Publications by Author: Demirtaş, Ibrahim

Benkhaled A, Réggami Y, Boudjelal A, Senator A, Bouriche H, Demirtaş I, Kheniche A, Benyettou H, Larabi N, Ruberto G. Chemical characterisation, hypoglycaemic and renoprotective effects of aqueous leaf extract of Limoniastrum guyonianum on fructose-induced metabolic syndrome in rats. Archives of physiology and biochemistryArchives of physiology and biochemistry. 2020 :1-10.
Kada S, Bouriche H, Senator A, Demirtaş I, Özen T, Çeken Toptanci B, Kızıl G, Kızıl M. Protective activity of Hertia cheirifolia extracts against DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation. Pharmaceutical biologyPharmaceutical Biology. 2017;55 :330-337.