Benlalaoui I, Drid S, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L, BENOUDJIT D, Khamari D, Ouriagli M.
A comparative study of rotor flux estimation in induction motor with a linear parameter varying observer and Kalman Filter. 2014 15th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). 2014 :668-672.
Benlalaoui I, Drid S, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L, BENOUDJIT D, Khamari D, Ouriagli M.
A comparative study of rotor flux estimation in induction motor with a linear parameter varying observer and Kalman Filter. 2014 15th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). 2014 :668-672.
Benlalaoui I, Drid S, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L, BENOUDJIT D, Khamari D, Ouriagli M.
A comparative study of rotor flux estimation in induction motor with a linear parameter varying observer and Kalman Filter. 2014 15th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). 2014 :668-672.
Benlalaoui I, Drid S, CHRIFI-ALAOUI L, BENOUDJIT D, Khamari D, Ouriagli M.
A comparative study of rotor flux estimation in induction motor with a linear parameter varying observer and Kalman Filter. 2014 15th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). 2014 :668-672.
Kouara H, Laib H, Chaghi A.
Comparative Study of Three Phase Four Wire Shunt Active Power Filter Topologies based Fuzzy Logic DC Bus Voltage Control. International Journal of Energy, Information and CommunicationsInternational Journal of Energy, Information and Communications. 2014;5, No. 3 :1-12.
Kouara H, Laib H, Chaghi A.
Comparative Study of Three Phase Four Wire Shunt Active Power Filter Topologies based Fuzzy Logic DC Bus Voltage Control. International Journal of Energy, Information and CommunicationsInternational Journal of Energy, Information and Communications. 2014;5, No. 3 :1-12.
Kouara H, Laib H, Chaghi A.
Comparative Study of Three Phase Four Wire Shunt Active Power Filter Topologies based Fuzzy Logic DC Bus Voltage Control. International Journal of Energy, Information and CommunicationsInternational Journal of Energy, Information and Communications. 2014;5, No. 3 :1-12.
Djaghdali L, Naceri F, Belkacem S.
Comparison of the Performance Speed of the Induction Motor Drives by the Predictive Control and PI Regulator, Using Space Vector Modulation. Journal of Advanced Research in Science and TechnologyJournal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology. 2014;1 :107-119.
Djaghdali L, Naceri F, Belkacem S.
Comparison of the Performance Speed of the Induction Motor Drives by the Predictive Control and PI Regulator, Using Space Vector Modulation. Journal of Advanced Research in Science and TechnologyJournal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology. 2014;1 :107-119.
Djaghdali L, Naceri F, Belkacem S.
Comparison of the Performance Speed of the Induction Motor Drives by the Predictive Control and PI Regulator, Using Space Vector Modulation. Journal of Advanced Research in Science and TechnologyJournal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology. 2014;1 :107-119.
Hamadi N, Ameddah D-E, Imine H.
Comportement Dynamique D’un Véhicule Articulé Par La Dynamique De Lagrange. ICIEM'14-Conférence internationale sur l'ingénierie industrielle et productique. 2014 :8p.
Hamadi N, Ameddah D-E, Imine H.
Comportement Dynamique D’un Véhicule Articulé Par La Dynamique De Lagrange. ICIEM'14-Conférence internationale sur l'ingénierie industrielle et productique. 2014 :8p.
Hamadi N, Ameddah D-E, Imine H.
Comportement Dynamique D’un Véhicule Articulé Par La Dynamique De Lagrange. ICIEM'14-Conférence internationale sur l'ingénierie industrielle et productique. 2014 :8p.
Sahraoui S, Bilami A.
Compressed and distributed host identity protocol for end-to-end security in the IoT. 2014 International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS). 2014 :295-301.
Sahraoui S, Bilami A.
Compressed and distributed host identity protocol for end-to-end security in the IoT. 2014 International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS). 2014 :295-301.
Computation of effective behavior of isotropic transverse composite in nonlinear problems. Mechanics Research CommunicationsMechanics Research Communications. 2014 :pp 6–13.
AbstractComputational homogenization is demonstrated as a potential analysis tool that can be used directly to predict the property structure relationships of many existing classes of composites. Based on finite element simulations, using the Zebulon structures calculation code, the present study is devoted to computation and estimation the effective behavior of the nonlinear composite materials with randomly identical elastic perfectly plastic parallel cylindrical fibers distribution in linear elastic matrix phase. The parameters of effective behavior of the composite will be expressed. These parameters are the effective elastic tangent modulus, effective plastic tangent modulus and effective yield stress. The proposed method can be readily applied to compute the parameters of effective behavior composite, using a new proposed analytical expression based on the volume fraction and effective Young’s modulus of each component. A good agreement between expression and simulation results is observed. Several examples are shown.
Computation of effective behavior of isotropic transverse composite in nonlinear problems. Mechanics Research CommunicationsMechanics Research Communications. 2014 :pp 6–13.
AbstractComputational homogenization is demonstrated as a potential analysis tool that can be used directly to predict the property structure relationships of many existing classes of composites. Based on finite element simulations, using the Zebulon structures calculation code, the present study is devoted to computation and estimation the effective behavior of the nonlinear composite materials with randomly identical elastic perfectly plastic parallel cylindrical fibers distribution in linear elastic matrix phase. The parameters of effective behavior of the composite will be expressed. These parameters are the effective elastic tangent modulus, effective plastic tangent modulus and effective yield stress. The proposed method can be readily applied to compute the parameters of effective behavior composite, using a new proposed analytical expression based on the volume fraction and effective Young’s modulus of each component. A good agreement between expression and simulation results is observed. Several examples are shown.
Computation of effective behavior of isotropic transverse composite in nonlinear problems. Mechanics Research CommunicationsMechanics Research Communications. 2014 :pp 6–13.
AbstractComputational homogenization is demonstrated as a potential analysis tool that can be used directly to predict the property structure relationships of many existing classes of composites. Based on finite element simulations, using the Zebulon structures calculation code, the present study is devoted to computation and estimation the effective behavior of the nonlinear composite materials with randomly identical elastic perfectly plastic parallel cylindrical fibers distribution in linear elastic matrix phase. The parameters of effective behavior of the composite will be expressed. These parameters are the effective elastic tangent modulus, effective plastic tangent modulus and effective yield stress. The proposed method can be readily applied to compute the parameters of effective behavior composite, using a new proposed analytical expression based on the volume fraction and effective Young’s modulus of each component. A good agreement between expression and simulation results is observed. Several examples are shown.