
Khalil W, Abdel-Gawad F, Belattar N, Senator A, Abdel-Wahhab M. Protective effects of Nigella sativa extract against chromium (VI)-induced genotoxicity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Global VetGlobal Vet. 2011;7 :283-93.
Khalil W, Abdel-Gawad F, Belattar N, Senator A, Abdel-Wahhab M. Protective effects of Nigella sativa extract against chromium (VI)-induced genotoxicity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Global VetGlobal Vet. 2011;7 :283-93.
Khalil W, Abdel-Gawad F, Belattar N, Senator A, Abdel-Wahhab M. Protective effects of Nigella sativa extract against chromium (VI)-induced genotoxicity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Global VetGlobal Vet. 2011;7 :283-93.
Khalil W, Abdel-Gawad F, Belattar N, Senator A, Abdel-Wahhab M. Protective effects of Nigella sativa extract against chromium (VI)-induced genotoxicity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Global VetGlobal Vet. 2011;7 :283-93.
Khalil W, Abdel-Gawad F, Belattar N, Senator A, Abdel-Wahhab M. Protective effects of Nigella sativa extract against chromium (VI)-induced genotoxicity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Global VetGlobal Vet. 2011;7 :283-93.
Mallem D. Qualité de la prise chirurgicale du cancer colorectal. Revue Journal Médical Algérien (JAM)Revue Journal Médical Algérien (JAM). 2011.
Yamina F, Noureddine B, Djebabra MEBAREK. A Quality Steps for a Sustainable Development: Case of Food Processing. Advanced Materials ResearchAdvanced Materials Research. 2011;264 :1672-1677.
Yamina F, Noureddine B, Djebabra MEBAREK. A Quality Steps for a Sustainable Development: Case of Food Processing. Advanced Materials ResearchAdvanced Materials Research. 2011;264 :1672-1677.
Yamina F, Noureddine B, Djebabra MEBAREK. A Quality Steps for a Sustainable Development: Case of Food Processing. Advanced Materials ResearchAdvanced Materials Research. 2011;264 :1672-1677.
ABDESSEMED S, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, ROUSSEAU B. Radiation Heat Transfert in ZrO2-8% Y2O3 Electrolyte Of SOFC Fuel Cell. Journal of Scientific ResearchJournal of Scientific Research. 2011;Vol. 1 :p. 24-28.
ABDESSEMED S, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, ROUSSEAU B. Radiation Heat Transfert in ZrO2-8% Y2O3 Electrolyte Of SOFC Fuel Cell. Journal of Scientific ResearchJournal of Scientific Research. 2011;Vol. 1 :p. 24-28.
ABDESSEMED S, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, ROUSSEAU B. Radiation Heat Transfert in ZrO2-8% Y2O3 Electrolyte Of SOFC Fuel Cell. Journal of Scientific ResearchJournal of Scientific Research. 2011;Vol. 1 :p. 24-28.
ABDESSEMED S, ZITOUNI B, BENMOUSSA H, ROUSSEAU B. Radiation Heat Transfert in ZrO2-8% Y2O3 Electrolyte Of SOFC Fuel Cell. Journal of Scientific ResearchJournal of Scientific Research. 2011;Vol. 1 :p. 24-28.
Bachir SA, Ferrah F, Barbraud C, Céréghino R, Santoul F. The recent expansion of an avian invasive species (the Cattle Egret Ardea ibis) in Algeria. Journal of Arid EnvironmentsJournal of Arid Environments. 2011;75 :1232-1236.
Bachir SA, Ferrah F, Barbraud C, Céréghino R, Santoul F. The recent expansion of an avian invasive species (the Cattle Egret Ardea ibis) in Algeria. Journal of Arid EnvironmentsJournal of Arid Environments. 2011;75 :1232-1236.
Bachir SA, Ferrah F, Barbraud C, Céréghino R, Santoul F. The recent expansion of an avian invasive species (the Cattle Egret Ardea ibis) in Algeria. Journal of Arid EnvironmentsJournal of Arid Environments. 2011;75 :1232-1236.
Bachir SA, Ferrah F, Barbraud C, Céréghino R, Santoul F. The recent expansion of an avian invasive species (the Cattle Egret Ardea ibis) in Algeria. Journal of Arid EnvironmentsJournal of Arid Environments. 2011;75 :1232-1236.
Bachir SA, Ferrah F, Barbraud C, Céréghino R, Santoul F. The recent expansion of an avian invasive species (the Cattle Egret Ardea ibis) in Algeria. Journal of Arid EnvironmentsJournal of Arid Environments. 2011;75 :1232-1236.
Khadidja D. Reconnaissance des chifffres d&⋕39;une code a bare.; 2011.
Bouhidel M-L, Beichi F, Bouhidel A, Khadraoui H, Benamira I, Saidi M, Maaref A, Bounecer H. Registre du cancer de la wilaya de Batna, bulletin de l’année 2011. Batna Journal of Medecine SciencesBatna Journal of Medecine Sciences. 2011;2 :126-128.Abstract
Cancer register in the Wilaya of Batna is a population based register that covers 1,173,852 inhabitants in 2011 (estimation made with a rate of population increase of 1.58% beginning from the 2008 RGPH census). A total number of 768 new cases has been identified, which represents a standardized incidence of 78.2 cases per 100,000. The most prevalent cancers in males were lung cancer (12.2 cases / 100,000 inhabitants), colorectal cancers and bladder cancers, respectively. In females, breast cancer was largely the most prevakent type, representing 30% of the total cancers, followed by colorectal cancers and thyroid cancer. In children aged 0 to 14, the standardized prevalence was 1.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, largely dominated by malignant blood and lymphoid organs cancers.
