Publications by Author: Delenda, Sabah

Delenda S, Noui L. A new steganography algorithm using polar decomposition. Information Security Journal: A Global PerspectiveInformation Security Journal: A Global Perspective. 2018;27 :133-144.Abstract
Nowadays, the security of communication becomes very important with the rapid development of network technology. So, the transmission and distribution of the several digital information must be protected and secured against other users. Many steganography techniques have been proposed for embedding secret digital data in other digital data. In this article, we propose a new steganography algorithm based on a linear algebraic tool that is the polar decomposition (PD) for hiding secret data in an image. A host image is selected and divided into blocks of size 2 × 2, a PD is applied on each block, and the secret data are embedded in suitable blocks. Experimental results show that our proposed algorithm gives a higher hiding capacity, achieves good imperceptibility, and also provides a high degree of security against common types of attacks such as compression attack with quality 10%, gamma correction attack, and impulse noise attack.