Publications by Author: Abbas, Abdelmalek

SLIMANI S, Abbas A, Ben-Ammar A, Kebaili D, Ali E-H, Rahal F, Khamari M-C, Baltache A, Khider I, Chiheub R, et al. Characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis in Algeria: a multicenter study. Rheumatology International. SeptembreRheumatology International. Septembre. 2014;34 :1235–1239.
SLIMANI S, Abbas A, Ben-Ammar A, Kebaili D, Ali E-H, Rahal F, Dahou-Makhloufi C, Brahimi N, Abtroun-Benmadi S, Ladjouze-Rezig A. Calcium Intake In Algerian Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. A Multicenter Study. Germany; 2012.
SLIMANI S, Abbas A, Ben-Ammar A, Kebaili D, Ali E-H, Rahal F, Abtroun-Benmadi S, Ladjouze-Rezig A. Performance Of Various Criteria Sets In Evaluating Disease Activity And Remission In RA. An Algerian Multicenter Study. Germany; 2012.