Naceur H, Haissam K, Abderraouf B, Zohir D.
PCA-based selection of distinctive stability criteria and classification of post-stroke pathological postural behaviour, ISSN / e-ISSN 0158-9938 / 1879-5447. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in MedicineAustralasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2018;Volume 41 :pp 189–199.
AbstractIn this paper, we study the postural behaviour of two categories of people: Post-CVA subjects suffering from cerebrovascular accident syndromes and healthy individuals under several levels of anterior–posterior and medial–lateral sinusoidal disturbances (0.1–0.5 Hz). These perturbations were produced from an omnidirectional platform called Isiskate. Afterwards, we have quantified seventy postural parameters, they were combined of linear stabilometric parameters and non-linear time dependent stochastic parameters using stabilogram diffusion analysis and some spectral attributes using power spectral density. The aim of our analysis is to reduce data dimensionality using principal component analysis (PCA). Furthermore, we proposed a new PCA-related criterion named: criterion of contribution in order to evaluate the contribution of every variable in the resulted system structure, and thus to eliminate the redundant postural characteristics. Afterwards, we highlighted some interesting distinctive parameters. The selected parameters were used thereafter in comparison between the studied groups. Finally, we created a classification model using support vector machines to distinguish stroke patients. Our proposed techniques help in understanding the human postural dynamics and facilitate the diagnosis of pathologies related to equilibrium which can be used to improve the rehabilitation services.
Hedjazi N, Kharboutly H, Benali A, Dibi Z.
PCA-based selection of distinctive stability criteria and classification of post-stroke pathological postural behaviour. Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicineAustralasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2018;41 :189-199.
Naceur H, Haissam K, Abderraouf B, Zohir D.
PCA-based selection of distinctive stability criteria and classification of post-stroke pathological postural behaviour, ISSN / e-ISSN 0158-9938 / 1879-5447. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in MedicineAustralasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2018;Volume 41 :pp 189–199.
AbstractIn this paper, we study the postural behaviour of two categories of people: Post-CVA subjects suffering from cerebrovascular accident syndromes and healthy individuals under several levels of anterior–posterior and medial–lateral sinusoidal disturbances (0.1–0.5 Hz). These perturbations were produced from an omnidirectional platform called Isiskate. Afterwards, we have quantified seventy postural parameters, they were combined of linear stabilometric parameters and non-linear time dependent stochastic parameters using stabilogram diffusion analysis and some spectral attributes using power spectral density. The aim of our analysis is to reduce data dimensionality using principal component analysis (PCA). Furthermore, we proposed a new PCA-related criterion named: criterion of contribution in order to evaluate the contribution of every variable in the resulted system structure, and thus to eliminate the redundant postural characteristics. Afterwards, we highlighted some interesting distinctive parameters. The selected parameters were used thereafter in comparison between the studied groups. Finally, we created a classification model using support vector machines to distinguish stroke patients. Our proposed techniques help in understanding the human postural dynamics and facilitate the diagnosis of pathologies related to equilibrium which can be used to improve the rehabilitation services.
Hedjazi N, Kharboutly H, Benali A, Dibi Z.
PCA-based selection of distinctive stability criteria and classification of post-stroke pathological postural behaviour. Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicineAustralasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2018;41 :189-199.
Naceur H, Haissam K, Abderraouf B, Zohir D.
PCA-based selection of distinctive stability criteria and classification of post-stroke pathological postural behaviour, ISSN / e-ISSN 0158-9938 / 1879-5447. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in MedicineAustralasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2018;Volume 41 :pp 189–199.
AbstractIn this paper, we study the postural behaviour of two categories of people: Post-CVA subjects suffering from cerebrovascular accident syndromes and healthy individuals under several levels of anterior–posterior and medial–lateral sinusoidal disturbances (0.1–0.5 Hz). These perturbations were produced from an omnidirectional platform called Isiskate. Afterwards, we have quantified seventy postural parameters, they were combined of linear stabilometric parameters and non-linear time dependent stochastic parameters using stabilogram diffusion analysis and some spectral attributes using power spectral density. The aim of our analysis is to reduce data dimensionality using principal component analysis (PCA). Furthermore, we proposed a new PCA-related criterion named: criterion of contribution in order to evaluate the contribution of every variable in the resulted system structure, and thus to eliminate the redundant postural characteristics. Afterwards, we highlighted some interesting distinctive parameters. The selected parameters were used thereafter in comparison between the studied groups. Finally, we created a classification model using support vector machines to distinguish stroke patients. Our proposed techniques help in understanding the human postural dynamics and facilitate the diagnosis of pathologies related to equilibrium which can be used to improve the rehabilitation services.
Hedjazi N, Kharboutly H, Benali A, Dibi Z.
PCA-based selection of distinctive stability criteria and classification of post-stroke pathological postural behaviour. Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicineAustralasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2018;41 :189-199.
Naceur H, Haissam K, Abderraouf B, Zohir D.
PCA-based selection of distinctive stability criteria and classification of post-stroke pathological postural behaviour, ISSN / e-ISSN 0158-9938 / 1879-5447. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in MedicineAustralasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2018;Volume 41 :pp 189–199.
AbstractIn this paper, we study the postural behaviour of two categories of people: Post-CVA subjects suffering from cerebrovascular accident syndromes and healthy individuals under several levels of anterior–posterior and medial–lateral sinusoidal disturbances (0.1–0.5 Hz). These perturbations were produced from an omnidirectional platform called Isiskate. Afterwards, we have quantified seventy postural parameters, they were combined of linear stabilometric parameters and non-linear time dependent stochastic parameters using stabilogram diffusion analysis and some spectral attributes using power spectral density. The aim of our analysis is to reduce data dimensionality using principal component analysis (PCA). Furthermore, we proposed a new PCA-related criterion named: criterion of contribution in order to evaluate the contribution of every variable in the resulted system structure, and thus to eliminate the redundant postural characteristics. Afterwards, we highlighted some interesting distinctive parameters. The selected parameters were used thereafter in comparison between the studied groups. Finally, we created a classification model using support vector machines to distinguish stroke patients. Our proposed techniques help in understanding the human postural dynamics and facilitate the diagnosis of pathologies related to equilibrium which can be used to improve the rehabilitation services.
Walid B, Noureddine S, Mallem A.
PD Terminal Sliding Mode Control Using Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Mobile Robot in Presence of Disturbances, ISSN / e-ISSN 1897-8649 / 2080-2145. Journal of automation, Mobile robotics &intelligent systemsJournal of automation, Mobile robotics &intelligent systems. 2018;Volume 12 :pp 52-60.
AbstractThis paper presents a new approach in the field of trajectory tracking for nonholonomic mobile robot in presence of disturbances. The proposed control design is constructed by a kinematic controller, based on PD sliding surface using fuzzy sliding mode for the angular and linear velocities disturbances, in order to tend asymptotically the robot posture error to zero. Thereafter a dynamic controller is presented using as a sliding surface design, a fast terminal function (FTF) whose parameters are generated by a genetic algorithm in order to converge the velocity errors to zero in finite time and guarantee the asymptotic stability of the system using a Lyapunov candidate. The elaborated simulation works in the case of different trajectories confirm the robustness of the proposed approach.
Benaziza W, Slimane N, Mallem A.
PD terminal sliding mode control using fuzzy genetic algorithm for mobile robot in presence of disturbances. Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent SystemsJournal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems. 2018;12.
Walid B, Noureddine S, Mallem A.
PD Terminal Sliding Mode Control Using Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Mobile Robot in Presence of Disturbances, ISSN / e-ISSN 1897-8649 / 2080-2145. Journal of automation, Mobile robotics &intelligent systemsJournal of automation, Mobile robotics &intelligent systems. 2018;Volume 12 :pp 52-60.
AbstractThis paper presents a new approach in the field of trajectory tracking for nonholonomic mobile robot in presence of disturbances. The proposed control design is constructed by a kinematic controller, based on PD sliding surface using fuzzy sliding mode for the angular and linear velocities disturbances, in order to tend asymptotically the robot posture error to zero. Thereafter a dynamic controller is presented using as a sliding surface design, a fast terminal function (FTF) whose parameters are generated by a genetic algorithm in order to converge the velocity errors to zero in finite time and guarantee the asymptotic stability of the system using a Lyapunov candidate. The elaborated simulation works in the case of different trajectories confirm the robustness of the proposed approach.
Benaziza W, Slimane N, Mallem A.
PD terminal sliding mode control using fuzzy genetic algorithm for mobile robot in presence of disturbances. Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent SystemsJournal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems. 2018;12.
Benaziza W, Slimane N, Mallem A.
PD terminal sliding mode control using fuzzy genetic algorithm for mobile robot in presence of disturbances. Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent SystemsJournal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems. 2018;12.
Walid B, Noureddine S, Mallem A.
PD Terminal Sliding Mode Control Using Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Mobile Robot in Presence of Disturbances, ISSN / e-ISSN 1897-8649 / 2080-2145. Journal of automation, Mobile robotics &intelligent systemsJournal of automation, Mobile robotics &intelligent systems. 2018;Volume 12 :pp 52-60.
AbstractThis paper presents a new approach in the field of trajectory tracking for nonholonomic mobile robot in presence of disturbances. The proposed control design is constructed by a kinematic controller, based on PD sliding surface using fuzzy sliding mode for the angular and linear velocities disturbances, in order to tend asymptotically the robot posture error to zero. Thereafter a dynamic controller is presented using as a sliding surface design, a fast terminal function (FTF) whose parameters are generated by a genetic algorithm in order to converge the velocity errors to zero in finite time and guarantee the asymptotic stability of the system using a Lyapunov candidate. The elaborated simulation works in the case of different trajectories confirm the robustness of the proposed approach.
A.Kadri, F.Djeffal, Ferhati H, F.Menacer, Dibi Z.
Performance analysis of a new graphene based-phototransistor for ultra-sensitive infrared sensing applications, ISSN 0030-4026. OptikOptik. 2018;Volume 176 :pp. 24-31.
AbstractIn this paper, a new Graphene nanoribbon (GNR) based Ge-phototransistor is proposed and investigated numerically by self-consistently solving the Schrödinger equation and Poisson equation using non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism. An overall performance metrics comparison between both the conventional Si-based phototransistor and the proposed design is performed. It is found that the proposed GNR Ge-phototransistor provides better electrical and optical performances compared to the conventional counterpart. Moreover, using GNR material as a channel can improve the device performance not only enables a high Ion/Ioff ratio, but also allows achieving a superior sensitivity for ultra-low optical powers. It is also revealed that the responsivity of the investigated design can be increased by reducing the GNR channel length. This underlines the outstanding capability of the proposed design for bridging the gap between modern nanoelectronic and nanophotonic technologies. In addition, the proposed GNR-based Ge-phototransistor can achieve an acceptable detectivity for very weak optical power intensities, in the order of some Femto-Watts, which leads to reduce the total power consumption associated with optical links. Therefore, the proposed GNR phototransistor pinpoints a new path toward achieving an ultrasensitive photoreceiver with low power consumption, which makes it potential alternative for chip-level Infrared communication and nano-optoelectronic applications.
A.Kadri, F.Djeffal, Ferhati H, F.Menacer, Dibi Z.
Performance analysis of a new graphene based-phototransistor for ultra-sensitive infrared sensing applications, ISSN 0030-4026. OptikOptik. 2018;Volume 176 :pp. 24-31.
AbstractIn this paper, a new Graphene nanoribbon (GNR) based Ge-phototransistor is proposed and investigated numerically by self-consistently solving the Schrödinger equation and Poisson equation using non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism. An overall performance metrics comparison between both the conventional Si-based phototransistor and the proposed design is performed. It is found that the proposed GNR Ge-phototransistor provides better electrical and optical performances compared to the conventional counterpart. Moreover, using GNR material as a channel can improve the device performance not only enables a high Ion/Ioff ratio, but also allows achieving a superior sensitivity for ultra-low optical powers. It is also revealed that the responsivity of the investigated design can be increased by reducing the GNR channel length. This underlines the outstanding capability of the proposed design for bridging the gap between modern nanoelectronic and nanophotonic technologies. In addition, the proposed GNR-based Ge-phototransistor can achieve an acceptable detectivity for very weak optical power intensities, in the order of some Femto-Watts, which leads to reduce the total power consumption associated with optical links. Therefore, the proposed GNR phototransistor pinpoints a new path toward achieving an ultrasensitive photoreceiver with low power consumption, which makes it potential alternative for chip-level Infrared communication and nano-optoelectronic applications.
A.Kadri, F.Djeffal, Ferhati H, F.Menacer, Dibi Z.
Performance analysis of a new graphene based-phototransistor for ultra-sensitive infrared sensing applications, ISSN 0030-4026. OptikOptik. 2018;Volume 176 :pp. 24-31.
AbstractIn this paper, a new Graphene nanoribbon (GNR) based Ge-phototransistor is proposed and investigated numerically by self-consistently solving the Schrödinger equation and Poisson equation using non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism. An overall performance metrics comparison between both the conventional Si-based phototransistor and the proposed design is performed. It is found that the proposed GNR Ge-phototransistor provides better electrical and optical performances compared to the conventional counterpart. Moreover, using GNR material as a channel can improve the device performance not only enables a high Ion/Ioff ratio, but also allows achieving a superior sensitivity for ultra-low optical powers. It is also revealed that the responsivity of the investigated design can be increased by reducing the GNR channel length. This underlines the outstanding capability of the proposed design for bridging the gap between modern nanoelectronic and nanophotonic technologies. In addition, the proposed GNR-based Ge-phototransistor can achieve an acceptable detectivity for very weak optical power intensities, in the order of some Femto-Watts, which leads to reduce the total power consumption associated with optical links. Therefore, the proposed GNR phototransistor pinpoints a new path toward achieving an ultrasensitive photoreceiver with low power consumption, which makes it potential alternative for chip-level Infrared communication and nano-optoelectronic applications.
A.Kadri, F.Djeffal, Ferhati H, F.Menacer, Dibi Z.
Performance analysis of a new graphene based-phototransistor for ultra-sensitive infrared sensing applications, ISSN 0030-4026. OptikOptik. 2018;Volume 176 :pp. 24-31.
AbstractIn this paper, a new Graphene nanoribbon (GNR) based Ge-phototransistor is proposed and investigated numerically by self-consistently solving the Schrödinger equation and Poisson equation using non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism. An overall performance metrics comparison between both the conventional Si-based phototransistor and the proposed design is performed. It is found that the proposed GNR Ge-phototransistor provides better electrical and optical performances compared to the conventional counterpart. Moreover, using GNR material as a channel can improve the device performance not only enables a high Ion/Ioff ratio, but also allows achieving a superior sensitivity for ultra-low optical powers. It is also revealed that the responsivity of the investigated design can be increased by reducing the GNR channel length. This underlines the outstanding capability of the proposed design for bridging the gap between modern nanoelectronic and nanophotonic technologies. In addition, the proposed GNR-based Ge-phototransistor can achieve an acceptable detectivity for very weak optical power intensities, in the order of some Femto-Watts, which leads to reduce the total power consumption associated with optical links. Therefore, the proposed GNR phototransistor pinpoints a new path toward achieving an ultrasensitive photoreceiver with low power consumption, which makes it potential alternative for chip-level Infrared communication and nano-optoelectronic applications.
A.Kadri, F.Djeffal, Ferhati H, F.Menacer, Dibi Z.
Performance analysis of a new graphene based-phototransistor for ultra-sensitive infrared sensing applications, ISSN 0030-4026. OptikOptik. 2018;Volume 176 :pp. 24-31.
AbstractIn this paper, a new Graphene nanoribbon (GNR) based Ge-phototransistor is proposed and investigated numerically by self-consistently solving the Schrödinger equation and Poisson equation using non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism. An overall performance metrics comparison between both the conventional Si-based phototransistor and the proposed design is performed. It is found that the proposed GNR Ge-phototransistor provides better electrical and optical performances compared to the conventional counterpart. Moreover, using GNR material as a channel can improve the device performance not only enables a high Ion/Ioff ratio, but also allows achieving a superior sensitivity for ultra-low optical powers. It is also revealed that the responsivity of the investigated design can be increased by reducing the GNR channel length. This underlines the outstanding capability of the proposed design for bridging the gap between modern nanoelectronic and nanophotonic technologies. In addition, the proposed GNR-based Ge-phototransistor can achieve an acceptable detectivity for very weak optical power intensities, in the order of some Femto-Watts, which leads to reduce the total power consumption associated with optical links. Therefore, the proposed GNR phototransistor pinpoints a new path toward achieving an ultrasensitive photoreceiver with low power consumption, which makes it potential alternative for chip-level Infrared communication and nano-optoelectronic applications.
Performance analysis of a reservoir in arid region. Case study: Babar reservoir, Aurès region, Algeria. Journal of Water and Land DevelopmentJournal of Water and Land Development. 2018.
Performance analysis of a reservoir in arid region. Case study: Babar reservoir, Aurès region, Algeria. Journal of Water and Land DevelopmentJournal of Water and Land Development. 2018.