Khedidja A, Abderrahmane B.
Quality assessment of shallow groundwater for irrigation purposes in Tadjenanet – Chelghoum Laid area (Eastern Algeria) ISSN / e-ISSN 1571-5124 / 1814-2060. International Journal of River Basin ManagementInternational Journal of River Basin Management. 2019.
AbstractThe groundwater quality of Tadjenanet- Chelghoum Laid Semi-arid region was assessed for irrigation suitability; where the intensity of salinization process depends on soil characteristics, water quality, irrigation practices and in particular the inefficiency of the drainage system. The drought of the last decade has created an agricultural deficit due to high evapotranspiration, influencing the water salinity. To achieve this assessment, thirty groundwater samples were collected at identical locations from deeper wells. The physicochemical parameters such as, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total hardness (TH), Ca²+$, Mg²+$, Na+$, K+$, HCO3-$, SO4²-$, Cl-$ and NO3-$ have been studied. Obtained results were measured and interpreted with different irrigation indexes like EC, sodium percentage (SP), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability index (PI) and Kelly’s ratio (KR). These parameters combined allowed to conclude that the quality of groundwater was roughly suitable for irrigation.