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Amrani I, Bulatova N, Awidi A, Yousef A-M, Melhem JM, Al-Masri M, Tahoun LA.
Lack of Association between CYP1A1 M2 and M4 Polymorphisms and Breast Carcinoma in Jordanian Women: a Case-Control Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016. 2016;17 :387-393.
Amrani I, Bulatova N, Awidi A, Yousef A-M, Melhem JM, Al-Masri M, Tahoun LA.
Lack of Association between CYP1A1 M2 and M4 Polymorphisms and Breast Carcinoma in Jordanian Women: a Case-Control Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016. 2016;17 :387-393.
Amrani I, Bulatova N, Awidi A, Yousef A-M, Melhem JM, Al-Masri M, Tahoun LA.
Lack of Association between CYP1A1 M2 and M4 Polymorphisms and Breast Carcinoma in Jordanian Women: a Case-Control Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016. 2016;17 :387-393.
Amrani I, Bulatova N, Awidi A, Yousef A-M, Melhem JM, Al-Masri M, Tahoun LA.
Lack of Association between CYP1A1 M2 and M4 Polymorphisms and Breast Carcinoma in Jordanian Women: a Case-Control Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016. 2016;17 :387-393.
Amrani I, Bulatova N, Awidi A, Yousef A-M, Melhem JM, Al-Masri M, Tahoun LA.
Lack of Association between CYP1A1 M2 and M4 Polymorphisms and Breast Carcinoma in Jordanian Women: a Case-Control Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 2016. 2016;17 :387-393.
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