Publications by Author: Abdessemed, Amina

Abdessemed A, Bougriou C, Guerraiche D, Abachi R. Effects of tray shape of a multi-stage solar still coupled to a parabolic concentrating solar collector in Algeria. Renewable energyRenewable energy. 2019;132 :1134-1140.
Abdessemed A, Boubekeur I, Boublai N, Bougriou C. Experimental investigation of a poly-energy multi-effect still in Algeria. Water SupplyWater Supply. 2019;19 :926-931.
Haid S, SLIMANI S, Rahal F, Abdessemed A, Ladjouze-Rezig A. Traitement médicamenteux de l’arthrose. Rev Mar RhumRev Mar Rhum. 2012;22 :30-35.