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A new stabilisation technique for the voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 µm technology. 2010 XIth International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design (SM2ACD). 2010 :1-4.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, OUARGHI M, Manck O.
A new stabilisation technique for the voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 µm technology. 2010 XIth International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design (SM2ACD). 2010 :1-4.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, OUARGHI M, Manck O.
A new stabilisation technique for the voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 µm technology. 2010 XIth International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design (SM2ACD). 2010 :1-4.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, OUARGHI M, Manck O.
A new stabilisation technique for the voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 µm technology. 2010 XIth International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design (SM2ACD). 2010 :1-4.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, OUARGHI M, Manck O.
A new stabilisation technique for the voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 µm technology. 2010 XIth International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design (SM2ACD). 2010 :1-4.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, OUARGHI M, Manck O.
A new stabilisation technique for the voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 µm technology. 2010 XIth International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design (SM2ACD). 2010 :1-4.
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A New Weight Function for Modeling Cracks in Meshless Numerical Methods, ICIC Express Letters An. International Journal of Research and SurveysInternational Journal of Research and Surveys. 2010;vol.4.
Benaicha S, ZIDANI K, BRIOUA M, Chelghoum L.
A New Weight Function for Modeling Cracks in Meshless Numerical Methods, ICIC Express Letters An. International Journal of Research and SurveysInternational Journal of Research and Surveys. 2010;vol.4.
Benaicha S, ZIDANI K, BRIOUA M, Chelghoum L.
A New Weight Function for Modeling Cracks in Meshless Numerical Methods, ICIC Express Letters An. International Journal of Research and SurveysInternational Journal of Research and Surveys. 2010;vol.4.
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A novel robust adaptive control algorithm and application to DTC-SVM of AC drives. Serbian Journal of Electrical EngineeringSerbian Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2010;7.
Belkacem S, Naceri F, Abdessemed R.
A novel robust adaptive control algorithm and application to DTC-SVM of AC drives. Serbian Journal of Electrical EngineeringSerbian Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2010;7.