Goudjil K, Aboubou H.
An Alteration Within American National Security Strategy Post - 9/11 Attacks. مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية [Internet]. 2022;15 (1) :319-332.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
According to several American and European scholars, intellectuals, and media experts in U.S. foreign policy, the American national security strategy had witnessed a reformulation in the 21st century after the 9/11 attacks. In reality, never after Pearl Harbor, America has experienced such a dramatic security event. For which the obvious question remains posed: President Bush’s National Security Strategy marked a new path to a universal American security measure? Did it develop a new policy process with new norms to fit the modern era? Accordingly, U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan aims to preserve; freedom, liberal values, deter terrorism, and protect the threatened American security; hence, we have come with this study to evidence that by the fact that Bush's unilateral preventive war strategy, which witnessed a blatant violation of International Law, Human Rights, and the United Nations Charter of State’s sovereignty, was no more than the natural reaction to their foreign policy adoption of duplicity. The American National Security Policy is, in reality, an overtly way of military expression policy to enforce duplicity.