
Boubaker L, Gondran N, Djebabra M. Vers une combinaison ACV/AMDEC-E en vue de l'analyse environnementale d'une cimenterie algérienne. Déchets Sciences et TechniquesDéchets Sciences et Techniques. 2008;52 :24-28.
Boubaker L, Gondran N, Djebabra M. Vers une combinaison ACV/AMDEC-E en vue de l'analyse environnementale d'une cimenterie algérienne. Déchets Sciences et TechniquesDéchets Sciences et Techniques. 2008;52 :24-28.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, Manck O. A voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 μm technology. 2008 3rd International Design and Test Workshop. 2008 :118-121.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, Manck O. A voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 μm technology. 2008 3rd International Design and Test Workshop. 2008 :118-121.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, Manck O. A voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 μm technology. 2008 3rd International Design and Test Workshop. 2008 :118-121.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, Manck O. A voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 μm technology. 2008 3rd International Design and Test Workshop. 2008 :118-121.
Meddour F, Dibi Z, KOUDA S, Abdi MA, Manck O. A voltage driver using the rail to rail operation in CMOS 0, 25 μm technology. 2008 3rd International Design and Test Workshop. 2008 :118-121.
HEDJAZI D, Zidani A, DEY S, TEJANI Z. Algorithme d’arrête gauche adapté pour l’ordonnancement des tâches de maintenance dans un contexte de maintenance distribuée. 4th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2007.
HEDJAZI D, Zidani A, DEY S, TEJANI Z. Algorithme d’arrête gauche adapté pour l’ordonnancement des tâches de maintenance dans un contexte de maintenance distribuée. 4th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2007.
HEDJAZI D, Zidani A, DEY S, TEJANI Z. Algorithme d’arrête gauche adapté pour l’ordonnancement des tâches de maintenance dans un contexte de maintenance distribuée. 4th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2007.
HEDJAZI D, Zidani A, DEY S, TEJANI Z. Algorithme d’arrête gauche adapté pour l’ordonnancement des tâches de maintenance dans un contexte de maintenance distribuée. 4th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2007.
Haddoun A, Benbouzid MEH, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Analysis, modeling and neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference. 2007;1 :854-859.
Haddoun A, Benbouzid MEH, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Analysis, modeling and neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference. 2007;1 :854-859.
Haddoun A, Benbouzid MEH, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Analysis, modeling and neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference. 2007;1 :854-859.
Haddoun A, Benbouzid MEH, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Analysis, modeling and neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference. 2007;1 :854-859.
Haddoun A, Benbouzid MEH, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Analysis, modeling and neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference. 2007;1 :854-859.
Haddoun A, Benbouzid MEH, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Analysis, modeling and neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference. 2007;1 :854-859.
Haddoune A, Benbouzid M, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Analysis, modelling and neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007;1 :854-859.
Haddoune A, Benbouzid M, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Analysis, modelling and neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007;1 :854-859.
Haddoune A, Benbouzid M, Diallo D, Abdessemed R, Ghouili J, Srairi K. Analysis, modelling and neural network traction control of an electric vehicle without differential gears. 2007;1 :854-859.
