Bourdim S, Hemsas K-eddine, Harbouche Y.
Hybrid technique based on Wavelet & Fuzzy inference for Induction Machine Faults diagnosis & Classification. IECEC'15 [Internet]. 2015.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
An intelligent diagnostic method based on 3-D plot continuous wavelet transform (3-D plot CWT) and fuzzy inference system is presented to investigate the detectability and classification of rotor broken bars faults in induction machine (IM) and to overcome the limitation of classical Fourier Transform (FT). This approach is successfully used with Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) and suitable developed model of IM in healthy and faulty mode using Matlab environment. As first step we performed new results using 3-D plot CWT to extract the discriminating features. The features extracted from the wavelet transformed signal are the second most predominant frequency, the time range at which it occurs and the corresponding wavelet coefficients .Then as second and last step a fuzzy Inference system is designed and implemented using Matlab software with these three features extracted from the wavelet transformed signal as inputs and generates an output that classifies the fault and no
Bourdim S, Hemsas K-eddine, Harbouche Y.
Hybrid technique based on Wavelet & Fuzzy inference for Induction Machine Faults diagnosis & Classification. IECEC'15 [Internet]. 2015.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
An intelligent diagnostic method based on 3-D plot continuous wavelet transform (3-D plot CWT) and fuzzy inference system is presented to investigate the detectability and classification of rotor broken bars faults in induction machine (IM) and to overcome the limitation of classical Fourier Transform (FT). This approach is successfully used with Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) and suitable developed model of IM in healthy and faulty mode using Matlab environment. As first step we performed new results using 3-D plot CWT to extract the discriminating features. The features extracted from the wavelet transformed signal are the second most predominant frequency, the time range at which it occurs and the corresponding wavelet coefficients .Then as second and last step a fuzzy Inference system is designed and implemented using Matlab software with these three features extracted from the wavelet transformed signal as inputs and generates an output that classifies the fault and no
A MODIFIED GALERKIN METHOD FOR SOLVING INTEGRAL EQUATIONS OF THE SECOND KIND. International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2015 :158.
Salt movements and its impact on hydrocarbon trapping, The Gulf of Gabes example. Mots du comité d’organisationMots du comité d’organisation. 2015 :76.
Salt movements and its impact on hydrocarbon trapping, The Gulf of Gabes example. Mots du comité d’organisationMots du comité d’organisation. 2015 :76.
Salt movements and its impact on hydrocarbon trapping, The Gulf of Gabes example. Mots du comité d’organisationMots du comité d’organisation. 2015 :76.