacha, El-djemai

Kerboub A, Belbacha E-djemai, Hidoussi A, Djaballah Y, Belgacem-Bouzida A. First-Principles Calculations of Defect Structures in B2 AlCo and GaCo. Journal of Phase Equilibria and DiffusionJournal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion. 2017;38 :143-150.
Adjadj F, Belbacha E-djemai, Bouharkat M. Differential calorimetric analysis of the binary system Sb–Zn. Journal of alloys and compoundsJournal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007;430 :85-91.
Adjadj F, Belbacha E-djemai, Bouharkat M, Kerboub A. Crystallographic study of the intermediate compounds SbZn, Sb {sub 3} Zn {sub 4} and Sb {sub 2} Zn {sub 3}. Journal of Alloys and CompoundsJournal of Alloys and Compounds. 2006;419.
Adjadj F, Belbacha E-djemai, Bouharkat M, Kerboub A. Crystallographic study of the intermediate compounds SbZn, Sb3Zn4 and Sb2Zn3. Journal of alloys and compoundsJournal of Alloys and Compounds. 2006;419 :267-270.