Publications by Author: Guerarra, Sihem

Guerarra S, Guedjiba S. COMMON HERMITIAN LEAST-RANK SOLUTION OF MATRIX EQUATIONS $ A_ {1} X_ {1} A_ {1}^*= B_ {1} $ AND $ A_ {2} X_ {2} A_ {2}^*= B_ {2} $ SUBJECT TO INEQUALITY RESTRICTIONS. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and InformaticsFacta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics. 2015;30 :539-554.
Guerarra S, Guedjiba S. COMMON LEAST-RANK SOLUTION OF MATRIX EQUATIONS A₁X₁B₁= C₁ AND A₂X₂B₂= C_ {2} WITH APPLICATIONS. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and InformaticsFacta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics. 2015;29 :313-323.