Chibani S, Bensouici C, Kabouche A, Aburjai T, Touzani R, Kabouche Z.
Analysis of the Essential Oil of Aerial Parts of Ferula luteaPoiret from Algeria. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing PlantsJournal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2012;15 :682-685.
AbstractThe essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of fresh aerial parts of Ferula lutea Poiret (Apiaceae) was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Twenty one compounds were characterized representing 84.9 % of the essential oil with the prevalence of 2,3,6-trimethylbenzene (25.0 %), cis-chrysanthenol (20.8 %), α-pinene (10.9 %) and thymol (10.2 %).
Chibani S, Bensouici C, Kabouche A, Aburjai T, Touzani R, Kabouche Z.
Analysis of the Essential Oil of Aerial Parts of Ferula luteaPoiret from Algeria. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing PlantsJournal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2012;15 :682-685.
AbstractThe essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of fresh aerial parts of Ferula lutea Poiret (Apiaceae) was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Twenty one compounds were characterized representing 84.9 % of the essential oil with the prevalence of 2,3,6-trimethylbenzene (25.0 %), cis-chrysanthenol (20.8 %), α-pinene (10.9 %) and thymol (10.2 %).
Chibani S, Bensouici C, Kabouche A, Aburjai T, Touzani R, Kabouche Z.
Analysis of the Essential Oil of Aerial Parts of Ferula luteaPoiret from Algeria. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing PlantsJournal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2012;15 :682-685.
AbstractThe essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of fresh aerial parts of Ferula lutea Poiret (Apiaceae) was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Twenty one compounds were characterized representing 84.9 % of the essential oil with the prevalence of 2,3,6-trimethylbenzene (25.0 %), cis-chrysanthenol (20.8 %), α-pinene (10.9 %) and thymol (10.2 %).
Chibani S, Bensouici C, Kabouche A, Aburjai T, Touzani R, Kabouche Z.
Analysis of the Essential Oil of Aerial Parts of Ferula luteaPoiret from Algeria. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing PlantsJournal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2012;15 :682-685.
AbstractThe essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of fresh aerial parts of Ferula lutea Poiret (Apiaceae) was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Twenty one compounds were characterized representing 84.9 % of the essential oil with the prevalence of 2,3,6-trimethylbenzene (25.0 %), cis-chrysanthenol (20.8 %), α-pinene (10.9 %) and thymol (10.2 %).
Chibani S, Bensouici C, Kabouche A, Aburjai T, Touzani R, Kabouche Z.
Analysis of the Essential Oil of Aerial Parts of Ferula luteaPoiret from Algeria. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing PlantsJournal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2012;15 :682-685.
AbstractThe essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of fresh aerial parts of Ferula lutea Poiret (Apiaceae) was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Twenty one compounds were characterized representing 84.9 % of the essential oil with the prevalence of 2,3,6-trimethylbenzene (25.0 %), cis-chrysanthenol (20.8 %), α-pinene (10.9 %) and thymol (10.2 %).
Chibani S, Bensouici C, Kabouche A, Aburjai T, Touzani R, Kabouche Z.
Analysis of the Essential Oil of Aerial Parts of Ferula luteaPoiret from Algeria. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing PlantsJournal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2012;15 :682-685.
AbstractThe essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of fresh aerial parts of Ferula lutea Poiret (Apiaceae) was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Twenty one compounds were characterized representing 84.9 % of the essential oil with the prevalence of 2,3,6-trimethylbenzene (25.0 %), cis-chrysanthenol (20.8 %), α-pinene (10.9 %) and thymol (10.2 %).
BERGOUG N, KADID FZ, Abdessemed R.
The Analysis of the Influence of the ferromagnetic Rod in an Annular Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Pump. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,3 OctoberSerbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,3 October. 2012;9 :403-413.
BERGOUG N, KADID FZ, Abdessemed R.
The Analysis of the Influence of the ferromagnetic Rod in an Annular Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Pump. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,3 OctoberSerbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,3 October. 2012;9 :403-413.
BERGOUG N, KADID FZ, Abdessemed R.
The Analysis of the Influence of the ferromagnetic Rod in an Annular Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Pump. Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,3 OctoberSerbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,3 October. 2012;9 :403-413.
Adjroud O.
Antagonistic Role of Selenium against Hepatotoxic Effects of Nicl2 in Preimplanted Wistar Albino Rats. Sixth International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human Populations. 2012;2012 :88.
Senator A, BELAMBRI AS, KAABOUR F, Bouriche H.
ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITIES OF OREGANO AND TEA AQUEOUS EXTRACTS. Proceeding of the 2nd African Congress on Biology & Health University Ferhat Abbas Setif1. 2012;11 :106.
Senator A, BELAMBRI AS, KAABOUR F, Bouriche H.
ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITIES OF OREGANO AND TEA AQUEOUS EXTRACTS. Proceeding of the 2nd African Congress on Biology & Health University Ferhat Abbas Setif1. 2012;11 :106.
Senator A, BELAMBRI AS, KAABOUR F, Bouriche H.
ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITIES OF OREGANO AND TEA AQUEOUS EXTRACTS. Proceeding of the 2nd African Congress on Biology & Health University Ferhat Abbas Setif1. 2012;11 :106.
Senator A, BELAMBRI AS, KAABOUR F, Bouriche H.
ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITIES OF OREGANO AND TEA AQUEOUS EXTRACTS. Proceeding of the 2nd African Congress on Biology & Health University Ferhat Abbas Setif1. 2012;11 :106.