
Fahima B, Ouahab YA, Ahmed I. Lithostratigraphie de la serie Aptienne du DJ Bouroumane-Tebessa (Algerie oriental). 4eme Colloque International, les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, Alger 22 novembre. 2018.
Fahima B, Ouahab YA, Ahmed I. Lithostratigraphie de la serie Aptienne du DJ Bouroumane-Tebessa (Algerie oriental). 4eme Colloque International, les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, Alger 22 novembre. 2018.
Fahima B, Ouahab YA, Ahmed I. Lithostratigraphie de la serie Aptienne du DJ Bouroumane-Tebessa (Algerie oriental). 4eme Colloque International, les Géosciences au service du Développement durable, université Larbi Tebessi, Alger 22 novembre. 2018.
Beloucif A, Noui L. A lossless image encryption algorithm using matrix transformations and XOR operation. International Journal of Information and Communication TechnologyInternational Journal of Information and Communication Technology. 2018;13.Abstract
Encryption is the way to ensure confidentiality of different data, digital images have special features as large data, bulky data, and strong correlation between pixels, which makes traditional encryption algorithms not suitable for image encryption. For this concern, we propose a novel lossless encryption scheme for digital images based on combination of matrix transformations and XOR operation. The numerical experimental results confirms that the proposed method achieves high security level against brute force attacks, statistical attacks and sensitivity analysis, moreover the suggested algorithm provides a good randomness properties, thus our method can be applied for image encryption and transmission in sensitive domains.
Beloucif A, Noui L. A lossless image encryption algorithm using matrix transformations and XOR operation. International Journal of Information and Communication TechnologyInternational Journal of Information and Communication Technology. 2018;13.Abstract
Encryption is the way to ensure confidentiality of different data, digital images have special features as large data, bulky data, and strong correlation between pixels, which makes traditional encryption algorithms not suitable for image encryption. For this concern, we propose a novel lossless encryption scheme for digital images based on combination of matrix transformations and XOR operation. The numerical experimental results confirms that the proposed method achieves high security level against brute force attacks, statistical attacks and sensitivity analysis, moreover the suggested algorithm provides a good randomness properties, thus our method can be applied for image encryption and transmission in sensitive domains.
Fedala A, Ounassa ADJROUD, Asma S. L’effet néphrotoxique du chrome hexavalent chez la rate gestante de la souche Albinos wistar. Séminaire National de "Biotechnologie, Environnement & santé" Université de Jijel, 27-28 . 2018.Abstract

L'objectif de c travail est d'évaluer les effets délétères du chrome hexavalent sur la fonction rénale chez la rate gestante.

Fedala A, Ounassa ADJROUD, Asma S. L’effet néphrotoxique du chrome hexavalent chez la rate gestante de la souche Albinos wistar. Séminaire National de "Biotechnologie, Environnement & santé" Université de Jijel, 27-28 . 2018.Abstract

L'objectif de c travail est d'évaluer les effets délétères du chrome hexavalent sur la fonction rénale chez la rate gestante.

Fedala A, Ounassa ADJROUD, Asma S. L’effet néphrotoxique du chrome hexavalent chez la rate gestante de la souche Albinos wistar. Séminaire National de "Biotechnologie, Environnement & santé" Université de Jijel, 27-28 . 2018.Abstract

L'objectif de c travail est d'évaluer les effets délétères du chrome hexavalent sur la fonction rénale chez la rate gestante.

Mokrani K, Tebbal S, Ameghchouche A, KALLA N. L’impact de l’IL28B sur la fibrose hépatique chez les patients de l’est Algérien atteints d’hépatite virale C. ères rencontres internationales d’infectiologie . 2018.
Mokrani K, Tebbal S, Ameghchouche A, KALLA N. L’impact de l’IL28B sur la fibrose hépatique chez les patients de l’est Algérien atteints d’hépatite virale C. ères rencontres internationales d’infectiologie . 2018.
Mokrani K, Tebbal S, Ameghchouche A, KALLA N. L’impact de l’IL28B sur la fibrose hépatique chez les patients de l’est Algérien atteints d’hépatite virale C. ères rencontres internationales d’infectiologie . 2018.
Mokrani K, Tebbal S, Ameghchouche A, KALLA N. L’impact de l’IL28B sur la fibrose hépatique chez les patients de l’est Algérien atteints d’hépatite virale C. ères rencontres internationales d’infectiologie . 2018.
Ouarlent Y. Lymphome de la zone marginal ;à propos de 7 cas. XVème congres maghrebin d’hematologie . 2018.
Abbache F, Kalla H. Maximizing Reliability of Heterogeneous Distributed System Using an Adapted Discrete Flower Pollination Algorithm for Task Allocation Problem. 2018 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC). 2018 :1-6.
Abbache F, Kalla H. Maximizing Reliability of Heterogeneous Distributed System Using an Adapted Discrete Flower Pollination Algorithm for Task Allocation Problem. 2018 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC). 2018 :1-6.
Dendouga A, Oussalah S, Lakhdar N, Lakehal B. MDAC Design for an 8-bit 40 MS/s Pipelined ADC in a 0.18 μm CMOS Process. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-3.
Dendouga A, Oussalah S, Lakhdar N, Lakehal B. MDAC Design for an 8-bit 40 MS/s Pipelined ADC in a 0.18 μm CMOS Process. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-3.
Dendouga A, Oussalah S, Lakhdar N, Lakehal B. MDAC Design for an 8-bit 40 MS/s Pipelined ADC in a 0.18 μm CMOS Process. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-3.
Dendouga A, Oussalah S, Lakhdar N, Lakehal B. MDAC Design for an 8-bit 40 MS/s Pipelined ADC in a 0.18 μm CMOS Process. 2018 International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE). 2018 :1-3.
Bouaziz A, Loucif L, Ayachi A, Guehaz K, Bendjama E, Rolain J-M. Migratory white stork (Ciconia ciconia): a potential vector of the OXA-48-producing Escherichia coli ST38 clone in Algeria. Microbial Drug ResistanceMicrobial Drug Resistance. 2018;24 :461-468.
